Save the Goddess System

Chapter 242 is a wolf, why

"This sound ..."

Huang Bin's face is slightly changed. He is too familiar with this voice. When he was playing his face by Li Feng, he kept him!

"Sure enough, Li Feng!" Wei Yang first was a glimpse, then showed a weird smile.

With his home world, don't say horizontal pearls, at least in the pearl, no one dares to embarrass him.

Li Feng has heard his face twice, and Yang has always wanted to find a chance to retaliate. Since it is encountered, then the previous account is one!

"Oh, do you know him?"

Murong clearly surprised the color, let Wei Yang, Huang Bin changed together, and if you want to come, you will not come.

"You have heard of this person."

Huang Bin said.

"Oh?" Murong's eyebrows, doubt deeper.

"He is the behind-the-scenes boss of Osweil, and Tong Yanshui is his mother research and development."

Wei Yang is like a laughing introduction.

"It turns out!" Murong's eyes: "I can count tonight."

Tong Yanshuo is now a fire, only a bottle of a bottle once a week, but there are countless people who want, Murong Ce's mother is also one.

Mu Lu Che has already set up an idea, and he will take a few bottles of childhood water from Li Feng to go back!

"Huang Bin, Wei Yang, Feng Jungang to see the king, you will come out to find a happy music, the feelings between the three-haired passengers are not worth this article?"

Li Feng went to the flowers and ridicule.

"the host!"

The flowers of the flowers were fragrant to murderously, and they were well-behaved to Li Peak, just like ancient times.

Seeing this scene, Huang Bin et al. Couldn't help but pick up a jet.

In the flower, the fragrance is like a life and death of the enemy, but the servant is as good as the servant, deliberately disgusting them?

"That is before, after we learned that Feng Jun had illegal behavior, we have been changing with him."

Wei Yang said that he did not jump.

"Yes, his behavior is not only unethical, but also is criticized, and it is considered by the police."

Huang Bin attached to it.

"Sure enough, people go cold, you are not afraid that Feng Jun's coffin board can't hold?"

Li Feng was laughing.

At this time, Wei Yang and Huang Bin couldn't help but play a cold.

No ... I can't talk well, what is so scared!

"Don't say we are, where can you go?" Wei Yang snorted, said that he said: "You are clearly unclear, and there is a flowers outside, this behavior is really unhappy. ! "

"Okay, everyone is a wolf, why bother to put the sheep, you come here, I am very clear, I also tell you directly, don't want to shoot the idea, otherwise ... the consequences!"

Say it later, Li Feng directly aggravated the tone, murderous!

Huang Bin did face each other, then laughed together, laughing and mocked again.

"Do you know that she hurts my two bodyguards? Now they have been sent to the hospital for inspection, soon the results can come out."

"This chick is very heavy, Auntia is at least slightly injured, slightly hurt, Li Feng, should you know how long?"

Huang Bin said a repression of Li Feng.

Li Fengbei picks up, like a laugh, ask: "So?"

Huang Bin smiled and said: "You don't want to see that she is caught in guilty? I see her very much, as long as you let her have to play with us a few days, I can be used as a thing."

"Otherwise, I will ..."


Did Huang Bin said to threaten the words, Li Peak lifted his foot to his lower abdomen.

This feet Li Feng stayed, but it still kicked Huang Bin, hit the door of "", and slipped away from the ground.

Wei Yang: "???"

No ... just do it? It's too can't be no day!

Murong is shocked, the completion of the face is serious, Li Feng shot quickly, so that he does not have to respond, the strength is not low.

However, Murong is not too worried, just did not expect it, as long as he has, Li Feng will never have a second time!

"Wow, the owner is so handsome!"

During the flower, the fragrance was originally worried that Li Feng will handed her to the three wretched men. As a result, he saw this scene, and it was a small star in the past.

"Hey, who is special, Laozi's door?"

Just as everyone was shocked, a middle-aged man wrapped in a bath towel opened the door to open the door.

When he saw the situation in the event, he suddenly stared on the spot: "Huang Shao? You are ..."

This person is called courage, a small boss of the pearl, worth more than one billion.

He knows Wei Yang, Huang Bin, but Yang does not know him.

When Yang Yang, Yang Yang browned, reprimanded: "It is not your business, give it back!"

"Yes, I will go back, this will go back."

Yuan courage is busy to turn the door, and the lock is like a frightened rabbit.

"Li Feng, you dare to hurt people, think that you have a strong value of force, so no one gave you? Then you have a big mistake!"

"Murong is large, trouble you uniform this mob, then I will help you apply for the title of Pearl Honor, with this award, Murong, Shao Yong."

After the Yang, he stepped in half, and he hid in Murong and said.

"Murong is large, you must revenge for me!"

Huang Bin stood up and stood up and said.

"Don't worry, it is a jumping clown. I packed him just a minute."

Murong is smiling, then ...


A breath that belongs to the early stage of the martial artist released from him!

Murong is born in the mid-sized ancient Wu Shi Murong, with a strong martial arts talent, only 26 years old, and stepped into the early stations of the master.

It can be said that in addition to some large, top Guwu Shi's genius children, very few people in the same age are stronger than him!

Under the nearly substantial weight pressure, Wei Yang did not retreat back, and he had been taking some of the three meters.

At the same time, I am now hot, envious!

After understanding Mu Rong, Feng Juncai understood what is a real power, and he is proud of him, wealth, in this power, the fart is not counted!

Opposite, Huang Bin is laughing: "Haha, feel it, this is a real master, compared with Murong, you are a lotion ..."


A burst of humming sounded, then ...


Murong's body suddenly flew out, hit the opposite door, smashed the thick solid wood door, and fell into the suite.

Being courage to do in a big bed with a car model: "???"

Huang Bin: "......?"

Wei Yang in the distance: "???"

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