Everyone is a bit awkward, what is the tissue of the dragon soul, sounds very much, I have never heard of it.

Murong Mountain, Murong Sea two brothers can't help but develop!

The death, Li Feng is actually the people of the dragon soul, it is no wonder that Li Feng said that his strength is better than Murong's family, but the dragon soul is not a hundred times triple more than Mu Yushan?

As a national special sector, the dragon soul is countless, and there is at least one master-level power in the town.

The three-fourth-tier city is the early days of the master. The second-tier cities are the mid-term, and the first-tier cities are the late post.

Just say that the faucet has made the four dragons. They have Herfway name in the world, and they will be able to destroy their Murongjia!

Key Dragon Soul also special care, as long as the dragon soul will protect it, no matter whether you are a medium-sized ancient Wu Shi or a large ancient people, even if the top ancient Wu Shi is not afraid.

This time, they took the initiative to provoke, and they did not take it in the same time. They were injured by Li Feng and only a broken teeth and live blood!

Because Li Feng said, Murong Mountain, Murong Sea two brothers immediately gave up the intend to find him avenge.

On the side, Wei Yang also has changed his face: "You ... are you a dragon soul?"

As the son of the SZ home, Wei Yang naturally heard of the dragon soul. He will be shocked by Li Feng's Dragon Soul.

Li Feng looked at Wei Yang and said: "Yes, now you have to find me now?"

The mouth of the mouth, smiles, smile: "Don't dare, before you have a sin, please please don't blame."

What can he say? He is also very desperate!

I can't fight, I can't deal with a member of the dragon soul, what should I do now?

Other guests are all.

Lying in the trough, Wei Yang actually took the initiative, he is the son of the SZ home, what is the dragon soul?

Huang Bin is anxious: "What is the dragon soul?"

Hey, he was held many times by Li Feng, can't be alive!

"This is said privately." Wei Yang spit out a touch of turbidity, and his eyes flashes.

He didn't want to be so much, but his current strength is indeed unique to Li Feng, can only be temporarily avoided, wait until there is no chance to find Li Feng to report Li Feng.

Listening to this words, Huang Bin does not ask, only the evil gas in the chest can be pressed.

"Oh, yes, forget to tell you, actually ... Feng Rui years and Feng Jun is murder."

Li Feng glanced at everyone and said slowly.

This sentence is like a heavy bomb, blowing directly in everyone!

Lying in the trough, Li Feng killed Feng Rui years and Feng Jun, but also the best to stand here to help Wei Bingqing? Take the sky!

For a time, a guest can't help but take a breath.

And Huang Bin is even a tremble, the chest is spoiled, only fear!

Wei Yang also trembled, and he looked at Li Feng's eyes more frightened.

Since Li Feng has killed Feng Jun, it also killed them, and maybe Li Feng has gone to them at the moment, just waiting for them to make mistakes!

At that time, Li Feng fell to the knife, and they landed ...

"From now on, all where Li Shao is in place, I Wei Yang retired three houses to show the respect of Li Shao!"

"The borsen of the present can give me a testimony, I Wei Yang ... Say it!"

Wei Yang Shen sucking, thoroughly recognized.

Huang Bin Zhang Zhang said, finally biting his teeth: "Lee, before I have a good, please ask Li Shao to forgive, the same, but where Li Shao is in place, I Huang Bin also retired the three houses."

"In addition, since now, I will be the most determined allies of Wei, who dares to rude to Wei, is the enemy of Huang Bin!"

"Add me one!" Wei Yang took the head and solemnly said.

The guests are again in.

How do they not see, Wei Yang, Huang Jun this is the meaning of thorough understanding?

Pearl Sanjian passengers, the three tops are rare, and they are defeated before and after. From then on, the peak is only the top of Li Feng!

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks up, it seems that smiles: "This is what you said, if you can't do it, don't blame me."

Wei Yang, Huang Bin took a chest to ensure that it must be done.

Then, Li Feng glanced, slowly said: "Today, I will put the words here, Icing is my woman, who is rude to her, is a rude to me Li Feng."

"If someone is rude to me, then I will not talk to him, I will only follow him, whoever feels that she is more than Feng Rui, Feng Jun's head is still iron, big can try!"

Wei Bingqing is flashing, and it is touched, and it is like a sweetness in the heart.

The woman is also a woman, and I hope there is a man who can rely on it. It is obvious that Li Feng is her most reliable to the mountain!

An all guests can't help but shrink the neck, and the heart is directly in the cold.

Their intention is to see Wei Jia's lively, and the result is not seen, but he saw Li Feng with a single-handed Weifei!

Although Wei Fu only left Wei Yingqing this granddaughter, Wei Yingqing found a fighter as a boyfriend, who still dare to find Weijia trouble, what is the head of Feng Jun?

Not only cannot be found in Wei Jia, they also want to ask Wei Jiacai.

So, these guests who have been watching the lively idea have replaced a pair of oysters, but they are actually going to send Wei Yichang and others.

As for Wei Yang, Huang Bin, they didn't have faces here, and pulled the Murongshan three brothers and escaped.

Wei Jia, Wei Jia, Tougju Jin Deco, and Will, Donjuko

Li Feng, a battle!

The next time, the funeral was held in an orderly, and I have been busy at the afternoon, Wei Shuangqing sent all the guests.

When the guest passengers, Zhang Ran also didn't stay here. Li Feng gave them a hard cost per person, Zhang Ran and others were so happy to find fun.

Weijia Old House, 2nd floor bedroom.

Wei Fu said in bed and said: "Li Feng, thank you for everything I do today, I will take care of you in the future."

Wei Fu has already learned that things have passed, and the marriage of Li Feng and Ice Qing is no doubt.

Before the bed, Wei Yingqing's face was red, ashamed: "Grandpa, what are you talking about."

"Don't you want to marry Li Feng?" Wei Fu sings smiles, and smiled: "I still want to hug orthodium grandchildren soon."

Wei Yingqing is more red, and Li Feng is dark.

After taking the conversation, the two will leave.

On the way back to Xinghui Community, Wei Siqing kept pinching his shoulders and showing tiredness.

"Ice Qing, I have worked hard these days."

Driving Li Peaks is convinced.

Although there is a funeral company to help Zhang Ran and others, it is still a lot of people who want to go to Wei Yingqing.

"Okay, the body is a bit tired, but the mood is much better than the first two days."

Wei Shuangqing shook his head smile.

These two days have always had an invisible pressure to press her, but all this will suddenly have a lot of lift with Li Feng today.

"Nothing, wait until I go home, I will give you oil massage, and ensure that you sweep it."

Li Feng was tone, he was afraid that Wei Yixin had a low mood. Seeing her looks easily, he also put down his heart.

The speaker is not intentionally, and he listens to the four words of "Pushing Oil Massage". Wei Yingqing recalls the last time Li Feng to help her push oil ...

"Well, you will help me push it after home."

After that, Wei Shuangqing was shy low.

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