Save the Goddess System

Chapter 255 is a drama

"Sorry Mr., this shop is already chartered today, please come back again."

When Li Feng walked into the door of the mountain city, he was stopped by the restaurant manager.

"I know, what is He Mingwei, I am his friend, and he is a banquet for me. If you don't believe it, you can ask him a call."

Li Feng said that he did not jump.

On the side, Xiao Ling can't help but take the mouth, and the heart is shameless.

What is you? When we look! He Mingwei, just clearly, I can't wait to kill you, is it good?

It's just that Li Feng is in this kind of person!

I didn't expect that Li Sum will say such a word, and I can't cry for a while.

"Ah, is this?" The restaurant manager first stunned first, and then loudly said: "Okay, please wait, I will confirm."

The restaurant manager is often dedicated to people, talking is not humble, unlike some counterparts in some online novels, I don't divide the blue soap after seeing the protagonist.

When the restaurant manager, Xu Man couldn't help but worry: "Li Feng, this will reveal."

"Rest assured, He Ming Weiba can not eat this." After Li Feng turned his head, he looked at Xiao Ling.

Xiao Lingnao nodded: "Yes, he is not dead for you, and he will definitely come to find trouble."

"Ah?" Xu Man was shocked: "Is there a place to eat in a place?"

"Unless you leave the mountain city immediately, you will go to eat." Li Feng shook his head, then laughed: "Don't worry, I am next to you, you only need to have fun."

The mountain city is the site, they as long as people in the mountain city, they escape He Jia's eyes, it is better to stay here, so as not to change!

Xu Manfang is a sweet, can't help to put the head on Li Feng shoulder.

This feeling of this favorite person ... is so good!

On the side, Xiao Ling is a flash, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Soon, the restaurant manager finished with He Mingwei, hurry, said: "You are Mr. Li? He Shao is in the phone, you must entertain, please come."

After that he took Li Feng on the second floor VIP room.

After the four people landed, Li Feng handed the menu to Xu Man, and Xu Man was handed over to Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling came to this, it was not for eating, just gave a few, and then the restaurant manager took the dishes as soon as possible.

"Li Feng, do you know what?"

When the restaurant manager, Xiao Ling looked at Li Feng asked.

Li Feng has just faced He Mingwei's provocation is too persistent, which makes Xiao Ling.

"Do you know?" Li Feng is full of face.

"Hey!" Xiao Lingzi snort to say more.

She couldn't understand Li Feng, and I could only crowd my heart and calm down.

" ." Li Feng shook his head, then turned to Xu Man said whispers.

Taking Li Feng's mouth, I naturally teased Xuoman's non-smirk, and the opposite side of the opposite is very unhappy.

Single dog eats outside, I am most afraid of opposite to sitting and sitting ...

Soon, there is no wine.

At the same time, Zhiling's sister's charming voice sounded.

"Hey, host, you have a new task, is it right to see?"

Li Fengbei picks: "View."

"Task: Save the goddess of Men (3)"

"Task Objective: The meal is covered with the sky, the host needs to stop the goddess Xu Man poison, or give her detoxify after the goddess Xu Man poisoned, and kill He Mingwei, Zhang Da, if the task fails, deduct the host 10000 system points Take a penalty. "

"Task Reward: 2000 Experience, 20000 System Integral."

"Note 1: Tianxiang scattered, strong drugs, effective in the S-class, there is a soft and weak, which cannot be mobilized within 1 hour."

"Note 2: Hundreds of grass Dan can solve this poison."

Li Feng's eyes flashed a cold light, secretly whispered: "He Mingwei really is not dead!"

In order not to use the Thunder's means to shock He Mingwei in order not to use the Thunder's means, he must be a sharp blade in Xiao Ling.

But then, after this task is completed, can he rise to S-level? Think really, I really look forward to it!

At the time of Li Feng secretly sink, Xiao Lingpi took together her chopsticks and clipped only shrimp. After the light was dial, it was stained with the sauce.

"Oh, taste is good."

Xiao Ling was a flash, praised it.

After Xiao Lingqi, Gao Jie dared to pick up the chopsticks, but at this time, Xiao Lingqi secretly kicked her foot on the table, and gave her a eye.

Gao Jie is slightly changed, sigh: "Recently, the stomach is not good, I still don't eat it."

After finishing, she put her chopsticks.

Li Fengbei picks up and looks at Xiao Ling.

This woman can, taste the dishes, you can taste the poison, but the realm is the burden, you can ignore many poison ...

"You don't look at it, eat hot."

Xiao Ling said to Xu Man, Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled, clipped only shrimp and stripped, put on the sauce in the small bowl in front of Xu Man: "You also taste it."

Xuoman is red, and the shrimp is elegant after picking with chopsticks.

Xiao Ling is a smirk in his heart: "This idiot is sent to He Mingwei's mouth, but this can arouse him to kill He Mingwei."

"No, this medicine is Tianxiang, Li Feng eats will also poison, but still don't have a grandmother, I personally do my hand? I can't do it, I can't let Li Feng eat vegetables."

At the time of Xiao Ling, Li Feng got a fish meat, and I went to the mouth.

"Wait!" Xiao Ling quickly stopped.

It's just that Li Feng will listen to her? The chopsticks were loose, and the fish came into his mouth. After chewing, Li Feng asked: "The taste is really good ... What?"

"..." Xiao Ling is anxious, can't help but say: "Eat it, eat you!"

Li Feng is secretly laughing, nor does she see her, continue to eat vegetables, drink, a picture of the goods.

At this point, Xiao Lingzhen didn't have a way. It can only be secretly born, regard delicious food as Li Feng, and eat it in your mouth.

Xu Man didn't understand why Xiao Ling was suddenly angry, and it was a little worried.

"Don't worry about her, maybe she came to aunt."

Li Feng smiled and continued to give Manyian noodles.

Xiao Ling is full of fire, and he can't wait to fight Li Feng. But then she is secretly smiled: "Let you have a dedication, wait for me, hey!"

After 3 minutes, Xu Man suddenly worked weak, the brain dizzy: "Li Feng, I ..."

In the end, she was squatting on the table and fainted.

Li Feng face color drama: "Toxicity in the dish!"

At this moment, He Mingwei pushed into the door, and laughed after watching the style: "Hahahaha, Li Feng, I didn't expect to poison in the dish? You don't feel weak, you can't mobilize Let you come again, wait for the Laozi to put Xu Man in front of you, then feed you out of the river! "

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