Save the Goddess System

Chapter 278, ruthless family regulations

After leaving Wangjiazhuang, Wang Cheng suddenly thought of a problem.

"The duel in the dragon soul needs to have a third party, and this third party must also be a core member of the dragon soul ... Just find Qin Kai."

Wang Cheng secretly married a word, pick up the phone and dialed a call.

Qin Kai is the head of the dragon soul Jiangnan, the master of the master, and the same black dragon with Wangcheng is a clear.

Because Wang Cheng's relationship, Qin Kai and the Wang family have been very close. Before Wang Xiao, there were not least trouble Qin Kai to pick up bad stalls.

Jiangnan Grand Hotel door, Ferrari F12.

"You shouldn't let Wang Cheng come over, according to the plan, you should have met him tomorrow."

Jiang Yunzhu looked at Wang Xiao, who was in the distance, frowning.

"You are afraid that I can't help but kill him?" Li Feng's mouth hook, play taste: "Do not worry, I have an inch, today I want to see what the younger brother, my brother is long."

"But I am very curious, why Qinglong has made me to challenge him when I tried to trial in Tomorrow, what is more attention?"

Jiang Yunzhu turned his head and looked at Li Feng and his eyes: "I am just listening to it."

"Really?" Li Feng's eyes stared at the eyes of Jiang Yunzhu.

Jiang Yunzhu was at first glance with Li Feng, but she quickly jumped, I couldn't help but move it.

Seeing, Li Feng played a smile: "I believe you."

Jiang Yun bamboo is a shock, surprised to see Li Feng, and the expression is somewhat cute.

It is difficult to understand the trust between people and people, but it is very fast, and she has no much friendship between her self-friendly and Li Feng, but Li Feng is so simply choosing to trust her, which makes her some touch.

After half, Jiang Yun bamboo light painted: "Thank you for believe me, although I don't know what Qinglong is planning, but I don't understand Wang Sun's trial, do you want to listen?"

"Oh? I would like to smell." Li Feng said, changed a comfortable position, and washing the sham.

Jiang Yun bamboo finished his thoughts and slowly said: "Do you know why Wang Sun's family can inherit for nearly millennium, and have been standing in the peak of the Huaxia's ancient martial arts?"

Li Feng shook his head. If Jiang Yunzhu told him, he didn't know that Wang Boan was coming out of Wang Sun's family. Naturally, there is no understanding of Wang Sun's family.

Jiang Yunzhu deep sucking, slowly said: "It is because Wang Sun's family's household rule is almost ruthless."

"Whether you don't have the talent, there is no military talent, you will be extended by Wang Sunjia after adulthood, and change your name."

"Disciples with martial arts, you need to step into the masters before the age of 20, walk into the superfield before the age of 30, but if the age is in the realm, it is not followed, and it will be expelled from Wang Sun."

Li Feng's eyes were a cold, agreed: "Sure enough, it is almost ruthless."

Jiang Yunzhu shook his head smile, then said: "These have been elected Wang Sun's family, if there is a missionary genius in the descendants, such as 28 years ago, in the late post, go to the superfield before the age of 28."

"Wang Sunjia will send a specialist to try to try him, trying to return to Wang Sun home spectrum."

"At this point here, this trial is only for the best outsurge."

Li Fengbei picks: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Yunzhu suddenly said: "For more than one, the third generation of Jiangnan Wang family appeared in two martial testers with Wangcheng."

Li Feng is busy to interruption, frowning: "Stop, I have no relationship with the Wang family."

"Hey ..." Jiang Yun bamboo is hysterested, and the face apologetically said: "Sorry, then I change a metaphor."

She knows that Li Feng has more and hate the Wang family, just taking Li Feng to fight, it is indeed a bit wrong.

"Forget it, anyway, you just play the way." Li Feng sighed, and felt that he was too sensitive, and then smiled and said: "Continue."

Jiang Yunzhu looked at Li Feng for a while, and said that he was really not in the past: "If you can prove that you are better than Wang Cheng, the Wang Sun will cancel the trial of Wangcheng, turn to you."

I heard that Li Feng couldn't help but laugh: "Hey, I am naturally better than Wang Cheng, but I will never accept Wang Sun's trial."

"Wait ... Qinglong is not to make me accept the idea of ​​Wang Sunjia trials? Don't think!"

I have never seen him in a time. Qinglong makes this bad old man bad drops!

Jiang Yun bamboo is close to the lips, and some silence is silent.

In fact, she thinks like this, but she can't talk about this kind of thing, can only explain whisper: "Don't think more, I just tell you what I know, as Qinglong makes the adults, I am really Unclear. "

"I understand, thank you for telling me this." Li Feng smiled and said more.

Jiang Yun bamboo nodded, and then said that the color of honoring: "So Wang Sun's children have grown in huge stress, no one dares slack, this has created Wang Shujia to continue nearly millennium."

China has four top ancient Wu Shi, only Wang Sunjia inherits nearly millennium, and the other three history is only 500 years.

Such a family is a living legend!

Li Feng nodded agreed.

The characters in history are often embarrassed to the enemy, and they are also more embarrassed to themselves.

Wang Sun's family is so memorable, it is reasonable to last for thousands of years.

However, Li Feng didn't like this family in his heart, it was too ruthless.

The topic is here, and the two are silent, and the atmosphere is somewhat embarrassing.

At this moment, a Hummer H2 gave birth from a distance, accompanied by a harsh brake sound, Hummer H2 stabilized, a handsome youth wearing white slim suit came down.

"He is Wang Cheng."

Jiang Yun bamboo is slightly lighter.

"Hey ... it is a brother of my father, this look is still very hit, but it is still better than me."

Li Feng said in the world.

Jiang Yunzhu: "..."

No ... Is this so late?

However, the words come back, Li Feng's value is indeed very outstanding, the body is good, the martial arts talent is very enchanting, if ...

Forget it, Li Feng is a woman with girlfriend, if there is anything.

Jiang Yun bamboo shook his head and disleged these distinctive people.

"Hey, I am coming out again. Is this a Wang family?"

Li Feng pointed to the middle-aged man who just walked from Hummer H2 and asked.

Jiang Yun bamboo is settled, and the face suddenly weird: "He is Qin Kai, the head of the dragon soul Jiangnan."

"Oh?" Li Feng said, nodded, didn't say more.

"Brother, you are finally here!"

After Wang Xiao saw Wangcheng, it was like a child who was bullied outside, and his grievance was like a volcano, and he was going to cry.

"Turning tears back!"

Wangcheng directly speaking.

Wang Xiaoyi is busy, and will hold the tears that flow to the eyelids. This says: "Brother, surname Li said that we must destroy our Wang family, it is not sad, he is in that F12, you must kill him!"

"Yes?" Wang Cheng's eyes a cold, killing Liao Rei, looking at Ferrari F12, bursting a drink: "Li Feng, come out!"

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