Save the Goddess System

Chapter 249 Xu Man Night Visit

Li Feng's words are like a spring breeze, so that the heart of Mang is slowly calm.

Next, Li Feng asked several questions, Xu Man one one one, and then it was a long time silence.



The two open at the same time.

"You speak first."

The two will open again, and the two-grade embarrassing atmosphere is more strong.

"Time is not early, I ... I am going to cook."

Xu Man halited and ran into the kitchen.

Li Feng: "..."

No ... This is less than 4 o'clock, is she doing? Is it dinner or lunch?

He knew that Xu Man was escaping, whether it is clear whether the two consciousness is clear, he has the skin between Xiaoman.

Since this happened, it will definitely let the relationship between the two is somewhat subtle.

When a friend gets along, I can't forget what happened to night, when the lovers ... there is no extent there is no way.

When you get along with each other, you will inevitably.

Xu Man went, just stayed in the kitchen for more than an hour, waiting for the meal on the table, it is over 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

After dinner, all the packages are properly cleaned, Xu Man said: "I am a little tired, first go back to the house, you can watch TV in the living room, go to the left, second bedroom, rest."

It is said that I will leave here if I don't want to answer by Li Feng.

After entering the bedroom, Xu Man puts up on the door.

Just three hours in Li Feng, it is like Mandan's difficulty, this is not a matter of saying that Xu Man doesn't want to see Li Feng, but she doesn't know what kind of attitude to be in the face of Li Feng.

"I want to face him with usual heart, why don't I do it?"

"I suddenly went back to the bedroom, will Li Feng misunderstood, I don't want to see him?"

Xu Man has some entanglement.

"Forget it, since I don't know what to use, I will sleep well ..."

Xu Man shake his head and drove these distractions out of the mind and went to the wardrobe and ready to change the nightdress.

When the manda took off the clothes, there was a perfect body in the mirror of the wardrobe. This is a body that even a woman who has a warm jumping.

Although Xu Man has been 35 years old, she usually pays attention to maintenance, in order to maintain a body, as long as there is time, it will enter the gym.

Plus Tong Yan water makes her skin age of 20 years old, only look at the appearance, saying that she is a small sister of the 17th year old.

In the mirror, the vermouth line on Xuoman's lower abdomen is clearly visible, and the side of the side is a leader.

Gu Ying self-pity is more than just a idiom. When Xu Manzhao mirror, her eyes have been blurred, and both hands have passed from their own body.

Obviously, Xu Man is also very obsessed with his body.

"Maybe I am going to die tomorrow, then this body will also become a loess ..."

Thinking of this, Xu Man is blind.

Which woman doesn't want to find a deep life? Because of the restrictions on the wind and rain, Xu Man has always been able to keep your mind and dare not have a good sense of any man.

So her surface scenery, when the night is quiet, it is often lonely and is difficult to sleep.

At this time, there are some blurred images in Xu Man's mind ...

"Li Feng ..."

Xu Man suddenly faced the flush and shouted out the name of Li Feng.

Then she woke up, hurriedly replaced the silk slings, covering this body that makes men make women envy, and finally look at it in the mirror, turn to the bed.

The sleeping skirt is floating, the perfect body is like a hidden ...

In the living room, Li Feng has bored the mobile phone to play the glory of the king.

Playing at 8 o'clock in the evening, Li Feng got up and lazy and came to the second bedroom on the second floor after lazy waist. After simple washing, he went to bed.

Just when Li Feng slept in fragrant, a scared scream came from the next bedroom.

Li Feng is sitting straight, open the perspective to see the next bedroom, suddenly, Xu Man's figure appears in Li Feng's sight.

I saw the next bedroom bedside lamp opened, Xu Man sat in bed, two hands holding a knee, a little pale, positive and breathing.

"This is ... do you have a nightmare?"

He also thought that some people sneaken, and to be unfavorable to Xu Man. After seeing the situation, Li Feng suddenly went on a long breath.

Li Feng once observed for a while, see Xeriman just sitting in bed, there is no other dynamic, so it is necessary to terminate the eye.

However, at this time, Xu Man suddenly opened the quilt and left the bed.

"Hey, what is she doing?" Li Feng first glanced, and then the face was geek: "It should be to the toilet ..."

The day, the superstar is also mortal. It is three anxious, and it will be normal at night.

"Non-evil, do not see."

Li Feng got a few words, ending the perspective.

That is, Li Feng people online, change a man will definitely stare at Xusan to the bathroom to terminate the eye, see the day after the day, the convenience is still very attractive ......

Just after Li Feng returned, continue to talk to Zhou Gong, suddenly knocked on the door.

"I go?"

Li Feng is sitting straight, a horror.

In this villa, he is with Xu Man, and the exterior station must be Duman!

Timana in the evening, knocking on his door? There is a weird!

Li Feng took the bed with the fastest speed, quickly walked to the door to open the door, just see Linked to stand at the door.

I didn't wait for Li Feng to ask, Xu Man said: "Mr. Li, I ... I can't sleep, can you talk to you?"

"Of course, can you need to go to the living room?"

Li Feng is calm, and the heart is puzzled to the extreme.

When I didn't know how to open it during the day, I wanted to chat with him at night? There is a big quirky!

"No, go to your room."

Xuoman has a red and said it down.

Li Fengbei picks a tip, the face is weird, but he doesn't say much, and Xu Man is invited to enter the house.

This bedroom does not have a sofa, and the two can only sit on the bed, and there is a long distance from each other.

"I always made a nightmare during this time. I will wake up with a nightmare, and I can't sleep for a long time."

Xu Man was slowly said, and it was an explanation for half a night.

Li Feng browned, sigh: "Is it because of the evening?"

"Well." Xu Man was scratch, and nodded.

"Sorry, I ... I just want to save you, I didn't expect it to leave such a big heart."

Li Feng is very guilty.

Any woman is very important to his first time. Although his starting point is to save the Mang, it is also true, but the matter is done, he can't reply.

Xu Mang turned to look at Li Feng and said: "No, I am not because you have a nightmare because Gario."

During this time, Garya Wild Beast is always suddenly appearing in her dreams, this is a nightmare.

Li Feng's figure has often appeared in her dream, but it is not a nightmare, but ... C dream!

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