Save the Goddess System

Chapter 245 Bullying Weijia No People?

The person has not arrived, and the guests in the living room have changed!

People who go to the pearl society know that Li Feng is the boss of Osweil, it is very likely to become a big rich in a few years, and the relationship between Li Feng and Wei Shuangqing is very subtle.

At the same time, this sentence is hard, and the Wei Shi Qing is in the eyes. Who is so big?

"This sound is ... Huang Bin ?!"

Some guests have heard who this sound belongs, and everyone faces the color.

Huang Bin and Feng Jun, Wei Yang, said that the pearl three sword passengers, the family is very people, the behavior is overbearing, saying that this is normal.

Just as everyone was amazed, the three young men walked into the door of the living room.

When everyone suddenly stunned: "Isn't Huang Bin?"

"These three are very eye old, who they are?"

Even Wei Yingqing has exposed the color of doubts, because these three people have never seen it!

Only Li Feng, I recognized the leftmost people at a glance. It is Murong Ce!

At this moment, Murong's three brothers have also seen Wei Bingqing, and suddenly violently violently violently!

After these three people, Wei Yang, Huang Bin walks alongside the living room.

"It's really Huang Bin, and he is also coming, this is a good show!"

"I will say, Huang Bin, Wei Yang and Feng Jun brothers and brothers, Feng Jun died, they can swallow this breath,"

"I don't know who the three people are, they can walk in the body, it is difficult to come to the head than too much?"

When a guest whispering, Wei Yang has already entered the living room, and they did not hang, and they went directly to Li Peak.

"I said who is so so cow, I will throw the guests, it is you."

Huang Bin hid behind the Murong three brothers, the yin and yang strangely said.

Wei Shuangqing's face has become difficult to look.

She knows that there will be many people who will watch the lively mentality, but these people will do the same, they will do it. Can Huang Bin, Wei Yanglian, not going, directly, I will provoke Li Feng, this is Ignore the Wei Jia's ignorance, humiliation!

"Where can I say wild dogs, it is you."

Li Feng double eyes, there is a killing from the eyes.

"Hey, you are really mad!"

Huang Bin was furious, but he did not dare to jump to face Li Feng.

"Huang Shao, don't move." Wei Yang smiled slightly, and said to Li Feng: "Li Feng, the people are passenger, you are nothing to say to throw the guests, some are wrong?"

"Yeah, Li Feng is too rude!"

"I still heard that I have to throw the guests!"

"We have sincerely come here to hang, and the result will be treated, this is the way to treat Wei Jia's hospital?"

"Mr. Wei, you will come out, let's grandson jointly spoke guest, then go on like this, Wei Jia still wants to be based on Pearl?"

Under the driving of Wei Yang, the guests who have been defending by Li Feng have begun to become turned.

Wei Yige's face is green, and under anger, the body began to shake slightly.

Today is the day of the young uncle and others, these guests are not only hippie smile, but also shout, I really have to finish, so I don't need to put Wei Jia in my eyes?

Deceive too much!

Li Feng smiled, followed by his face, he said: "Zhang Ran, Chen Wu, Feng Wei, Duda, Yao Song, Lin Yue, throw it out of these troubles!"

When his face is guilty? I really don't know how to live!

Six too hesitation is not hesitant, and you will take a biggest step to go to these guests.

The living room is first quiet, then the sound is even more!

"Hey, who do you think you are, even Wei Yicu didn't say anything, why do you rush us?"

"Even if you are always couples, you are not married after all, what qualifications do you have to do the Lord?"

"Come here, we will stand here, you throw a look, you dare to throw us, you will dare to cancel cooperation with future group!"

Lian Wei Yang, Huang Bin is coming to Wei Jia to make trouble, other guests have an idea!

They called, Wei Shuangqing's face is more difficult to look: "Li Feng is my boyfriend, he means me mean! Throw!"

In this way, the living room is quiet!

Lying in the trough, Li Feng also really booked the first beauty of the pearl? This color is coming back to the sky!

Murong's three brothers are even sinking, and the heart is not feeling!

As far as Yang, Huang Bin, is a nausea model that is hot.

Li Fengbei picks up and smiles.

He also didn't want to win the owner, but these people were too evil. If they did not throw these people in time, the rhythm will be fly away, and it is more difficult to handle it.

Only with the thunderous trend of the knife, it can shock these small!

It is also a person who is a master of Ming Qing, and if he does not have any scruples.

Then ... The guests are more dissatisfied, suddenly, called the sound.

At the same time, Murong has stepped in front of these guests, and he said: "Who will dare to do it!"

At the same time as the voice landed, the horizon of the early days of the master released it from him!

Zhang Ran and others have changed, and they want to go forward, but they are like a thousand pounds of cement.

Seeing, those guests are more crazy.

In the original solemn hall, suddenly became a vegetable market.

The second floor bedroom, Wei Fu did not live on the spot, but heard these noisy sounds.

"This is bullying me Wei Jia no one!"

Wei Fu noodally and angry, two old hands were tight!

Wei Fu's old friend is in all industries in Huaxia, with a long, provincial-level member, and there is also a huge rich to be in the same way.

If he invites these old friends to half, no one dares to do this today.

But he can't do this!

He is already old, there is always a day to drive the Hei to go to the day. How can he help the ice?

Only when I started now, I will be alone in myself.

"Li Feng, Li Feng, things are you getting out, you can't marry ice, just see your performance today ..."

Wei Fu was double boxing, whispering whispered.

After the first floor living room, Murong clamped back, and said that Li Feng said: "Li Feng, is these garbage is your person? Sure enough, the garbage is still garbage, I'm going to this station, they are not moved, haha."

"I look at it, I am playing, lest these garbage is flying by me."

When you come out, suddenly cause a while.

Zhang Ran et al, the face is suddenly rising, ashamed, it is necessary to rush to Murong.

"Give me a hand!" Li Feng cooked, came to Zhang Ran and so on, said that there was no expression: "Is it a trouble? Bullying Weijia unattended? I feel that I have found two helpers. Can you be with me? "

"Remember a sentence, garbage is always garbage!"

The voice falls, Li Feng is flashing to Murong, and take a palm: "Tianying!"


Mu Rong Ca is not asked to take the reaction by Li Feng!

The audience is shocked!

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