Save the Goddess System

Chapter 256, a punch!

He Mingwei came in very sudden, and the words said it was arrogant, but Li Feng was also good, Xiao Ling, Gao Jie, did not expose the color on his face.

"There is this feeling."

Li Feng did not feel the head and said, then he pointed to the opposite Xiao Ling, Gao Jie, questioned: "Why are they nothing?"

I saw Xiao Ling, and Gao Jie was sitting on the seat, and there was no sign of poisoning.

"Oh? My head is so dizzy."

Xiao Lingzhen suddenly squatted his head, then went to the front, kneeling on the table closed his eyes.

Li Feng: "..."

No ... Can your acting can be more exaggerated? You are at least the S-class power, Tianxiang scattered the root is good enough to do it!

"Mix, you dare to poison in the dishes ?!"

Gao Jie took a table, standing on the body, standing up, it seems like it is going to find He Mingwei.

Li Feng greeted nodded, high strength, unlike Xiao Lingzi like so much bend around.

He Mingwei faces!

The dead, why is the sky that is not effective for this middle-aged woman, is it difficult for her?

After the body, Zhang Da has changed his face, and it is necessary to pull He Mingwei to escape here.

Dizziness, Xiao Ling, is anxious.

Just now she is so obviously implied, how did the high sister still have to go?

Just as everyone was in mind, Gao Jie suddenly swayed, then two hands holding his head: "What kind of medicine, what medicine you have, you have to die ..."

If you don't finish it, Gao Jie looks at the local, dizzy!

Li Feng's mouth smoked, the forehead emerged!

Lying in the trough! He thought that Xiao Ling's acting is exaggerated enough. I didn't expect Gao Jie 's actuating skills to exaggerate three points better than Xiao Ling.

Think about it, Xiao Ling is so treacherous, as a man in her hand, where is Gao Jie again? The upper beam is not under the beam!

Xiao Lingni nodded, it is a hand of her heart, this acting is not more than her!

He Mingwei and Zhang Da are first glimpse, then Long Shunqi: "Haha, it turned out that Tianxiang did not work, scared me."

Just now they really thought that Gao Jie was S-class power, and the urine was frightened, but fortunately, it was a blind.

"Sao Sister, don't take this, you are the master of the master, I am not dizzy, how can you halt?"

"Take again, you haven't eaten these dishes, which is the poison you in? Hurry up, hold it."

Li Feng said with a dissatisfaction behind him.

He Mingwei's face is slightly changed, and I can't help but leave a step.

Zhang Da is vigilant to look high, the breath is released, and it is a strong man in the post!

It's just that Gao Jie is still squatting on the ground. This makes He Mingwei, Zhang Da is a little confused, Li Feng is not scaming them.

"I am going ... Master, you are too install, so we can't be friends!"

Li Feng shook his head and sighed, and then went to Xiao Ling, "I said Xiao Sister, you are at least the strong, this medicine is not effective for you?"

He Mingwei, Zhang Dahedong change again!

S-class power? What is the unexpected woman? No way!

Just then, Xiao Ling opened his eyes and looked up: "What is the S-class strong? I am dizzy, I am weak, oh ... I can't do it, I will take a while again."

Where is this S-class power? It is the weakness of weakness after poisoning!

Seeing, He Mingwei can't help but laugh: "Haha, Li Feng, you don't have a bad heart, they are all ordinary people, only you are the martial arts!"

"When you say that you are a male man, you are already a dead person, now you have a big dog, how do I play with a man!"

If Xiao Ling is really a S-class strong, I have already gave them to kill them, why bother to play this?

The voice falls, He Mingwei lifts his feet and walked to Xu Man.

"Xiao Ling, do you have to let me open asking you?"

At this time, Li Feng deeply asked.

Xiao Lingzhen is still a dark eye, but the heart has already been proud of it.

Previously, she was planning to kill H. Yingwei, who knows Li Feng, this idiot is in the sky, and the force is lost within 1 hour. A good knife has no sharp blade, which makes her very uncomfortable.

However, she won't look at Xu Man Ho Mingwei, and how Justuang is also a person in the wind and rain.

Moreover, she really wants to stand by, and her transaction between Li Feng must not continue.

But she will not easily take help. I have to take the opportunity to hit Li Feng, and then I will help the help of it.

Just on the occasion of Xiao Ling, Li Feng suddenly ridiculed: "But I will not ask you, I don't want you, I am mad, you will die."

Xiao Lingji only feels that a old blood is blocked, and it is almost tasted the table!

By, how is this babbing? I really want to hang him up!

It's just that Li Feng is not open to seek, is he looked at Xu Man's abuse?

He Mingwei: "???"

Zhang Da: "???"

No ... This person was stupid, when did you have a self-entertainment?

A tack in the mouth is smoking, and the heart is weird.

She has never seen some people dare to play the landlord, Li Feng is the first, it is estimated that the last one!

"He Mingwei, I originally wanted to put you a horse, but you have to hit it on the fist of Xiaoye, then you can't blame you."

The voice falls, a fierce breath broke out from Li Feng!

"Damn! You are not poisoned ?!"

He Mingwei, Zhang Da's face!

Different Xiao Lingqi also lifted his head in the first time, and a horror of a face.

It is impossible, Li Feng clearlytes a lot of dishes, how can it be poisoned?

"Hey, Xiaoye is a hundred poisonous body, the district is fragrant, but it is not a young master!"

The voice is falling, and Li Feng has opened his own, and there is no moving step to He Ming Wei.


When the palm was shot, He Mingwei just killed the body of the body.

Then, Li Feng did not give He Mingwei's time, and it was a punch: "The sky wounded!"

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

Seven punches, He Mingwei's body is swollen, then "", exploding!

The blood is four!

"Little Master!"

Zhang Dawei wants to crack, then turn around.

The two tricks will kill Ho Mingwei. He is not an opponent. Only flees, escaping, and reports the master, personally revenge!

Just his speed is fast, Li Feng's speed is faster!

"No moving!"

A flash of Li Feng chased the back of Zhang Da, and took a palm.

Zhang Da is worthy of a strong man who is rich and experienced, and when he heard the storm, he bite his teeth and turned to a punch!

However, after this punch, Li Feng's figure suddenly disappeared from his eyes.

"Not good!" Zhang Daxie knows that it will take forward.

Just have not waited for him to respond, a strong strike from him!


The body of the body shook, followed by inch!

At the same time, Zhang Da finally took the first to shoot a out!

"Do you escape?"

Li Feng smiled, such as

"The sky is wounded!"

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

Continuous seven punches in the back of Zhang Da within a second!


If the He Mingwei just now, Zhang Da's body exploded when he suddenly turned over!

The master is strong, Zhang Da, dead!

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