Save the Goddess System

Chapter 279 accepts challenges

Wang Cheng's voice is like a thunder, straight rush, swaying four wild!

Wang Xiao, Lu Chao, Cheng Fei Long only felt that the ear is awkward, the heart is shocked!

Li Feng? What is Li Feng?

His coming to Jiangnan?

"City brother, is he really Li Feng?"

Wang Xiao is somewhat unwilling to believe.

One month ago, Li Feng's diverted river is all earned, the martial arts master, the dragon soul member, no matter which identity is enough to let them be jealous, let alone Li Feng also has these two identities.

Wang Cheng did not speak, and the eyes were staring at the F12, waiting for Li Feng to come out.

Seeing, Wang Xiao can only pust puzzle in the bottom of the heart, waiting quietly.

Just when they are so impatient, the right side of the F12 opens, and a long leg wrapped by black silk.


Cheng Fei Long couldn't help but swallow the water.

"Lying in the trough, this legs, I can play for a year!"

Lu Bai can't help but sigh.

Wang Xiao is a big point to agree.

Before they were still discussing Jiang Yun bamboo, the legs were fine and beautiful. Now, it is simple to bubble!

Even the eyes of Wang Cheng have flashing a stunning color, obviously coveted with this legs.

Then, Jiang Yun bamboo walked off the bus, and the whole body was exposed in Wangcheng and others' sight.

Lu Chao expansion said: "This girl ... The body is absolutely!"

Cheng Fei Long squatted his heart: "It's over, I have a feeling of love!"

Wang Xiao's hands were shocked in front of the two, and the color of greed: "This woman is mine, no one can grab it with me, who is following me, don't blame me, don't take him as a brother!"

Lu Chao Li Dragon is dissatisfied with: "Delicate old iron, say good brothers, such as hand, foot, such as clothes?"

On the side, Wang Xianiang is slightly changed, and it is secretly sinking: "I didn't expect her to come to Jiangnan. Is it a way to be empty?"

He has had a side of the Dragon Soul Headquarters and Jiang Yunzhu, when he was amazed by Jiang Yunzhu, and he was deeply remembered, so he would recognize Jiang Yunzhu at a glance.

Jiang Yun bamboo is full of crumples, and the face is killing.

Is these ? I really want to kill them!

"I have given me a mouth! This is the B-class member of the Dragon Soul, Jiang Yunzhu Jiang, Miss Jiang, still does not hurry to apologize to Miss Jiang!"

Wang Cheng's look, export reprimand, and the amazing light is not slight.

Qin Kai is a flash, and this knows the identity of Jiang Yunzhu, and he said: "Dragon Soul Jiangnan Division Qin Kai, I have seen Miss Jiang."

"Dragon Soul Qinglong makes Jiang Yun bamboo, see Qinqi, see Mr. Wang."

Jiang Yunzhu hugged the gift.

There are only four levels of the dragon soul, the lead, dragon, flag, ordinary member.

The person in charge of the division of the Dragon Soul is the flag, and the general member is only divided into realm.

For example, Jiang Yun bamboo is a hardcomer of the B-level, which is a member of the Dragon Soul. Wang Cheng is a strong member, which is a member of the dragon soul A, but there is no high and low.

Of course, when a member of the realm is facing a member of the realm, the posture must be appropriately lowered.

On the side, Wang Xiao three is like eating flies.

Hey, such a beautiful woman is actually a member of the dragon soul, can only be seen? I am a personal!

"I let you apologize!" Wang Cheng pulled high volume and once again.

Wangcheng three people shrink the neck, and said that he did not want to say: "Miss Jiang, I am sorry."

They are not afraid of the middle and long life, only afraid of Wangcheng, because Wangcheng is the most popular and long-lasting generation, and really dare to hit them ...

"I don't accept your apology." Jiang Yun bamboo snorted, and then looked to Wangcheng: "I want to tell Wang Mr. Wang, Wang Xiaosan first is rude to me, and then with Li Feng gamble, but not only did not pay after the result It is also called people to find Li Feng. "

"I want to ask Qinqi to make, Mr. Wang, are they doing this?"

Qin Kai glanced at the heart of nasal nose and silence.

"Sure enough, Li Feng!" Wang Cheng's eyes were a cold, then smiled: "I am used to Jiangnan, I will have a good to pack them at Jiangnan, and I will have a commandment to Miss Jiang!"

The mouth said that the kings were packed, in fact, it was a protecting score, otherwise he should directly put Wang Xiaoshi to Jiang Yunzhu treatment.

Following the Wangcheng rumored: "But the next thing is my private grievance with Li Feng, please ask Miss Jiang not to intervene."

Jiang Yun bamboo appearance, just want to talk, Wang Chengjing said: "Li Feng, you let a woman come out for you, but you only dare to hide in the car, are you still a man?"

At this time, Jiang Yun bamboo is secretly called!

Just now she spends tongue to persuade Li Feng to get off, and she will have to deal with her, Wangcheng, this is, afraid that she will make her suffer!

When she turned back, I saw that Li Feng pushed the door to get off.

"Li Feng ..."

Jiang Yunzhu really wants Li Feng to take it in the car, but if you can't say it anyway, you can't say it.

"Wang Cheng, you just said that I have to kill me, just like ten years ago?"

Li Feng stands in the same place, and the taste of the taste is against the Wangcheng regards the intersection of the line, and there is an invisible spark.

Ten years ago, he met with Wangcheng in the gate of Wangjiamen. At that time he was 13 years old, Wangcheng 12 years old.

Wang Cheng took Lu Qilan's hand, and Wang Cheng was scornful and disgusted to look at Li Yuan mother. The little body seems to have a volcano.

At that time, Li Feng also took Wang Cheng as your brother, so he didn't understand, why Wang Cheng wants to look at him in this eye, until Wangcheng speaks a sentence ...

"You are the kindness of Dad with this wild woman? Wait, one day I will kill your mother and child!"

Wang Cheng's words provoke Lu Qianlan with a prince. Haha laughed, and praised Wang Cheng's well-behaved.

From then on, Li Feng knows that there is always one day and death between him!

"Yes, I want to kill you, do you dare to fight?"

After the right hand of Wangcheng, the momentum of the post-late trend broke out, and the power is amazing!

Ten years, he has been waiting for ten years and also endured ten years. Today, he can finally kill Li Feng, the shame of the king!

Li Feng step forward: "Do you think I don't dare?"

Jiang Yun bamboo is busy with Li Peak: "Don't fight!"

"Please let you open, this is the matter between I and Wang Cheng, I have nothing to do with the dragon soul." Li Feng gently allocated, and sent Jiang Yunzhu to one side.

"Haha, this is like a man." Wang Chengyu smiled and said: "Come on, in the Qinqi to witness the testimony of Miss Jiang, you and I duel, dying!"

"City brother, kill this hybrid, give us a revenge!"

"City brother killed him!"

"Killing him, smashing him!"

Wang Xiaoshi is instantly high!

They hated Li Feng, and if they can witness Wang Cheng kill Li Feng, it is more cool than Jiang Yunzhu!

"Very good." Li Feng said with a cold, swept from Wang Xiao three face, and finally sought in Wangcheng: "I can accept your challenge, but the duel time must be set to tomorrow, place in Wang Jia, you ... ... dare not promise? "

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