Save the Goddess System

Chapter 263 Opens X6's poor ghost?

Xiao Ling's words let Xuoman color.

When she also took care, she picked up the bath towel and jumped out of the bed, and she gently took a pre-Li Peak: "You can't kill him, you have a conquest between you!"

Xiao Ling's appearance, the upper and lower, the monk said: "Hey ... If I have not remembered the wrong, you have thirty-five? It is still like a girl, it is no wonder that Li Feng is fascinated by the night. "

Because Xu Man is in a hurry, the bath towel is just a hurry, so some key parts have not covered.

This kind of situation is uncomfortable, even if Xiao Lingzhen is a woman, I can't help but look more.

Xu Man is a red face, and it is busy taking care of the bath towel and covering the exposed spring.

Li Feng took the shoulder shoulder to make Mang, walked to her, and he said in front of Xiao Ling, "You are afraid."

Xiao Ling is a flash, and the smile: "What can I be afraid of you, I want to kill you very simple."

"No, you are afraid, you are afraid that I will exceed you a year, so I want to kill me now, I have suffered."

Li Feng directly looks at Xiao Lingzi's eyes, and tie the strike.

"Do you really dare to kill you?"

Xiao Lingpei stepped forward, the breath of the body broke out.

Li Feng shook his head: "Of course you dare to kill me, but you don't have any meaning, but will bring your own disaster for yourself."

"On the contrary, only I will be able to bring enough benefits for you, and you will definitely pay more than you in the realm?"

"Even if I really exceed you, you can ruin about it, it is hard to do it, don't you ruin it now?"

"You said something a little." Xiao Ling is silent for a long time, finally will withdraw your breath, then turn around and say: "Time is not early, the resilience here is yourself."

After that, she turned around.

Gao Jie deeply looked at Li Feng, turned to catch up with Xiao Ling, and asked: "Miss, really want to let him?"

"Hey, are you not confident in me?" Xiao Lingyu played a pair of faces and asked coldly.

Gao Jie is trembled, and he said: "Don't dare!"

"Hey, don't forget, I am also a missionary genius, within one year, I will break through the context!"

At this moment, Xiao Ling is domineering side leakage!

When two people walked, Li Feng finally looked up.

Xiao Ling, this little girl killing is too heavy, fortunately, she is persuaded, otherwise it is unimaginable.

"Let's change the room first."

Li Feng looked at the door that was smashed, and he said helpless.

Fortunately, he fought with Xu Man, or why didn't you kill it, he is still fighting, , what should I do if I am scared in the future?

Soon, the two worn clothes to the front desk of the first floor, but saw a few policemen just entered the door.


Li Feng also did not waste, and then went out of the country an ID, he said: "I just had a gangster to rush into my bedroom, I have to assassinate me."

The other party took a carefully checked for a carefully, and said that Li Feng said: "Where is the police officer, where is the gangster?"

"Run, run the window, this person will be responsible for hunting, but you are troublesome, I have worked hard."

Li Feng shrugged and said two.

It's a meeting to face each other. Is that a gangster is a spy? That is really not their ordinary policeman can be dealive.

After a cold, the police officer left here.

At this time, the front desk beauty is afraid to welcome: "Li police officer, is a gangster forced me to tell you which room you live, if you don't say, he will kill me, hey."

When it comes to it, the front desk is crying.

He Zhu forceding her to say that Li Feng lived in which room was in the past, waiting for her to wake up, call the alarm phone in the first time.

"Well, I know, it's okay, don't have psychological pressure."

Li Feng was comforted by a few words. After the pre-beauty resumed calm, he proposed the requirements of the exchange room.

In this regard, the front desk beauty naturally did not dare to neglect, and he was busy helping Li Feng handled the exchange.

Waiting for Li Feng to restart, it is already 3 o'clock in the morning.

"Li Feng, I have a question. Since you know that Miss Xiao is arrogant, why gamble with her?"

On the bed, Xu Man is in the Li Feng chest, and I asked.

"It's very simple, because I will set her." Li Feng also flashed.

At first he was with Xiao Ling, the next year, just wanted to be famous.

Now ... Since there is "slavery" in the conquest point of the mall, if Xiao Ling is repent, he will turn Xiao Ling to his own slave, hey!

Early the next morning, Li Feng had to be born back to the pearl. When he came to the parking lot, I found that Xiao Lingha's Panamelira is no longer.

"Don't why? Interest."

Li Feng's eyes flashed, opened X6 to carry Xu Man to the pearl.

Since last night, Message of Xu Man and Brokerage will have spread throughout the Internet.

This news came out, immediately boarded the Weibo hot search list, for this, countless netizens also guess.

There is a lot of money, there is not much value, so it is abandoned by the brokerage company.

There is also a saying that Mandan has been mastered with black material, brokerage, hurriedly.

Some people say that Xu Man has been taken by a super rich and exits the entertainment circle.

The public has been very lively.

It is not much for this, and she has already resumed freedom, and she has already been fulfilled in the entertainment circle. It is just that this opportunity gives you a long holiday. If you have a rest, you will decide not to come out.

For this decision of Xu Man, Li Feng is naturally supported by both hands.

This is not, on the way back, he will negotiate with Mandan, prepare to buy a luxury home in the pearl as the love nest of the two.

At this moment, Li Feng droves X6 to a sales office of Jiangnan villa area in the southern suburbs of Pearl.

After stopping the car, Li Feng took the full-deputy assaled Xu Man walked into the sales office, just as if he expected, there were not a few customers in the sales office. But no one came over to entertain him.

"Hey, open X6 also dare to come to the Jiangnan to see a room? I really funny."

"One of the toilets here is enough to buy a few X6, this brother will not know the house price here?"

Real estate consultants are monkeys, and I have long seen what car opened by Li Feng.

The cheapest in the house is about more than 200 million, the real intentional customer is not overload is Bentley, Rolls Royce.

Open X6? They are too lazy to entertain.

At this moment, a female salesman who looked around was can't see, and the next hospitality will entertain Li Feng.

"Hey, Sun Xiao, you didn't sick, have this kung fu how good, don't you greeze a poor ghost?"

"Just, entertaining this kind of customer can only be a waste of time, let him see it in that."

Two-purpose consultants who have a good relationship with her are said.

Sun Xiao shook his head and smiled: "It is a guest, even if he can't afford it, I will take him to practice sales."

After I finished her eyes, I went to Li Feng.

Sun Xiao didn't know, although they deliberately lowered the sound, but they were still in the ear by Li Feng.

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