Save the Goddess System

Chapter 237 takes the clothes of the flowers and fragrance!

Li Feng went to the flowers in the flower, and the incense is half, and the people who reached out and touched the mask.

Then, torn with force, the human skin mask was revealed, and a beautiful face was revealed.

"The girl's body is really hot, the face is also the best. If she is taking her a slave, can I do for her?"

Li Feng secretly, then entered the system backpack, reviewed the introduction of the temporary special skills "slavery".

"Sikin: This skill is created by system developers. After learning this skill, after learning this skill, you can enter the slavery into the target, and modify some of the target part of the target, making it a slave to the host absolutely loyal."

"Note 1: This skill is only effective for the goal of the host realm."

"Note 2: This skill control target is incremented with the host level, and only one target can be used when the A level is used. When the S-level can be used with two targets, in this type."

After reading the skills, Li Peak is surprised: "Absolute loyalty? Isn't that I said that I will commit suicide, will she do not hesitate?"

"Even if you do a shame for her, she will not refuse, but will try their best? This skill is a bit against the sky!"

This is already the second time to kill him for the second time. Even if you kill her Li Feng, there will be no guilt, just turn her into my own slave ... Li Feng will not have any psychological pressure!

However, the system developer is indeed a cattle, which not only develops space, but also develops the skills of controlling people's mind.

Li Feng is now very curious. What else is it? Is the system developer can't do?

"If you want to blame, you are not lucky, who is troublesome, not to find a young man!"

Li Feng smiled, click to study, there will be more memories of "slave print" in his mind.

According to this memory, Li Feng quickly turned quickly, the fingers constantly flexed, and the whole body went to two hands.

"Sikin, knot!"

Li Feng sent a low, slave print, a "slave" word of an ancient body exudes inexplicably glare emerges from Li Feng's fingertips, slowly floating above the flowers.

Then, the word "slave" adjusted the lower position in the air, rapid drop, did not enter the left chest of the flowers in the flower, disappeared.

"This is done?"

Li Peak is now quench, the process of printing is indeed complicated, and the moving movement is also very cool, but it is a little bit of lightning.

However, Li Feng did not doubt the effect of "slavery", after all, is the system.

"Hey, wake up, the sun is sunburn."

Li Feng took the face of the flowers of the fragrance, and said.


The flowers of the fragrance were confused, and when she saw Li Feng, she suddenly fell, and then quickly climbed up to Li Feng single knee: "Flower Dragonfly, see the owner!"

Li Fengbei picks up, surprise: "Cheng!"

"Master, what do you say?" The flower is confused in the flower.

"Nothing." Li Feng quickly took out the masters' majesty, and asked: "Do you still remember?"

"Yes, I am a flower, I am the most loyal slave." During the flowers, the floral in the flower kept in the posture of the single knee.

"Well, then you don't know where you come from, what is loved ones?" Li Feng asked.

Silaicrite will change the memory of the flowers, and Li Feng also wants to see how many things in the flower dress.

"I will follow the owner from the child, there is no loved ones, no friends." Although the flowers of the flowers, although Li Feng should ask these questions, but still "truth".

Li Feng: "..."

Not ... system, is she changed some memory? It's obvious that the face is not good. !

"If I let you commit suicide, you will not ... Hey, you put down the sword, I didn't let you commit suicide, just play a bit."

Li Feng said yet, and the flowers and fragrances took the profit and scared Li Feng quickly stopped.

But in this way, Li Feng can determine the previous conjecture, he really can make a spending of the flowers and death.

In this case……

"Cough, if the owner wants to follow you, you will not ... Hey, you don't take your clothes, I just asked."

Li Feng said half, the flowers and fragrances began to take off their clothes.

Fortunately, in the flower, the fragrance is in a kimono, wear a trouble, if it is a short skirt, Li Feng can see some unmeiled pictures.

"Master, no matter what you want, there will be 100% percent."

"The heart of the flower is the master, the body is the master."

The flowers of the flowers are unbearable. The slate model is alive from the gesture that is welcome, and Li Feng is difficult to resist.

There is an idea to put into practice is two yards, at least he can't go to the psychology.

"Well, you get up, stand behind me."

Li Fengzhi is to collect himself, don't look at the beautiful face of the beautiful face with the hot body.

The flowers of the flowers were obedient, and in the moment of Li Feng dialect, he stood up behind him.

"Hey, congratulations, the task is completed, special skills" slavery "recycling, task rewards are issued ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 1000 experience value, 1000 system points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: A +

Experience: 49008000

System Points: 143300

Conquer point: 69

Skills: "Zhenwu", "no picture", " ", "rushing" ......

Waiting for the task: Eight-party wind and rain for me, destroy trial, save the goddess Wei Bingqing (5)

After reading the personal property, Li Feng exits the system, and then took out the phone to dialed Jiang Yun bamboo.

"Hey, Miss Jiang, I have a little situation to report to you ..."

Li Feng hooked the dynasty of Feng Rui, and she told Wei Jia's things to tell.

After Jiang Yunzhu took the answer to the answer, Li Feng ended the call. He said: "Flower, you first go to the four seasons, you will open a house, this is my mobile phone number, open the room,". "

The existence of incense in the flower is not allowed to let the dragon soul know, otherwise the dragon soul is traced. He does not explain.

Li Feng's words are in the flower, the words are the sacred, the voice is falling, and the flowers in the flower are not hesitant to quit Fengjia Villa.

After half an hour, Jiang Yunzhu led the people of the Dragon Soul Mingzhu to arrive here.

After seeing the bodies of the eighti schins, Jiang Yun bamboo and others were shocked to say long time.

"You also saw it, I am just killing these people under defense."

Li Feng shrugged and facing helpless colors.

Jiang Yun bamboo is a gentle point, killing Qiuda real, one with the eight-child snake can be said to be just defense, but killing Feng Rui years with Feng Jun, these two ordinary people, and then say that they are just right defense is a bit too much?

However, Jiang Yunzhu didn't break, after all, Feng Jiaye's grandchildren made a mistake and kill it.

Some Jiang Yun bamboo took people after this, Li Feng did not have a scruple. After he greeted, he opened S600 to rush to Wei Jia.

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