Save the Goddess System

Chapter 248, the wind turmoil is a woman?

For those who have just been in love, there are always countless topics.

This night, Li Feng was smashed with Wei Yingqing, changed another topic, and finally met the five or six o'clock.

In this process, Li Feng keeps his heart, did not step out, but the touch should not be touched.

It is also funny, and Wei Yingqing is still ashamed, and it is the meaning that I have tasted it later.

If it is not a very period, maybe two people will be integrated this evening ...

On the next few days, Wei Yixi re-took over the future group and dispelled a large group of executives.

And Li Feng, during the day, with Wei Shuangqing, in the company, in the evening, in the villa to help Wei Shiqing to do massage, don't mention more.

It is no longer able to get out of the last step, let Li Feng are a little depressed, but he also knows that if you want to completely eat the cold chief, at least wait for the Wei Yong Ye.

On this day, Li Fengzhao often drinked tea in the president's office, suddenly, a call came in.

Xu Man? "

After seeing the name on the call display, Li Feng couldn't help himself.

Calculated time, the wind and rainhouse should also send people to Xu Man to do a physiological inspection, it is difficult to make a phone call to him?

Li Feng is connected to the phone: "Hey, Xu Man, I am Li Feng."

"Li Feng, they will come over two days later, I ... I am scared."

Xu Man's voice was a bit trembling, and the heart was obviously fear.

"Sure enough." Li Feng said, and then loudly comforted: "Don't be afraid, tell me where you are, I am going to you, as long as I am, they don't dare to do it for you."

This is a thing that is about two people, so Xu Man has not made it. When you say your location is over.

"Well, I will find you tomorrow."

Li Feng has comforted a few words, and the time location of meeting, and ended the call.

Since you have to find Xu Man, Li Feng has to go to Weiboqing to leave.

In this regard, Although Wei Sibi is not reluctant, she has not stopped Li Feng. She didn't even ask Li Feng to do anything, but said, "Waiting for you back."

Because Wei Shuangqing knows that Li Feng has multiple identities, perhaps every time Li Feng out, is the task of implementing organization?

If Li Feng knows Wei Shui's ideas, it will definitely choose to join the dragon soul.

After leaving the future group, Li Peng drove the BMW X6 to the big warehouse and found Su Wei.

A small resort new marriage, two people crazy ...

Early the next morning, Li Feng left 20 bottles of children in Sui, and then drove all the way to the South, two more than two minutes.

Le City and Flower City are also a province. It is also a first-tier city. When Li Feng is still a billion son, there is no less than a group of friends to come to Le City.

In a villa in the suburbs of Le City, Li Feng saw the national day.

Although it has entered November, the temperature of Le City is still hot, Xu Man has a simple tail, and the upper body wears a gucci white T-shirt, a pair of full of GUCCI's five letters.

The following is a light blue denim shorts, a pair of white pen is bare, and it is dazzling in the sun.

The feet have stepped on a pair of silver open toe cooling, and the toes of red nail polish are clearly visible, and the dress is very pure, but her body elegant atmosphere is still unable to hide.

In this way, pure and duncian are still existed, so that the charm of the national day is a few points, and Li Feng's gaze has become a bit burning.

Xu Man was watching the face, and he said: "You are coming."

"Well, it is coming." Li Feng should take a sound, cover up the burning gaze in his eyes.

Although he has already won the blood of Xu Man, it can be caught in the time that it is not really true, and then use this kind of eye.

Just after Li Feng answered, Xu Man did not open it.

After all, the two have had the skin of the skin, even if the last time has already been opened, this is still inevitable.

"Come in sitting."

I don't know how long it took, Xu Man sighed and broke the silence.

After Li Feng, please enter the living room, Xu Man poured a cup of tea to Li Feng: "Running all the way, first drink the mouth of the tea."

"Thank you, I am not tired." Li Feng took a tea cup, asked for a little bit: "When did they come over tomorrow, how many people?"

"Generally a man and a woman, the time is not sure, it may be morning, it may be in the afternoon, there is also a possibility of evening."

Speaking of this, Xu Man's eyebrows are light, obviously a little concern about tomorrow's check.

She is not finished, one check, so that there must be a conflict tomorrow.

Even if Li Feng can kill the two people, it is also completely broken with the wind and rain building, and she will be affected by the endless challenge of the wind and rain.

"I am very curious, why there must be such a stipulate that it is difficult to see these actresses as their own ban?"

Li Feng wanted to ask this question last time, in order to take care of Xu Man, did not ask the exit.

Xu Man shake his head: "It is definitely not."

"Oh, have you seen him?" Li Feng was a bit surprised.

"No, the landlord will be in the end, I am not eligible to see her." Xu Man is aweed, slowly said.

"Even you are not eligible to see him? How do you know that he didn't treat you as a ban?" Li Feng couldn't help but

Xu Man is the first five-day superstar in the first five in Huaxia, and all the artists controlled in the wind and rain should be steadily sitting first.

Such a big human gold mine is even unqualified to see the Lord of the Wind and Rockhouse?

Xu Man smiled and shook his head, then said: "Because I listen to people say the landlord is a woman."

"Woman?" Li Feng first glanced, then taking a breath of cold.

The windy building so big is in the hands of a woman? This woman is not simple!

Wait ... The system makes Xiaoye to take the wind and rain, the fundamental purpose is not to let the Xiaoye take the wind and rain building.

He said, Jiang Yunzhu said that the wind and rain building was established in 20 years ago, even if the wind and rain landlord is the sky, the minor will start to go out, I want to build the power of the wind and rain, I have to have thirty out?

Twenty years later, the wind and rain building is not a fifty years old?

"Your sister's system, Xiaoye tastes that you have not so heavy, you have to let the millet to conquer a 50-year-old woman, Xiaoyan is bombing you!"

Li Fengqiang is disgusting, evil thinking.

Li Feng suddenly became a fierce color, but Xu Man was shocked: "Mr. Li, are you okay?"

"Nothing, just think of a disgusting thing."

Li Feng spit out a turbidity, then she said: "Miss Xu, you don't have to worry, no matter who tomorrow, I will protect you."

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