Save the Goddess System

Chapter 244 throws out! (Fourth more)

In the first floor living room, the original luxurious furniture has been removed, and the seven coffin is replaced.

Before the coffin, a car was burned in a car.

Wei Shuangqing as the only late generation, the piety of piety, squinted before the brazier, bowed down.

Not far away, Li Feng is accompanied by the identity problem, can only look complicated, and some are not a taste.

Outside the living room, the funeral company is working in preparations in preparations.

At 7 o'clock, there are guests land, and they will come to hang. Every time, Wei Yingqing will thank these people to thank these people.

Among these guests, there is a famous national name of the pearl, and there are also bosses, staff members, staff, and many people with future groups.

Most of the guests rush out after hanging, some people who have a good relationship with Wei Jia have left, go to the second floor bedroom to see the comfort of Wei Fu.

In addition, there are some gangster guests. After the hanging, I came to the front yard of the villa, smoking, talking about each other, talking about each other.

Wei Yingqing is appreciabby guests, did not see the face of these people outside, otherwise it will be angry, but there is no way.

Li Feng saw that he suddenly became anger, quickly walked to Zhang Ran, Chen Wu's face: "You have passed people, let them all give Laozi serious! People who don't accept it directly, don't give them love."

The owner has a funeral, but these people have a laughter outside. Since they don't respect the ice cleaning, Li Feng does not need to care about these people.

"Yes, Li Lee!"

Zhang Ran, Chen Wu is a member of the Thirteen Taiko, Li Feng's words are the monet.

"Several gentlemen, today is more special, can you be serious?"

Two people led a few hands and said to those guests who were talking to each other.

First gift back, if they persuade them, naturally don't use it.

"Cry or laugh is our freedom, you can do it too wide."

"It's, death is not our loved ones, we want to laugh, do you manage you?"

These guests first stunned first, then smiled.

They came here to see Wei Jia's lively, how can I call it for a lively?

"Don't use it so much?"

Zhang Ran is very helpless, he really wants to learn Li Shao and people.

"Give you a face? You are a few!"

Although Zhang Ran is formal, it is nothing to do with the temperament of the character, and when you look at the younger brother, work more.

The guest arrived at most than nine billions of guests, they didn't put Zhang Ran at the eyes.

"I said, today's occasion is more special, please keep superail, if anyone laughs, Laozi throws him out!"

Zhang Ran is anger, directly aggravating the tone.

These guests are first stunned, and they can be great!

"Hey, who is your special, who talks?"

"Do you know who I am? I am the boss of the big victory group Han Ming, come, you throw me a try, the cattle you!"

Three warnings are invalid, Zhang Ran is no longer nonsense, directly go to Han Ming, and two hands will resist Han Ming on the shoulders.

Then, Zhang Ran stepped into the door of the villa.

"Hey, you specialize in Laozi!"

Han Ming was shocked, and the boxing must hit Zhangran head.

Zhang Ran smiled, his finger was buckled in Han Ming, and Han Ming felt that a current rose from the armpits.

In this way, Han Ming is numb, and the fist whose boxing cannot be waived. It can only be used by Zhang Ran to the door, and then throw it with force.


Han Ming, nearly 10 billion people, fell to a dog!

The audience is shocked!

Lying in the trough, this brother is too fierce, saying throwing it? Is he not afraid of caught?

At this moment, Chen Wu also picked a person who had just been reprimanded to them, and took them on the shoulder, such as the throwing of the law, outside the villa gate!

Thirteen Taibao is cultivating the "Dragon Elephant King Kong Ji · Simplified Edition", now in the past two months, their strength is very big.

Li Gang, Hong Le Tao, has now reached C, talent, and basically roam into the threshold of C-level.

Don't underestimate the C-level power, their strength can be compared to the world's fighting champion, plus some of the "Dragon Elephant King Kong Ji · Simplified Edition", comprehensive combat power is more than a lightweight world fighting champion To be strong three points.

Are they dealing with Han Ming's good boss?

Zhang Ran, Chen Wu, this, the guests who laughed before the occasions were also laughed.

Still laugh? They didn't bring their own bodyguards and smiled and they have to be thrown out.

However, they do not listen to this, and there are many guests running into the living room.

"Wei, your hand, you have to throw us out, you can manage them quickly."

"Wei, we are so good to hang, but your hand is so treating us, this is like?"

In the living room, these guests fell to Wei Yingqing, and they won't be tears.

Wei Yingqing is thankful to guests, heard that this is said to be on the spot: "Is there such a thing?"

"Yeah, it is what they do!"

These guests have pointed out Zhang Ran, Chen Wu, and the words of the words are not flat.

"I can't afford Li, and they have too much people, we have not stopped."

Zhang Ran did not look at these people, and the face of Li Feng explained.

Li Feng put his hand and walked to Wei Yingqing, saying: "Ice Qing, they just execute my order."

Wei Yingqing was even more embarrassed, but she didn't say much for the trust of Li Feng. It is only patient listening.

"Participating in the funeral and keeping solemn is the most basic respect for the owners, but what do you do? Three three two two gathered together, talk, as if they were in their own posture."

"My people have princed, but you are ridiculed, I will ask you, do you do this ... Like?"

Li Feng swept away from these guests, and the cold voice said.

He wanted to sneak things, do not let the ice law upset, did not expect these people to do not have a long eye, do not have to ran to the charm of the ice, really did he dare not kill?


These guests are spoken.

The thin camel is bigger than the horse, even if Wei Jia is very difficult, but the foundation is still, they are watching the lively, and it is another thing to face Wei Siqing.

Wei Yingqing finally figured out the reason, and the heart is angry!

At this time, Li Feng said: "I will give you a chance again. If you want to stay here, you will keep you solemn, whoever is smiling again, Laozi will throw you all!"

When you come out, there is a quiet place!

Just then, a sound came from the outside: "Oh, who is so cow, dare to give it to the guests who come to the hi, come out to take two steps, let us."

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