Save the Goddess System

Chapter 260 Invincible Ring

It is more than the tree to force the tree to force the tree.

Xiao Ling is really very push!

No ... Just now Li Feng also looked at her, just like looking at a female devil, how did you suddenly come from?

Her kung fu was pulled by Li Feng into the house.

When I went to the door, Xiao Ling was awake, and I quickly opened my little hands, and I looked at Li Feng, I said: "You ... what do you want?"

Don't look at her just talking like a female hooligan. In fact, she has been talked by a man, and Li Feng is the first man who holds her hand!

If it is not just that she took the initiative to touch Li Feng, I will take this, Xiao Lingqi has to play Li Feng!

"No ... What is what I want to do? Obviously, what do you want to do?"

Li Feng has innocent, but the heart is happy.

Don't say, Xiao Ling's hand is slippery and tender, and it is a bit soft, that feels ... It's just!


Xiao Ling is now panic, she is interested in scaring Li Feng, and the result is from Li Feng, she doesn't know how it is good.

"You still don't do it, Xu Man will come out, it is hard to let Maman look at it aside?"

The color of Li Feng said.

Xiao Ling is a light: "I really let you talk about it, I am a hobby who is watching, how is it, afraid?"

"This ... don't use this?"

Li Feng is afraid of fear, but the heart is clear, "I want to play this set with my little master? Xiaoye is scared!"

"Just play so embarrassed, afraid? I am afraid that I will ask me. If your sincerity is in place, I can let you go."

Xiao Ling is deliberately licking his mouth and said.

"I can't ask you, I can't ask for you in this life, I'm going to bed on the bed, and I have to go through this time, I will explain with Manman later."

After that Li Feng went to the bed, it was shot.

"You ... what do you want?"

Xiao Ling is out of interest.

"More fresh, do that kind of thing is not allowed to get clothes?"

During the speech, Li Feng took off the top and exposed a strong upper body.

"Rely, my grandmother is coming to my aunt, and I will pick you up again."

The voice is falling, Xiao Ling is awkward, and turns it to escape.

Looking at the back of Xiao Ling, Li Feng hooked a smell of the arc: "Playing this set with you, you are still tender!"

In fact, he probably guessed the intention of Xiao Ling, should be worried about He family's retaliation, so he deliberately protects his trading object.

From this point of view, Xiao Ling is still nice ...

On the other hand, Xiao Ling returns to his room, the more you want it.

How did Li Feng argues from the beginning, suddenly become from?

"Grandma leg, grandmother is played by him!"

Xiao Lingyu took a table, he wanted to find Li Feng to report.

Obviously, Li Feng is not afraid of her to do that, although her is now ordinary, it is still very hooked.

Besides, according to the thoughts of the people in the Chinese people, do this kind of thing is always a woman to suffer, what is the reason for Li Feng?

So Li Feng knows from the beginning, she didn't dare to do so, deliberately played!

She was played by Li Feng!

It is just that Xiao Ling has just arrived at the door.

Go to Li Feng, then? Tell him?

There is no reason!

Continue to pretend to have him? In case of Li Fengzhen, what should she do, or she is still her!

"Rely, I didn't expect my grandmother, I also have a day!"

Xiao Ling hates the root itching, but some have no choice but to.

She is a superior force, she is the Lord of the landlift of the killing, but she is a woman, and naturally in the incident in men and women.

After tangled for a long time, Xiao Lingqi still decided to go to Li Feng.

As Li Feng guess, Xiao Ling wanted to protect his trading object, but when she returned to the door of Li Feng, he heard a very rhythmic "" sound from inside.

"this is……?"

Xiao Ling was a face.

No, what is the shooting in the big night, open a concert?

The sound insulation of the four seasons is naturally very good. If the ordinary person stands here, it will definitely not hear the movement in the room.

But Xiao Ling is extraordinary, and the ear is more than ordinary people, and Li Feng's impact is very overbearing. It is not surprising that she heard it by her.

Just next moment, Xu Man's educated "Oh" after the sound, Xiao Lingzhen immediately made a big red face!

"This bastard, I will die, I only pay attention to women, my grandmother tubes you die!"

Xiao Lingye is so happy, and you will go.

Suite ...

I haven't known how long, with the two people, the wind is resting ...

After a few minutes, the two were reluctant to be separated, and Xu Man leaned his head against the chest of Li Feng, and his face was satisfied.

"Hey, congratulate the host, get all the love of the goddess, rewards 30 conquest points."

"Hey, congratulations, conquering the goddess Xuoman progress increased by 31%, the current conquer progress is 100% (thorough conquer)"

I heard these two system tips, Li Feng suddenly wished: "Xu Man really accepted me completely!"

Before, he worried that Xu Man once again mentioned the madness of the two people. Now, the system judges that Xu Man is completely conquered by him. Yumman will finish him!

"What changes have been made after this time it looks at the upgrade."

Li Feng entered the system, first looked at the system mall, found that some products displayed as gray have been purchased normally.

Then he looked at the system backpack and found 36 landscaps, 5 cubic meters, and upgraded to 52 lattice, and each lattice storage space became 10 cubic meters.

Then the conquer point mall.

Stealth, wear wall, perspective, fragrant, reading, this five skills are upgraded to advanced, the same, the number of conquest points required for purchase is also up to 30 points.

If you buy this five skills book, you need 150 conquest points!

"Space Transfer" remains unchanged, in addition to two skills book, "slave" with "invincible aura"!

"Lying in the trough, invincible aura? It sounds very popular!"

When I saw this "invincible aura", Li Feng excitedly.

I have known World of Warcraft, I'm trying to have more enemy, Intraima, Intraima, I have been immune, I have been immune. I have been immune. It is 12 seconds!

After using the holy shield, enter the big attack, retreat directly to the stone, not too hanging!

Is this "invincible aura" be so powerful?

"50 conquer the point, so much?"

In the excitement, Li Feng looked at the price of "invincible aura", and suddenly it was.

Li Feng didn't know that when he intended to buy "invincible aura", a middle-aged man has an expression of the hotel in the hotel hall.

"Sir, can I help you?"

The night is deep, the front desk beauty is strong and asked.

"Tell me which room in Li Feng stayed, don't say ... you die!"

The voice falls, the middle-aged man raises his hand to buckle the neck of the front desk!

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