Save the Goddess System

Chapter 261 Bird Gun

"Invincible Aura: You can enter an invincible state after use, ignore all attacks for 10 seconds."

"Note 1: Consumption 1000 system points each time."

"Note 2: This skill has only been used once every natural day, and the cooling time is 24 hours."

Li Feng consumed that after 50 conquerssed some, after buying "Invincible Aura", he saw this introduction.

The less the words, the greater, "Invincible Aura" skills introduction, but the power of the power is displayed!

"The money is big, this skill!"

Li Feng jumped in the heart, I couldn't help but laugh.

After using this skill, he can have 10 seconds of invincible time.

Don't underestimate this 10 seconds, for ordinary people, 10 seconds may be eight or ninety meters, but for the super-level power, it is too much to do 10 seconds!

During this time, he can ignore any attack, enter the guilty, even if he faces the enemy over his realm, he also has the opportunity to kill it through full output!

It is a little egg pain that can only be used once a day.

In addition, use a power consumption of 1000 system points ... It can be accepted, the horse always said good, want to become a golden gold, no money, still play a yarn?

"Sikin" also needs to consume 50 conquest points, rely on system developers, this is forced to conquer the goddess! "

After bought "Invincible Ring", Li Feng only left a 59 conquest point, and it was impossible to buy the remaining conquest point skills.

Even if he put Jiang Mengyao, Jiang Yunzhu, Liu Shihan, Xiao Lingzi's entire conquer, and also a lot.

Oh, yes, there is also Wei Yingqing ...

So save the goddess system is really "people" as its name!

"Forget it," Sikin "skills are good, but I haven't used it at present, and I will say it enough to conquer."

Li Feng sighed and quit from the order of the mall, then said: "The system elves, put the current realm of my skills, martial arts screening out."

"The corresponding item has been selected according to the main screens of this."

With the sound of Zhiling's sister, the scene before Li Feng has changed, and the four skills book appeared in front of Li Feng.

"Real Energy": Since the upgrade version of "Getting Started", after cultivating this practice, you can condense the triple in the body, and you can play a bigger power when the gas is formed. "

"Note: This exercise price is 5,000 system points. If the host has learned" entry ", you can discount 2000 system points when you purchase."

"Exploring the Cloud Hand": This martial arts will learn from the system developers to "grasp the female Nailong clawed", after cultivating this martial arts, you can get the truth of the dragon claws, grasp the items outside the 100 meters. In your hand, catch, pinch, , , move with your heart. "

"Note: This exercise price is 3000 system points."

"Xian Ji Step": This method is an upgrade version of "no picture", after cultivating this method, the maximum outbreak speed can reach twice the speed, the flash can be dragged out of the 14th residue, each The distant shadow can stay in the original ground for three seconds, with false mess, so that the enemy is not judged. "

"Note: This method is priced at 5000 system points. If the host has learned" no picture ", you can offer 3000 system points when you purchase."

"Rage": This martial arts is the upgrade version of "Runaway". After use, you can enter the violent state. In this state, the realm of the host can increase a small stage for 30 seconds. "

"Note 1: This martial arts cannot cross-borders, such as the current level of the host to S-level. After using violent, you can get 30 seconds of S-class combat power. If the host realm reaches S +-level, only the corresponding power improvement Unable to let the host enter the SS-level. "

"Note 2: This martial arts price is 6000 system points. If the host has learned" runaway ", you can discount 3000 system points when you purchase."

"Note 3: This skill can be used with the running, and the effect is superimposed with each other, and the energy consumption will be increased."

After reading these four skills, Li Feng is a blind!

Lying in the trough, it is a system, these martial arts look very strong!

When the key purchase, it can also be preferential, the system is rare to be conscience!

After exciting, Li Feng consumes 11,000 system points, and bought all these four martial arts, then click to use it.

Suddenly, four white lights lit up in the Li Feng brain, and Li Feng will completely master these four skills!

At this time, Li Pefei found that the intuitive gas in the body has changed, which was originally filled in the meridians, which has been condensed into a liquid, such as the stream in the meridian in the meridians.

Although the total amount of infuriating has not changed, it has changed!

"The feeling of the bird gun is replaced ..."

Li Feng pinched his fist and sighed.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing Li Feng did not have a long time, Xu Man couldn't help but ask.

"thinking of you."

Li Feng quits the system and directly gave Xuman to a sweet crit.

Xu Man's heart is sweet: ", , I don't believe it."

"Why don't you believe it?" Li Feng is innocent.

"I am by your side, how can you think about me? You are sure to think about other women."

Speaking here, Xu Man is in the face.

She will not forget that Li Feng also has a business girlfriend, but she is forced to do not want to think.

"Manman, I know what you are thinking, in fact, I don't only have Su Wei ..."

Li Fenggang also told Xu Man for the existence of Song Yujun and Wei Yingqing, but at this time, Zhiling's sister suddenly sounded.

"Hey, host, you have a new task, is it right to see?"

Li Fengbei picks up, meditation: "View!"

"Task: Dark Night Killing"

"Task objectives: S-class strong, He Chong, ask the host to prepare for the enemy, protect the goddess, the manda, repel the mission, and the task is successful."

"Task Reward: 3000 Experience, 60000 System Points."

"What is the S-class strong? He Mingwei's family?"

Li Feng faces slightly.

"Why don't you talk, I am listening."

Xu Man is a bit anxious, what is the meaning of Li Feng, not only Su Wei, there are other women?

God, how this guy is so heart!

"I will explain it with you later, you are lying here."

Due to Li Feng, Li Feng took Monman in bed.

Xu Man thought that Li Feng's heart was striking, but also shy, couldn't help but pet.

It can be at this time, a loud sound came!


The door is taken from the outside!

"You are Li Feng?"

He Chong stood at the door and looked at Li Feng on the bed and asked in a hurry.

"He is you?"

After Li Feng, Li Feng was behind him, and he said.

He Tun, the face!

In order not to expose the whereabouts, he deliberately wore a human skin mask, even if he could not recognize him, let alone Li Feng from the unputued?

"Who is it? I am the killer of the wind and rain, specially take your dog!"

He Zong shake his head and denied it, then he went to the past to put Li Feng in the palm.

Just then, a ridicule sound rang from him: "What is your clothes? You are the killer of the wind and rain, why don't I know?"

He Zun, a shock, and the electric shock rushed out of two or three meters away, and then turned to see, but he saw a small A woman who was unsatisfactory. It was standing in the hallway.

After this little A woman, I still stand in a middle-aged woman.

It is Xiao Ling, who is high!

"Hey, you are the accomplices of Li Feng? Very good, so you don't need me to run more."

He Chong, in order to find Li Feng's drop, specially went to the hospital to find the restaurant manager in the hospital, and also went to the road monitoring video through his own relationship.

In the video, he just saw this woman, so I recognized her.

Li Feng has these three women, they must die!

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