Save the Goddess System

Chapter 243 Mountain Rain is coming to the building

Wei Yang, Huang Bin is a face!

They are still boasting Mu Rong Ce, how can I play more cattle, and after a second, Mu Rong is flying out by Li Feng, but also put the door to smash!

Brother, do you have a special play? !

Even if the fact is placed in the eyes, Wei Yang is also a little unwilling to believe this is true.

They feel that Murong will will slowly go out from the room, then the dust is bounced, giving them a reasonable explanation.

For example ... He just wants to show how the master avoids the enemy to attack this?

"Wow, the owner is so handsome!"

The flowers are cheering in the flower.

In her heart, what Murong's genius, what is the initial strong, in the face of the master, the hop is a clown, the owner can fly his foot.

And the fact that she guess is right, the owner reallys!

In the suite, we want to cry without tears.

Just, I just went to the door, and now I am even gone, I still fell to the bed, he is so scared?

This will give people a psychological shadow. After Laozi, I will not give you responsible. !

It's just that I'm anger, but I don't dare to say an uncord, and he can't get into the mental eyes of Wei Yang.

Once you have evil, he doesn't want to mix in the Mingzhu City in the future!

Under the courage, the female model was scared to shake: "As a boss, I am so afraid."

"You have to shut your mouth to Laozi, today you haven't seen it, or you don't blame you, don't remind you!"

Well, I said, then I started to kill her.

As everyone knows, the shock emotions in Mu Ronghe are strong than they are!

Just now, he didn't see how Li Feng shot, and he felt a strong attack, and he flew out.

Li Feng's speed, strength, all over him, Li Feng's realm is the mid-term!

Just this possible, Li Feng is a small boss of the world, how can he be so strong?

"Don't fight, don't play young, check out."

Li Feng twisted his wrist, ridicule.

His time is precious, how can I listen to the nonsense?

Murong keeps lying down in the ground and did not dare to move.

hit? Take a fart, play, then fight, you will be out, the Laozi will die first, and the other will then say!

"Is this? I am boring." Li Feng shook his head smiled, then he swept from Wei Yang and others, ridicule: "I will send you in front of you, and I will die. I will find me again. , Remember the rare nonsense! "

After that, Li Peng took the peach valley into the elevator and left here.

He is not because he is afraid of Yang and other talents, but the front desk of this hotel will disclose customer information freely, so that he is very unhappy!

I just kicked Mu Lu Expressing the door and a means of venting dissatisfaction.

After Li Feng, Mudele was standing up with a squid.

It's just that he is injured. When this strenuous exercise suddenly made him a blood in his scorpion, his face was full!

Mu Rong Ce is also a person, I saw his two hands and slowly slowed down, and there was a way in his mouth: "Yeah ... call!"

It's hard to learn this blood!

It is necessary to know that the people are naturally reacted after being injured, if it is hard to give this blood, it will aggravate the injury.

Just Mu Lu Ce didn't want to lose his face in front of Wei Yang, Huang Bin, can only have this policy.

"Cough, I just want to give you how the master is how to avoid the enemy attack, I didn't expect it, but I put myself to the whole face, suffocating, hehe!"

Murong reached out of the dust, the dragon rushed out of the suite, and he said.

Wei Yang: "..."

Huang Bin: "..."

We believe in your evil!

If Li Feng didn't leave, Murong came to this sentence, they had an eighth hand.

But Li Feng didn't go through, Mu Rong Che, I will give this explanation ...

letter? ghost!

"People safe is good."

Based on the principle of taking the people, Wei Yang smiled.

"What should I do now, do you want to alarm?"

Huang Bin looked at the lower abdomen, and he didn't want to say it.

He is so big that he has not been hitted yet. Li Feng is absolutely can't be so much!

"Alarm? I am afraid it is not suitable."

Mu Lu has shook his head and said that the face did not say: "Through the time to fight, I can conclude that Li Feng is quite right, such a strong ordinary police is not paid."

Although I know that Mudee is inserted, Wei Yang still nodded, at least half of his words is correct.

He saw that Rong Ce showed the hard anti-bullet and stepped on the water. Such people are really not ordinary police.

"It can't be so much, I can't swallow this breath!"

Huang Bin spurted an angry flame, and the hate said.

Wei Yang nodded, counted today, he has been smashed by Li Feng three times, the mud man is blowing, let alone him?

"Of course, it can't be so much."

Murong clearly glaved, rushing two people hooked the finger, and said: "I have two brothers are the mid-term power of the masters. I will call them later, let them help."

"You just have to find Li Feng, let's find the door to go to the door, and ensure that the service of the service!"

Wei Yang, Huang Bin's eyes are bright, and I said that I said: "Okay, just do it!"

After half an hour, Li Feng led the room in the flower in the Crowne Plaza.

Because Huang Bin is disturbed by Huang Bin, Li Feng has gone to the mood of what they want, and then left the hotel after painting the flowers.

On the road, Li Feng tried to let the system find which hotel before the flower is incense, after paying 100 points, Li Feng got the information you want.

"It turned out that she lived in the hotel in Xinghui Community. It is no wonder that if the whereabouts are, if they have, if they are facing my own ..."

After Li Feng sighed, he turned into a bend, stealth into the hotel, put the baubles of the flower into the system backpack, and then went to Wei Jia Out.

In the next few days, the pearls, the public society is like the quiet, some big groups, and the big family are waiting for the days of Wei Changye and others.

Wei Yang, Huang Bin is also waiting, according to reliable news, these two days Li Feng has always been to help the family.

When Wei Changye, etc., the Many of the pearls will be causing, and Li Feng is packed in such an occasion.

Wei Changye, etc.

Wei Fu knows that there is a big part of the guests present today, and there will be no sense of people who have no sense of people.

If these people are somedy, Wei Jiawei is exhausted, and then I want to stand the pearls.

"I can only send Li Feng ..."

Wei Fu looked at Li Feng, accompanied by the living room, Li Feng, and the heart of the heart.

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