Dozens of hand holding a small mix of the weapon, but he was all touched by Li Feng, so the impact force directly shocked the Wang Xiao and others on the spot.

"Wang ... Wang Shao, we quickly withdraw it."

Lu Chao is afraid to stay again to be played by Li Feng.

Cheng Fei Long took a nodded, they won't work hard, hit it here only by Li Feng violently!


Wang Xiaoyan has spacked his mouth, and his face is pale: "We are just tactical retreat, not afraid of Lish, right?"

"For the right, tactical retreat."

Lu Chao, Cheng Fei Dilong attached to the head.

Liu Yuanyuan didn't help but feel the three women. If you escape, you said that the tactical retreat is really hypocritical.

At this moment, Wang Xiao three will noble the temperament of the son, so that stealing, you must get on the bus.

"Want to run, is it?"

Li Feng smiled, he left the king three people.

"Wang Shao, I dragged him, you run!"

Tang Jianshu bite his teeth and rushed to Li Feng.

In the rich insurance, if he can drag Li Feng, give Wang Xiao three created the time, Wang, Lu, Cheng San will will give him a rich compensation.

To this end, he is willing to take a half-dead risk that Li Feng will drag Li Feng!


Li Feng laughed and flewered a foot to Tang Jian tree!


Tang Jianshu only felt a strong attack, and the body was not controlled back, flying directly to more than ten meters away.

The powerful rear shift allows Tang Jianshu to rolling the shape after rolling the shape, and the head is dizzy!

At the same time, Li Feng's feet came to Wang Xiao before, like a chicken, usually grabbed the king of Wang Xiao, lost.


Although Wang Xiao did not wear special steps, it also realized that the flying feeling, the body was uncontrolled, and then the ass slapted.

Li Feng flashed again.


Cheng Fei Long and Lu Chao were also lost by him, and he was squatting next to Wang Xiao.


Liu Yuanyuan sent a scream and turned to run.

"Hey, running well, so you can continue to be scourgeed."

Li Feng shook his head and turned to Wang Xiao three before, and smiled. "Do you recognize it?"

"Surrrum, I am Wang Jia Wang Xiao, do you know what consequences do you do?" Wang Xiao looked up and looked at Li Feng and his blood.


Li Feng raised his hand, it was a slap in the face of Wang Xiao: "What is the consequence, let me go out of Jiangnan? This sentence you just said."

"Wang Shao!" Cheng Fei Dilong relied on Lu Chao.

Wang Xiao is done by people, and is it in Jiangnan?

Hey, this surname Li is dead, he is really dead!


Li Feng is two bar fans in Cheng Fei Long, Lu Chao face, ridicuing: "What is the dog, you are not in the eyes!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Wang Xiao is like neuropia, and smiles extremely rampant.

He has never been hit from a small to the big, never!

But today he was hit by a foreigner, and it is a face, this feeling makes him a few want to be crazy!

"Why are you laughing?"

Li Feng brows, this brother should not be stupid by him, can you laugh at this time?

"I laugh at you idiots!" Wang Xiao raised his hand and rubbed his blood, and said his blood and red: "Maybe I am really a small role, but I have a role of Tang Ge."

"In front of my brother, you are a plus ..."


Li Feng is also a slap in the face of Wang Xiao.

Suddenly, Wang Xiao Bo swollen the left face of the red swollen face, it is like a steamed bread, the blood of the mouth does not stop flowing down, landing.

"Talking, or I still smoke you!"

Li Feng picks up Wang Xiao's clothes and rubbed off the blood in his hand and said coldly.

Wang Xiao is awkward, I can't wait to pelib to Li Feng, and I am smashing the flesh!

Lu Chao Title is completely afraid.

The surname Li is too fierce, with the desperate, do you go on this way?

"Li Lee, I have something to say." Lu Chao teeth took a bit and said.

"Well?" Li Fengbei picks up, and smiles, look at Lu Chao: "Speaking."

"Wang ... is a member of the dragon soul, or the martial arts of the martial arts, he must kill you, you know what you do!"

"It's better to put our three leaves, these three super runs, we don't want, all give Li Shao, our grievances, how?"

Lu Chaostead is looking forward to it.

Wang Xiao face color change: "Lu Chao, are you seeking him?"

"Wang Xiao, don't be excited, we are misunderstood with Li Shao, why bother to spell you die?"

Lu Chao is flashing, and it is said that he said.

"Hey, Lu Chao, surnamed Li's two slaps, you let Laozi is so calculated, what do you make a brother!"

Wang Xiaojing is anger, and you will go to land super.

"Wang Xiao Wang Xiao, don't be excited, Lu Chao is also good for you."

Cheng Fei Long hugs Wang Xiao and persuaded.

"Dragon, do you think so? I really did wrong?" Wang Xiaoyi looked at Cheng Fei Long and asked.

"The family should not never end." Cheng Fei Dragon sighed.

Wang Xiao's body is trembled, and the color behind him is like a lot of spiritual gods being pulled out. It is unpopular whispered: "Yes, what you said, this thing is a small thing, It is misunderstood, and the family should not never end, I should not continue to be stubborn. "

Speaking of this, Wang Xiao looks to Li Feng: "Li is less, I just did wrong, I admitted, these three super runs at you."

After that he took out the car key, he went to Li Feng.

Cheng Fei Long, Lu Chao also took the other car keys, and his hands were in front of Li Peak, and the head was slightly underground, just like to take Li Fengchen.

Li Feng swept one by one from the three faces, and the half of the road was ridiculed: "The play is good."

Even if you don't use reading heart, you can guess Wang Xiao three people playing what ideas, nothing more than fake, let Wang Cheng to pack him first.

"What kind of play? How can actu?"

The Lu Chao is tight, so it is awkward.

Li Feng guess, they all worked together with a brother who wore a big pants, and a movement of an eye would know what to do.

Just now, Wang Xiao intentionally violent, it is to reduce Li Feng's vigilance!

"Oh." Li Feng shook his head and was too lazy to pull this question: "Wang Xiao, I will give you a chance, you look for your squat, see that he can save you from my hands. ,how is it?"

Wang Xiao three is a glimpse, then the heart is ecstatic!

The surname Li wants to see Wang Cheng? He is looking for death!

"Are you sure?" Wang Xiao pressed his heart and asked.

"OK, I will give you half an hour, I can't see you after half an hour, I will tie you and throw it into the Weijiang River!"

After that, Li Feng returned to one side with a cigarette point.

After spitting a smoking ring, Li Feng is dark, whistle: "Wang Cheng, Wang Cheng, we finally have to meet!"

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