Save the Goddess System

Chapter 236 is extinguishing from Feng!

The snake letter is broken, and the red juice sprayed out. After dripping on the ground, after a bursts, the corrosion did not have countless pothole!

"Vomitation!" "Wow!"

At the same time, Feng Rui years in the distance, Feng Jun, Sun, finally couldn't afford to hit this impact, and lifted on the ground to vomit.

When I was hit by Li Feng by Li Feng, Feng Rui, Feng Junyi, was scared.

They didn't have seen the restricted movie, but it was just a movie, and the picture was realistic and also known as fake.

Can Dai Tian's true death is too limited, the visual impact is directly exploded!

I haven't waited for them to come to God, and the Snake Letter of the Eight Mother Snake was broken by Li Feng ...

This is a special who is getting!


Under the pain, the eight-mother snake is more violent, and the mouth is biting to Li Feng, and the venom is sprayed to Li Feng!

Li Feng can avoid it, but he is a flower in the flower, once he avoided, the flowers and fragrances will be eroded by the toxic liquid to the slag!

Fortunately, Li Feng has prepared, and I bought a hundred grassan in advance.

In an instant of the venom, Li Feng clicks on the use of Chinese grassan and put the body into the extreme!


The venom sprayed into the gas body of Li Feng, and the invisible barrier has a layer of red light screen, while "" sounds.

The venom of the Eight-seek can erode the body of the body!

Although the speed is very slow, as long as the time is enough, Li Peak Week's body of the body must be eroded!

"Give me death!"

Under Li Feng, stepped on the squat of the big snake, a punch!

Top level!


Under the seven punch, the upper jaw of the big snake is broken with a snake phedine!

The blood spray, just like a bloody!

The snake's snake body has played a few times and fell to the ground, completely dying!

The grandchildren of Feng Rui, who had already spit, is going to struggle to run away, see this scene, and then face the face, then ...

"Vomiting" "Wow"

I started to live!

At the same time, Li Feng quickly withdrew the body of the body, and picked up the flowers of the flowers and the scenery.

Less the barrier of the body of the body, the group of drugs fell to the ground, eroded a huge pothole on the ground.

"My sister, this East is too fierce, I can control such a big one!"

Even if I kill the bodies of the mother, Li Feng is still a lingering, and I have used it for a long time.

In the distance, Feng Rui's year, Sun, still constantly vomiting.

Seeing, Li Feng's mouth evacuated a tauntful smile, put the flowers in the floral in the ground, stepped to the two people to stand up: "Is it no?"

Feng Rui years strongly looked up and looked at Li Feng and was frightened: "You ... what do you want?"

"Li Feng, I warned you not to come, we are also stressed!"

Feng Jun took the sleeve and wiped his mouth and said.

Even if I was hit by Li Feng at the charity auction, Feng Jun still didn't put Li Feng in the eyes.

Until Li Feng rebuilt Osville, Tong Yan is booming and red, it has caused Feng Jun's vigilance.

But at that time, Feng Jun only used Li Feng as a opponent that needs to face.

Now Feng Jun finds yourself, and it is a big mistake!

He did not match the opponent of Li Feng. He and Li Feng's distance is the gap between the sky, and the feet is not enough to Li Feng's footboard!

What wealth, status, power, in front of Li Feng's powerful force!

"Yes?" Li Feng couldn't help but laugh, and then asked: "I am very curious, you can't say one in the past few days, I can't say it, how do you suddenly jump?"

While talking, he used Feng Jun to read the heart.

"This ..." Feng Jun is hysterested, and then said: "I want me to tell you, but you must promise to let me let me talk to my grandfather."

Some people will pay a lot of consideration in order to meet their curiosity, and Feng Jun hopes that I want to let go of Li Feng.

"No, I already know."

Room Li Feng looked back at the body of the eight stem, self-pruning: "It can reconnect, interesting, interesting, interesting."

Feng Jun face!

Damn, he didn't say anything, why is Li Sumai know? !

At this moment, Li Feng returned to his head and said: "In fact, I also have a secret to tell you."

Feng Junxin moved: "What?"

Li Feng shrugged: "Take you the person who has remained you ... it is me."

"Is it you ?!"

Feng Junru was shouted!

Feng Rui years also developed!

They have been looking for a murderer, but they have no help, and if Li Feng acts actively and recognizes it!

Why is Li Feng say it, is it difficult to kill people?

"Li Feng, our Feng family is a pearl giants, if you hurt us, I can't escape the serious punishment of the law!"

"Let this matter, this is a misunderstanding, as long as you let us get us, I am willing to give you billion, from now on, we will complain, how?"

Feng Rui was strengthened and gave his own conditions.

Last Li Feng was secretly sneaking, he won Feng Jun, did not leave a mark, so the police did not start investigation.

But this time Li Feng is driving the driver of Wei Shuiqing, leaving too many clues, and if Li Feng is also clear.

As long as Li Feng is saving, he promised his condition!

"Do you think I will be in the secular law, I don't dare to do what you do, right?"

Li Feng smiled.

Feng Rui years did not speak, and did not nod. He knew that any extra movements will irritate Li Feng, only the best choice for failing to change!

Feng Jun hits the tooth and remains silent.

He now can't hate Li Feng's skin, and smash your dog! But he must bear it!

Only if you escape this robbery, you can find Li Feng's ability to revenge!

"No, you are wrong, when you decide to force Giqing to marry Feng family, I decided to kill you."

"So ... the next hell of peace!"

The voice is falling, and Li Feng is connected to two fingers.


The two cyan is out, and the forehead of Feng Rui's grandson is broken, bringing two persons!

"how dare you……"

Feng Rui-year eye-catching, a face did not dare to confuse.

He wants to ask Li Feng, why do you dare to kill them? Is there any legal existence in Li Feng?

Unfortunately, he said that half of him suddenly fell to death, and he did not get an answer.

"I do not want……"

Feng Junxiang is full of nostalgia to this world. He is Feng Jiao Shao, super rich three generations.

He still has a lot of Ronghua rich to enjoy, he is still young, he can't die so.

Just life and death are not he can control, the physical strength is rapid, "dead" is not exported, Feng Jun is in place!

"Collecting foreign countries, hurting Huaxia Citizens, as a member of the dragon soul has the right to play! Do you have a good repent in hell."

Looking at the bodies of the two, Li Feng darn himself, turned to the flowers to the flowers.

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