Save the Goddess System

Chapter 265, you hang, do you know?

The home of the renewal adviser with the back is first facing each other, and it will become excited.

I am going, this is to grab the rhythm of the house, today has a good show!

Li Feng's up and down, there is a flash of flying, brow crying: "You hang, do you know?"

Have a flying music: "I am going, is it so arrogant now?"

In front of him, he also saw the X6, pearl license, explaining that Li Feng is a pearl.

And Li Feng has a very eye, at least a few flying actions, there is no list of Li Feng, and Li Peak is mostly an outbreak, which does not have a countertur, or he will not know?

And who is there? The two masters of the Mingzhu family, Qijia assets, although more than Feng Jun, Wei Yang, Huang Bin, this top-level, not a hunter can match.

"What happened to X6?"

Li Feng is also happy, a total of the old people who have acquired the two major cars and enterprises in foreign countries, still a domestic car, can this show that he has no money? Can be a hundred billions of people!

There is also Zakberg, more than 2 million people in the house, but the opening is a small car of Honda, less than 100,000 cars!

There are still many examples like this, the real rich people, never rely on foreign objects to put their identity, because they themselves, is a living business card!

"Laozi is open is Lamborghini big cow! When will you open this level of super run, come with Laozi!"

There is no such awareness, saying proudly.

"Okay, there is a way you follow X6? Self-bowing identity!" Liu Minghui said disdain.

Liu Minghui is also a rich second generation, but Liu's assets are only billions. It is not as good as Qijia, but in this way, she still can't see a man who opens X6 ...

"It is also said." Qi Youfei is self-laughing, and I feel that I have a little bit of my own with Li Feng, I said: "Now I want to swipe the card to buy a house, and I will open it to the Laozi!"

It is said that it is necessary to move Li Feng to one side.

Li Feng is a cold, and a slap is over!


A crisp sound, there is only a strong attack, and the arm is not helpful, then the pain came from: "Ah! I hurt me!"

This scene makes everyone discolored!

I am going, this brother is too fierce, and I will do it!

Does he know that there is a fan? Who gave him the courage? Liang Jingru?

"Do you dare to fly? Do you know if there is a flying?" Liu Ming Hui fused, pointed at Li Feng's nose: "I tell you, you are dead, you are waiting!"

After I finished her, I took out my mobile phone to prepare people to come over and repair Li Feng.

One side, there is a flying and angry!

Hey, I think that he has two less, and it has made an outbreak to give it. Where is the face to make his face? How do he mix it in Pearl? !

"Well, you are forced, you are arrogant! I have to see if you will die, you can't be arrogant! Minghui, call the bodyguard of Laozi!"

I am flying, and I am angry.

On the side, Guo Yu turned his head and got a security guard: "You ... how do you play people? Security, security, hurry to go out!"

"Do you want to rush?" Li Feng directly ignored the threat of flying, Liu Minghui, asked Guo Yu.

"You played my customers, I certainly have to rush you." Guo Yu saw that the security guard came to this, and suddenly the heart was greatly fixed, and he said.

What excuses she just wanted to drive Li Feng, now Li Feng directly gave her reason.

"It is what he has pushed me first. He didn't see it?" Li Feng browned.

"Then you shouldn't hit people, hit people are not right." Guo Yuyi no matter what these, Qi You is her wealthy, no matter whether it is wrong, she is going to stand together.

"Yes, we all see you."

"Qixiang just wants to open you away, no malicious, you are doing it directly, this behavior is too embarrassing!"

Other home career consultants also attached.

Many people like to attach it, please have a strong, in these home industry consultants, there is more powerful than Li Feng more powerful, and how do they choose to choose.

Li Feng smiled and smiled and swept these rendering consultants. Mode: "According to your meaning, I have to wait for him to go to me."

"This is ..."

A vocational consultant for a while.

"Hey, lazy to get careful." Guo Yu snorted, he looked at Sun Xiao: "Sun Xiao, I told you before, the poor people like him can't buy a product of the house, now you Let me let it be? He is coming to this! "

"Guo Jiang, Mr. Li is not deliberate, and he is really a sincerity ..."

Sun Xiao also didn't expect Li Feng to do his hand. It was a bit hard in his face. Li Feng was a customer of her. At this time, she must say a few words to Li Feng.

"Hey, Sun Xiao, Sun Xiao, how do you let your sister say hello!" Guo Yuyi hated iron uncomfortable expression: "Look at people, can not only listen to what he said, but also look at him, Dress dress, temperament, and action. "

"In short, in his sister, he did not buy a house in Jiangnan, you still don't have anything about it."

At this time, the security guards in the sales office heard the news. Under Guo Yu's guidelines, Li Feng was going to sell the building.

"Don't catch him, let him wait!"

At this time, Liu Minghui finished the phone and screamed.

"Yes, let him wait here, I want to run? There is no!"

After hiding behind the security guard, the blood of the pain is.

Li Peak is high, and there is no opponent. However, he can't see Li Feng, and then dragging Li Feng, waiting for his bodyguard to arrive, and then strike Li Feng a breath!

For Qi Fei, Guo Yu naturally has to be satisfied, and a rendering consultant feels that this time Li Feng is dead, it will definitely be very miserable!

As at this time, a question came from the second floor: "What happened below, how is it so messy?"

Everyone looked at it, but saw a middle-aged man, she was going downstairs with a kid.

"Ah, it is the boss and yellow!"

"The boss came over, this is a good show!"

The person who talks is the boss of Jiangnan. He soldiers behind him is the top of the pearls.

"Huang Shao?"

Have a confidly Huang Bin, and suddenly hit a machine, then hurry up.

"How to fly? Why, come here to buy a house?"

After Huang Bin walked downstairs, the proudly stood in the same place, waiting for the flying to his body, this asked.

"To the right, I look at the No. 1 this here, I am planning to pay the card."

"Huang Shao, you have to buy a house here? Then we will neighb it."

Have a good time.

He is more than that of the second line of Pearl, and it is not qualified to see Huang Bin, which is less eligible.

"No. 1 Villa?" Huang Bin's face suddenly became weird: "There is a fly, I have seen it, and you change it."

Just now, he talks about He Bing at the second floor is the preferential problem of the No. 1 villa. Under a guest set, he was taken by the price of 280 million.

This is not that he is going to pay with He Bing to pay the card, and he will see it.


Estate now!

Guo Yu and other professional consultants are also collective!

At the time of everyone, a light sound sounded: "Huang Bin, I have seen it, I have changed it."

Everyone looked down and found that people who speaking were Li Feng!

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