Save the Goddess System

Chapter 234 New Task: Collection of Diva

"Damn, that is the car of Wei Shuangqing!"

I heard Feng Rui years from the villa's living room. I saw that S600 suddenly exclaimed.

"Is Li Feng!"

Feng Jun saw Li Feng through the front windshield, and suddenly his face became difficult to look.

The master behind Wei Fu said, will it be Li Feng?

Special, every time he wants to do something for Wei Yingqing, it will be destroyed by Li Feng. He will be a family with Li Feng's last life!


I am going to start the car to rush to the Weijia's Qiuda, I've been able to get the overflow of the murderous and uncontrolled: "Is him killing my two little babies? Do not forgive!"


Mercedes-Benz S600 made a beautiful tail movement and stabilized in the middle of the front yard, then Li Feng pushed the door to get off.

"Li Feng, what are you doing here, but also the door of our home, do you know that this is a crime?"

Feng Jun pointed to the nose of Li Feng.

"Birder? You have challenge others, to the Wei Fu, the ice clew, forced the ice law to promise you, is it a violation?"

"Not only that, in order to prevent Wei Fu's alarm, you also monitor Wei Fu's one fell, what is this behavior?"

Li Feng smiled and lifted his feet.

After Wei Fu, Wei Yingqing lifted the crisis, Li Feng came to Fengjia in the first time.

It is better to be 10 kilometers away from Feng Jia and Wei Jia, and the speed is very arrogant. Li Feng arrived here for 5 minutes.

Feng Rui New Year's color!

How can Li Feng know these? Is it really a high person after Wei Fu?

"Hey, even if you know, don't think that you will do your hard work, you will be a garbage than the true power!"

Feng Jun's impression of Li Feng also stayed when defeating his bodyguard before.

Such a hand is indeed excellent in the ordinary people, but in front of the autumn, it is not enough to look at it!

"Oh, you said ... That three nail?"

Li Feng stopped and turned to look at the autumn field that I just got off.

"Bold! You dare to be rude to Qiuda really, you are dead!"

Feng Jun's surface angered Li Feng, and the fact that the facts have been full of hugeness.

The real height of Qiuda is a hard injury. It is taboo to talk about height in front of him.

Who knows that I was really heard by Qiuda, and a punch made it seriously injured, and I am still lying in the hospital.

Li Feng said that he is a three-inch nail in the autumn scene, this is a self-finding road!

"Eighth! The death of the damn, people dare to humiliate me, I have to let Yumei swallow you!"

Such as Feng Jun betry, Qiuda is really anger.

Perhaps I feel the true anger of Qiuda, and the eight-mother snake has become violent, and the huge body flies in the extended version of the Rolls Lez.

"" "" "" ......

After the number of rings, a huge snake head broke the window, and then the huge body of the mother snake was climbed out in the front windshield. The pressing hood has a huge latter!

In the distance, Feng Rui's mouth is smoked, and the color of distressed is.

This car is particularly customized for him to spend more than 10 million US dollars, the frame is more robust, the horsepower, the tires, the body can rebirth, the chassis can also resist the impact of mines explosion.

Otherwise, how can this car plants a parental snake?

This is miserable, by this mother snake, he can't use this car in half a year!

"This is the eight-child mother, ..."

Li Feng pupil, some feelings of meat jump.

In fact, he is afraid of snake from a child, not biting by the snake, but can't stand the shape of the snake and the kind of conflict in the bottom.

Plus this snake is very large, and also the red ... Visual impact direct explosion table!

"Yumi, swallowed him!"

Qiuda really raised his hand and finished Li Feng.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... such a poor and vicious snake, actually named Yumei, the three-inch nails should I have a good fairy? !

Thinking of this may, Li Feng feels in the stomach.

At this time, the eight-child mother snake mouth spit out of the snake letter, and the red poison is generally bombarded with Li Feng.

"No moving!"

Li Feng did not dare to neglect, and the body disappeared from the foot.

After the red venom lost the target of attack, it flew to the exterior of the villa of ten meters away, issued a sudden sound of "".

Then, "" sounds, the wall has appeared in a large hole near one meter under the erosion of the venom!

Even the hard walls resist the corrosion of the venom, and it is conceivable to know what the consequences of spraying people.

Although Li Feng has a gas body, he does not determine whether the body is unable to block the erosion of the venom, can only try to let the venom touch yourself.

"Well? It's so fast!"

Qiuda is really colorful, which is obviously scared by Li Feng's speed.

"How can it be so fast ?!"

Feng Jun must think that he is full of eyes!

At that time, Li Feng defeated his bodyguards fare, now this is only two months, Li Feng's speed increases to this extent?

This unscientific!

"The speed is not a high war, Mr. Qiudian is a A-level strong, eight ... Yu Mei is also an A-level War beast, two people together, even if the A +-level strong can also fight!"

"Li Feng is stronger, can it be connected with the A level strength?"

Feng Rui was spit out of a fever and slowly said.

These things are also he first saw that Qiuda is really known from the Qiudian real.

Just when they were shocked, the Bayi mother snake spitted the snake letter to Li Feng, and the snake and abdomen shouted the sound of "", bringing a large dust, and the power is amazing.

At the same time, Qiuda is really tight, from another direction to Li Peak.

"Killing people first, then kill snakes!"

Li Fengbei picks up, it is necessary to carry out the uncount to go around the autumn.

However, at this time, Zhiling's sister suddenly sounded: "Hey, host, you have a new task, do you see it right now?"

Li Feng: "..."

I am Nima ... This time makes Xiaoye check the task, isn't the Xiaoyan pushed into the fire pit?

"No moving!"

In the spit, Li Feng's body disappeared in place.

Almost at the same time, the huge snake tail of the eighti, the huge snake tail from Li Feng, swept it!

Just like a whip, the last end of the snake end broke through the sound barrier, and issued a bursary of ""!

If you are pumping on it, it is necessary to be injured in the body!


"Task: Acquistency"

"Mission Objective: Collection of in the room, let her become a slave who is only loyal to the host."

"Mission Reward: 1000 Experience Values, 1000 System Integral."

"Note: This task has a certain difficulty, according to the humanitarian principles developed by the system developers, specially serves a special skill" slavery "and recovered after the task."

Just when Li Feng fell into the state of the task, a beautiful woman wearing and worked suddenly jumped into the villa, and the hand-held sword stabbed!

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