"Dad, what is your plan? Ming Wei is your grandson!"

Going out of the mountain city, He Mingwei's father is first questioned.

"Big Brother, how do you talk to my dad, I don't hurry to apologize to my dad?"

Old Ergoni Lei is busy to live, say soon.

He's other members are also eager to look at He Chong, for fear that he is impulsive and more angered.

He home, He Jin is the day, no one can question his decision, the biological son can't!

"I don't apologize, I have to say it."

The pain of the death, how many wants to be crazy, and even others?

He Jinjing stared at He Zhu for a while, and finally rude: "Do you think I don't want to regenerate Ming Wei? I think than anyone else!"

"But you have heard it, wrong in Ming Wei, the other party is a member of the dragon soul, changed to you, how do you do?"

"Snoving the person!" He Tong said with his neck.

He Jin pupiren, spit out a touch of violence: "What is the family's home law, what is the family of my house, announced that the father and son of He Chong will, why?"

"After today, He Chong is nothing to do with me!"

"Old 2, you will return to the mountain city, I will tell Wei Jiu, let's go!"

He Gui first, then biting his teeth and turned to the mountain city.

He Chong face color change, and finally asked: "Dad, must do this?"

He Jin's grief closes his eyes, and it has been replaced when he opened: "You must do this."

He has three sons and two women, and the children and grandchildren have more than 16 people. He Mingwei is only the best children in the third generation.

He Mingwei was killed, whose heart pain, not to give He Mingwei to take the whole one.

But this hatred also wants to report, but it can only be the surface with He Chongzhi's father and son, and by the mid to kill the enemy.

After the event, if the dragon soul did not find evidence, he found an excuse to refuse the father and son relationship, if it is a east window ...

"I can only pull down the old face to ask for those old friends, at least keep your life!"

Thinking of this, the firm look of He Jin face is more rich.

"Chong, you ... so much."

He Jin finally looked at He Chong, and his family left here.

Looking at the back of the back, He Hui fell to the ground, "Hey," and after got up, he was not controlled by the moment!

Herone is a superior strength!

"No matter who you are, I have to make you ash, revenge for Ming Wei!"

It is exhausted with an unprecedented momentum.

Two hours later, Le City Four Seasons Hotel, BMW X6 was stabilized with Porsche Parina.

"I said ... You are still going to follow us?"

After Li Feng got off the bus, I asked Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling's nose is disdainful "": "Who is rare to follow you, I am tired, I want to have a hotel, don't you do?"

"Not right, Manman's villa is not to be taken back by you? You can live in a villa, which is the hotel!" Li Feng smiled.

"I have money to burn, how?" Xiao Ling two handed over the waist, and it took the breath of breath.

Li Feng's mouth smoked and lost.

He rarely suffers from the mouth, but in the face of Xiao Ling, he always suffers.

Key, even if it breaks through the extraordinary early, he has no confidence to defeat Xiao Ling, the power, the gun is not the opponent of Xiao Ling, this feeling is really unhappy!

Xu Man was glanced at the side, I don't know why, she suddenly had a sense of urgency, as if Li Feng and Xiao Lingha were one pair.

But immediately she shook his head, whispered: "Women in love are suffering from me like this?"

Since I can't stop Xiao Ling, I will open the house here. Li Feng is too lazy to manage her. After locking the car, I walked into the hotel with Xu Man, opened a luxury suit.

Although Xu Man did not stop Li Feng only opened a room, but after arriving in the room, Xu Man was still not open.

Just then, Li Feng took Xu Man, and his face said: "The long night is a long sleep, Manman, you said that we should do something interesting?"

Xu Man's pretty face is red, lightly said: "Who wants to do interesting things with you."

Just her words are more like a combustion, the voice of the voice, and Li Feng's hand began to get honest.


Xu Man's eyes were blurred, and the breathing was heavy, and turned his head and took the initiative to kiss the lips of Li Feng.

Just when Li Feng is ready to carry out the next step, knock on the door.

Xu Man was trembled, and he quickly pushed Li Feng: "Let's see who is knocking on the door? I ... I will take a shower."

After that, she ran into the bathroom.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, then went to the door, went outside the cat.

"Xiao Lingha?"

After seeing a person standing outside, Li Feng is unhappy and more intensified, and I will open the door: "I don't know if we have to rest in the big night."

"Long night is a long sleep, Li Feng, let's do something interesting together."

Xiao Ling said with a smile.

If Xiao Ling is not wearing a human skin mask, then her laugh must give a feeling of Bai Meisheng, but the face is too ordinary ...

Li Feng's mouth is then pumping again!

No ... This sentence is a bit familiar, isn't he just said to Mandan?

This little girl is not serious!

"I am a man with a girlfriend, you still have to die early."

Li Fengwei hugged his shoulders, and he looked at Xiao Ling.

"What?" Xiao Ling has an out of three black lines!

I am special ... What is the meaning of this bastard alert? !

"It's you, my male, I want to occupy me, but I can't think about it."

Li Feng's heart is dark, but the face is installed with a great expression.

Xiao Lingji only feels that a old blood is blocked!

I am special ... a grandmother? Dai Special Crate's brain circuit!

The grandmother can be a fairy, in order not to cause the riots, you have to wear a human skin mask every time. Which is worth a grandmother?

Eh? By the way, my grandmother now wears a human skin mask, and the move of the door in the middle of the night is really easy to think, so Li Feng is really afraid that she seduce himself?

Xiao Ling is turned, and it is called "Hey? It is actually guessed, that line, I am not installed, I am a male color, I am showup."

"Now you are moving on the bed, or wait for the grandmother, my uniform is whipping?"

During the speech, Xiao Lingzhi is smiling, reaching out to Li Feng's chest.

In her expectations, Li Feng should be panicked. It is, who knows that Li Feng not only didn't hide, but he took the initiative to hold her jade hand!

"Xu Man took a shower, you have to have me ... you will move."

Li Peak is now ashamed, it is necessary to pull Xiao Ling to go to the house.

Xiao Lingha: "???"

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