Save the Goddess System

Chapter 264 This villa, Laozi looks!

"Sir, is you going to see the room?"

Sun Xiao went to Li Peak and asked.

"Yes, how much is your most expensive villa?"

Li Feng removed from the sand table, and he saw Sun Xiao.

"Ah?" Sun Xiao is a bit awkward.

No ... How much is the most expensive villa? Is it a peer to spying an intelligence?

No, the price of a product Jiangnan villa is open, the root does not need to take the thorn information, don't he really want to buy a house?

"Well? I don't stand it?"

Li Fengbei picks up, like laughing.

"No." Sun Xiaoyun did notice: "Our most expensive is a villa with a building area of ​​1200 square meters. The unit price is 250,000 per square meter, the total price is 300 million Huaxia coins."

"This villa is located in the center of the villa area, a geographical location with a swimming pool, two garages, a home theater, a gym, an entertainment room, an eight bedroom, six toilets ......

"Hey, it sounds good, is there a picture?"

After listening to Sun Xiao, Li Feng is some.

Although this villa is his love nest with Xu Man, it can also take Su Wei, Song Yujun, Wei Yingqing, and there is less than the bedroom.

Of course, one day he can be dormant, but it is also the matter.

Therefore, his first requirement is big, the price does not matter.

No way, money is so good!

"Some." Sun Xiaoyi quickly took out the figure and carefully explained Li Feng.

At this time, other retribution consultants couldn't help but join the side, and the complex looks at Sun Xiao helped Li Feng to spend a solution.

"It is very handsome, and it is also a money to open a BMW X6. Unfortunately, the house here is not ordinary rich people to buy."

"Yeah, come here to buy a house is a million people dozens of millions of money. This young man opened the car is a pearl license, but the eyes are very eye, it is not the wealthy son of the pearl."

"It's indeed, and the woman around him is so strict, it is hard to be a star?"

"Even if the star estimates are also three lines? How do men around the three-line actresses have to be a rich."

"Sun Xiao is really too true. I know that this person can't afford the villa here, but also the explanation of Bala, what?"

"All Warm practiced, she hasn't sold out for two months, can you still have to be anxious?"

These home caregivers have a whispering, and the speech is full of Li Feng and the mock of Sun Xiao.

However, they didn't dare to say too much. After all, they did the service sales, and they could not like the network novels. Just because I felt that the other party couldn't afford the house, it was evil.

They really have to do this, no matter whether the other party is really can't afford, as long as the complaint is to the leadership, it will deduct performance, and it is not so stupid.

Just like these home care consultants waiting to see Li Feng joke, the roar of an engine came from the outside.

They turned to see, just saw a pull-up Lamborghini big burner to steady and stopped at the door of the sales office, in the envy of an industrial consultant, a young man walked from the big cattle.

"This is the fourth time to see this house?"

"Well, there is a long time in the No. 1 villa, and I have not made a determination. I should be a palette this time? Guo Jiang, you have to make a fortune."

The first villa in their mouth is the set of Sun Xiao to Li Feng, and Guo Jiang in their mouth, it is, Li Feng is a female sales of the poor.

Guo Yu smiled, twisted the waist and greeted: "Qi Shao, Miss Liu, you will see the house again? Please come quickly."

I have nodded in the sky, and I couldn't swept from Guo Yumai's full chest: "No. 1 villa has not sold it?"

Guo Yu's long, the body is in the middle, but the body is very hot, especially this to 36D, the feel is very good.

I saw three rooms before I flew, and I also opened three times with Guo Yu, and there was a saying of Guo Yu's body.

"Nothing, the less, is it decided to buy today?" Guo Yu took the heart and asked.

"Of course, what do I come over?" Qi Youkyu smiled and said.

"Our family has flying and flying out to earn 50 million, plus the previous principal, bought more than enough." Liu Minghui said with the flying arm and said the nostrils.

"Too good!" Guo Yu excitedly jumped from the place, then she found that she was too excited, and said, "I am sorry, I am happy to buy 1. , That ... let us sign the contract now? "

The price of Villa 1 is 300 million. If she can get 300,000 communies, such a big income is coming, how can Guo Yu are not excited?

I'm happy, just talking, suddenly, I listened to the exciting call from the Yuanyuan: "Really? You ... do you swipe now?"

Sinai is quiet!

Everyone brushed the head to see, but Sun Xiaozheng did not dare to confuse his mouth, pretty face because of too excited, red is like a big apple.

"What does Sun Xiao mean, that person wants to buy a ticket?"

"Will n't it? No. 1 villa is sold at least 300 million, this is only a big conference to swipe directly, and it is too late to play?"

"I feel impossible, Sun Xiao must be played."

Other home caregions just feel shocked, do not believe, Guo Yu is scared to fly!

"Why, the person must buy a house?"

I have seen Guo Yu's worried, I can't ask for doubts.

"Yes ... is not, he ..."

Some words of Guo Yu nervous.

"speak nicely."

I said that I said.

"Yes, the man just did inquire to listen to the No. 1 villa, but he should have no financial resources to buy a house."

Guo Yu is about to tell his own analysis.

"Open X6, buy a value of 3 billion villa?" Qi Youfei is a glimpse, then laughs: "Do you not encounter a liar?"

"Yes, I think so too." Guo Yu shook his head smiles, calm, and calmly:

After finishing her, she has to go to the card.

At this moment, Sun Xiao also took Li Feng, Xu Man went to the finance room, soon, the two people met.

"Guo Jiang, Mr. Li wants to buy a house."

After seeing Guo Yu, Sun Xiao shouted, but she was excited when she saw Guo Yu's own flying, and I was excited to coagulate on my face.

She also knows that there is a house of Huan Yi No. 1, which means that Guo Jiang also has a controversy?

Guo Yuzhi is sinking: "Sun Xiao, you should know that Mr. Qi has already gained a house, now he wants to swipe the card, let's let it."

Sun Xiaoshi has a colored, and a fragrand heart fell directly to the bottom.

This is not finished, there is a step forward, watching Li Feng said: "Kid, I don't care if you are buying or buy, No. 1 villa Laozi seems, you still look at other villas."

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