Save the Goddess System

Chapter 277 kills him like a butcher!

Jiangnan, Western suburbs, there is a manor, a wide area, three sides of the mountains, and the environment is extremely beautiful.

There have been a top rich man in Hong Kong, which is a manor, a bid price of 1 billion, but is directly refused by the owner of the manor.

Because this is the king's manor, and Wang family is really not short of money!

At this moment, Wang Boan is sitting on the Taishi Chair in the middle hall, talking with his most loved grandson Wangcheng.

Cheng Ya Shu is sitting on the mother-in-law, sitting on the mother-in-law, and the face is sitting next to, and I will give Wang Bo Nan Sun.

"Do you have confidence tomorrow?"

Wang Bo Nan, a tea, put down the teacup.

Wang Cheng helplessly smiled: "Grandpa, you ask me in the first few times?"

He rushed back to Jiangnan yesterday. In the phone, Wang Bo south asked him this question. After meeting, I asked again, and this is already the third time in two days.

Wang Boan hit a haha: "Haha, old is old, always forget."

Cheng Ya Shu and Lu Qian laughed at a glance. They all knew that Wang Bo South was forgotten, he was too concerned about tomorrow's trial.

"Your child, Grandpa asked what you will answer, don't make a mouth!"

Lu Qiao's surface is reprimanded, and it is true that it is general.

One of the kings of Wangcheng, I have to answer again. Who knows Wang Boan to say: "Okay, don't talk about the city, I asked too many times."

"Hey, Tomorrow's trial is too important, can't be lost, the city, the grandfather, I can return to Wang Sun, I will see your performance."

Wang Cheng smiled, proudly: "Let's rest assured that Grandpa, I have 100% grasp the success of the trial!"

Tomorrow Wang Jia will send a few core members to this, and the ancestors of Wangcheng have returned to the country.

The content of the trial is very simple. It is to send a master of the martial arts and Wangcheng to fight, win, and the trial is successful, and the trial is failed.

And Wangcheng has confidence to do invincible in the territory!

Wang Bo Nan's old comfort, just to encourage the king of Wangcheng, suddenly a rush of the phone ringtone.


Wang Bonan picked up the mobile phone and saw the electricity display. "What hassues have been caught in this kid?"

"Hey, Grandpa, I was hit by a surname Li at the entrance of the Jiangnan Day Hotel, surnamed Li is a master, even Tang Bao is not the enemy of his one, grandfather, you will make the city brother to save me."

The miserable voice of Wang Xiaoyan is ringing from the phone.

Wang Cheng is a big boss. It is very strict for Wang Xiao and other citizen girls. Therefore, Wang Xiao did not dare to call Wang Bucheng directly, and he can only take Wang Bo South.

"Surname Li ?!"

Wang Bo South thought of some kind of possibation, I stood up!

Cheng Ya Shu, Lu Qiao Lan Qi Qi color change, in their impression, even if Taishan collapsed in B Bon South, it could not change color, Wang Xiao said in the phone, causing such a big response from Wang Bo South?

"How old is he old, how is it, can there be someone around?"

Wang Bo Nan's face asked.

Although Wang Xiao did not solve the grandfather why there was such a question, it was still as understood.

"Is it true?"

After listening to Wang Xiao, Wang Boan is more definitely guess.

After the last time Li Feng Dachengjiang North, Wang Bonan let Cheng Li detail the longitude of Li Feng, with most of Wang Xia.

"You are old and old, don't anger him, I will let you go in the city."

Wang Boan hangs up the phone and looked at Ya Shu, Lu Qianshi, and finally went to Wangcheng.

"Grandpa, is Wang Xiao, this kid is in the outside?"

Wangcheng asked with a laugh.

"Well, you kicked it on the iron board this time ..."

Wang Bo Nan's eyes flashes, and secretly considers whether he said.

"Ironboard?" Wang Cheng shook his head smiled, proud: "Even if I am a steel wall, I can wear it, in Jiangnan, no one can bully our Wang family!"

"Grandpa, tell me where Wang Xiao is now, I personally go to a trip."

"Wait a minute, the people you can't be ... is ...!"

Wang Bonan sighed and said.

A fogwater listened by the three people in Wangcheng.

The father is usually killed, how can I suddenly hesitate, is it very horrible? Is there a horrible person?

Cheng Ya Shu is shocked, thinking that some kind of possibility, out of mouth: "The old man, that person will not be ..."

Wang Bo Nan nodded: "Yes, it should be him."

Lu Qiulan and Wang Chengyi!

If they don't know that the father never jokes, they have to think that the old man's old lady is united to play them!

"Lao Ge, you don't play the bumbler, let's talk, I am dying."

Lu Qiao Lan is listening to the claw, can't help but urge it.

Wang Cheng also couldn't help but nod, this listening man said half of the feeling ... Too uncomfortable!

Wang Bo Nan Zhangpei wants to say hesitate to hesitate.

"Old man, this kind of thing can't hit, you will tell them."

Cheng Ya Shu advised himself.

"Hey!" Wang Boan religious sigh, this said: "You are likely to be Li Feng."


Lu Qiao Mother and child face!

Then, Wang Cheng turned and went out: "I will kill him!"

"Wait!" Wang Bo Nan quickly called him: "Li Feng is also a member of the dragon soul, you will have a big problem!"

Dragon soul is not self-confusion, this iron is still Wang Cheng, telling Wang Bo South, whoever dares, whoever is going to accept the sanctions of the dragon soul, and the dragon soul is expelled, and the Tantian will be abolished.

Tomorrow Wang Cheng will usher in Wang Sun's trial, Wang Boan how will he take this risk?

"Although there is no self-confusion between the dragon soul members, you can launch a duel. As long as Li Feng accepts my challenge, I will not have any trouble."

"And I have confidence to let Li Feng accept my duel challenge ... Grandpa, don't you let me kill him?"

Speaking of this, Wangcheng's tone is a bit cold.

Wang Bo Nan is immersed, and it has closed his eyes.

"The old man, Li Feng, the kind of kind, I have to die, do you want to see him to destroy the trial of the city?"

Lu Qiao is almost screaming.

Since I knew that Li Feng was out of Sujia, Lu Qilan had not slept for a sense of steadyness, and she always was awakened by a nightmare. She is really better than anyone wants Li Feng!

"How much do you have to defeat him?"

Wang Bo Nan opened his eyes and asked.

Wang Cheng's face is proud of the five words: "Kill him like a butcher."

"Okay, let's go, pay attention to safety."

After saying this sentence, Wang Boan seems to have taken the whole body strength, and it is sitting on Taishi Chair.

Cheng Ya lamed his breath and walked over to knead his shoulders.

Wangcheng nodded and turned out of the door.

After him, Lu Qilan shouted: "City, kill the species, mother is waiting for you to return!"

Wang Chengou also never returned to the ok gesture.

Today, he will kill Li Feng!

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