Save the Goddess System

Chapter 233 Wei Jia Nine, violent seven people!

"Mr. Qiudian, what happened?"

In the distance, Feng Rui-year voice trembles.

Feng Rui years tried to make himself not expose the fear, but the eight-day mother snake is too horrible, even if there is 5 or six meters long, he is also pale, and you will see the sweat.

Feng Jun is even more unbearable, the legs are shaking. If you don't see that Qiudian really caught this big snake, he may run away.

Qiuda is really cold, glanced in Feng Rui, which closed his eyes, and put his right hand palm on the snake, fine sensation.

At this moment, Feng Rui was like a poisonous snake, and he suddenly took a cold sweat!

I don't know how long it takes, Qiuda really opened his eyes: "Eight, the death of the people, I want to destroy your family!"

The voice falls, the autumn is really a pair of hands, and then the right hand quickly got a finger on the snake head.


The light wave that is difficult to distinguish by the snake head is spreading around!

At the same time, the future group building, the president office.

The door is locked, and a hot woman lying on the desk is lying on the desk.

Wei Changye is standing in front of this beauty, working hard.

In the future group's president, it is a dream that Wei Long Index has always been.

Finally, this dream is achieved, and this is just starting, waiting until the father is signing on the shares, there will be many actresses!

Just when Wei Changye was about to reach the peak, he suddenly trembled, and the action stopped!

The beautiful secretary who is close to the eyes is not happy: "Wei is always, don't stop, people still want ~"

However, imagine that Wei Changye's wretched voice did not appear, the female secretary found that it was not angry, even quickly opened his eyes, but saw Wei Changye maintained a standing posture, eyeball leverance, seven bleeding!


The female secretary screamed, and she can't wear clothes, and they ran out of the office.

Almost at the same time, Wei Ziping, Wei Zi'an, Wei Zilian, Wei Changli, Fang Wei, Wang Qian, Wei Changli, Fang Wei, Wang Qin, and even the seven bleeding violently!

The eight-child son, a mother, a nine, remove Wei Fu, Wei Bingqing's two son snakes in the body are killed by Herism Dan, and the rest of the seven son snakes simultaneously.

Wei Jia's nine members, immediately dead seven people!

Akita real killing means, horrible!

Feng Jia, the villa front yard.

Akita is really anger, and the hand removed from the head of the eighti mother.

"Mr. Qiudian, what happened?"

Feng Rui's year, holding his hand, and the courage is asked again.

"Go see monitoring!"

Qiuda really did not explain, tapping the snake head, and the eight-mother snake moves to the villa living room.

Feng Rui years, Feng Jun is looking at the eyes, and it is busy with it.

Just when the mother snake came to the door of the living room, it suddenly opened the bloody mouth, the Snake letter swallowed the woman who fainted into the ground!


Feng Junfu hole, screaming!


Feng Rui years, I was busy with him. The woman was just a car model that did not enter the stream. When they died, there was a unhappy thing to get Qiuda, let the big snake eat their grandfather? What should I do?

Feng Junqiang was frightened and disgusting, and he licked his mouth with his hands.

Soon, the three people came to the living room, and Feng Jun used the fastest speed to bring the laptop, and the monitoring screen was transferred.

Suddenly, Wei Jia Old House The living room appeared in front of the three people.

In the picture, Wei Fu is sitting in the master, with a tea cup, and said: "How did you think about it?"

Opposite, Wei Siqing said the painful color said: "Grandpa, I don't want to fight with you ..."

"That is married to Feng Jun, this is my bottom line!" Wei Fu came to the majestic voice.

"Mr. Qiudian, is this there?"

Feng Rui's brow is slightly wrinkled, and it is confused.

Grandfather, Feng Rui years, did not dare to let others know these things, monitoring Wei Fu's things can only be personally responsible by him with Feng Jun.

It's just that the two habits refers to the things of others, and Wei Fu does not dare to take risks, so he has not been guarding, so I didn't see Wei Fu, Wei Shuangqing swallowed "Chocolate Beans".

"Eighth, the son snake in their body is dead! What is your problem?"

"I know you clearly, I must be optimistic about Wei Fu, but I have such a big mistake, are you idiot ?!"

Akita really glared at Feng Rui's grandchildren and murderous.

If it is not a lot to organize the organization, Qiuda really let the mother of the mother have swallowed these two waste in the morning!


Feng Rui New Year's color!

"Is Wei Fu still compensated me to marry me?"

Feng Jun was unwilling.

Qiuda really smoked, hate caught one on the face of Feng Jun.

When did this, I still remember Wei Wei Qing, Feng Jun's brain is JY? !

"The situation has changed, if you want to swallow the Weijia, don't remember what Wei Shuiqing!"

"The son snakes on their body are destroyed. Behind there is definitely a good help, I will go to Weijia to defend the high person, then give Wei Fu, Wei Yingqing, you will prepare for the acquisition of future groups."

After saying that the autumn is really re-step on the back of the mother, ready to go to Wei Jia to kill.

Of course, he can't hit the mother of the mother like this. If it is true, it will cause panic to the villa gate, then the dragon soul will be intervened.

Feng Rui years have a long version of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, which is the hiding of the mother snake.


Feng Junru was shouted!

It has always been a dream of Wei Yingqing into the house. Now not only dreams can't be realized, but also look at Wei Bingqing's real kill by Qiuda?

"Jun children, the hero is sad, so you have to do Xiong, understand?"

Feng Rui took Feng Jun's shoulder, and she said.

Feng Jun's pain closed his eyes, nodded, then nodded, then his eyes opened, said: "Thank you, let me wake me, I ... understand!"

"Haha, this is my good grandson!" Feng Rui was laughed: "What is the big husband? As long as we buy the future group, family assets is doubled, what kind of woman can't find?"

"What you have to do now is to regulate your body, give me a few big fat grandson in the future!"

After listening to this words, Feng Jun also laughed quickly.

Outside, the Babi Mother Snake has drilled into the rectangular version of the Rolls-Royce phantom in Qiuda, and the people outside the privacy glass did not see the big snake inside.

Qiuda really has a smile, just drive to Wei Jia.

At this time, a roaring engine roaring came from the outside.

Then, a Mercedes-Benz S600 hit the door of the villa, and took a front yard of the villa!

Li Feng, arrived!

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