Save the Goddess System

Chapter 280, walking into the magic

Wang Xiao and others have a face and face each other.

Tomorrow, in the Wang family with Wang Cheng Li Feng is going to do things!

Wangcheng pupil is shrunk, then sprinkled with a smile: "Do you want to defeat me in front of the guest's guest?"

Tomorrow is the big day of the Wang family, Wang Boan invites the company to invite friends and family to come to watch the kingcheng to complete the trial.

Waiting for Wang City through trial, Wang Bo South will also be a banquet, and the banquet is booked.

From three days ago, many foreign friends and friends have rushed to Jiangnan, almost all five-star hotels in Jiangnan.

"Yes, in front of the king, in front of all guests, beat you, think about it."

Two hands of Li Feng, a laughing, but also laughing.

Wang Xiao yak: "It's arrogant!"

Lu Yue explosion :: "arrogant!"

Cheng Fei Long thought half a day, smashing a "code!"

Dang, Lu, Cheng San family, Wang Cheng has always been a unique existence, in Wang Xia, etc., Wang City is an idol, it is omnipotent.

Li Feng actually dare to kill Wang Cheng, not forgive!

" !"

Li Feng double-eyed is like a call to Wang Xiao three: "Your account, tomorrow, I have to follow you, no one can't escape!"

After Li Feng, Li Feng, Wang Xiao 3 people can't help but play a cold, and the momentum is slight.

"Hey, good, since you want to play tomorrow, then I will kill you in the morning? You will die in my hand!"

Wang Cheng is cold and looked at Li Feng, just like looking at a dead.

Then, Wang Cheng also looked at Jiang Yun bamboo: "Miss Jiang, you better prepare for Li Feng for Li Feng, led him to the corpse! Let's go!"

The voice is falling, Wang Cheng leads the driving of Wang Xiao and others.

"Call, I thought you couldn't help but move with Wang Cheng."

Wang Chengyou, Jiang Yunzhu finally tone.

"Killing him is simple, but in this killing, it is not very significant. Only when Wang Bo Nan, Lu Qilan and others will kill him to maximize the king family."

Li Feng said with a cold and said cold and cold.

The next time, the two have been near the Jiangnan Hotel for dinner, and then find a hotel to stay.

It's just that the two people took out the mobile phone to go into the hotel app and found that all four-star hotels nearby 10 kilometers were all full.

Li Feng is a hotel that can accept the following hotels below. When he is unusual, 30 people live in a night in one night.

However, Jiang Yun bamboo can't accept it. She has a slight junction, always feels that low-star hotel hygiene is not up to standard ...

Under the helpless, the two had to drive a hotel in a hotel.

Generally, the hotel will not put all the listings online, if you are lucky, they can stay in a five-star hotel.

As a result, the two found two hotels and was all told.

"It is worthy of Jiangnan Wangjia, a strong person!"

Li Feng guess the toes can guess why the hotel will be full, it is definitely that Wang's guest comes too much.

"Go to the next home."

Jiang Yunzhu did not expect this to encounter this situation, which is a bit helpless.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the two came to the third hotel.

"Is there room?" Li Feng came to the front desk and asked for expectation.

"Some." The front desk is bright, and the sweet laughs.

"This man is so handsome, open or super run, handsome, gold, body, if it is my boyfriend ..."

In the face of Li Feng, the front desk in the hotel has floors.

Li Feng was tone, and he took out the ID card: "Trouble helps me open two rooms."

"Hey ..." The front desk of the hotel looked at the eyes of Huyun bamboo, and the face was geek: "Mr. Just, this store has only a luxury suit ..."

"One room?"

Li Feng was exclaimed with Jiang Yunzhu.

"Yes, are you not a couple?" The front desk color of the hotel is more weird.

Men's hands, it is also the same car, it is not a couple, will n't it?

"It's really not." Li Feng smiled, and then looked at Jiang Yunzhu: "What to do, continue to find the fourth family?"


Jiang Yunzhu hesitated, took out the mobile phone, logging in to the hotel app, found that all four-star hotels in all four-star hotels nearly 10 kilometers were still full.

"Do you want to go to a three-star hotel?"

Jiang Yun bamboo is asking Li Feng, in fact, in his own thought struggle.

"In fact, even if it is not a couple, you can only open a suite? In this store's luxury suit, there is a bedroom in the room, and the couch in the meeting is very large."

The front desk is coming.

Li Feng gave a thumbs up to the front desk beauty in his heart, this sister is good, God assists!

He didn't think about Jiang Yun bamboo, just too lazy to go to a family asking.

"Miss Jiang, if you can accept it, I sleep on the sofa, you sleep."

Li Feng did a cough and said.

Jiang Yunzhu has some heart, just let Li Feng sleep on the sofa, he will fight with Wang Cheng tomorrow ...

"That's still going to find the next family ..."

Li Feng sighed and lifted his feet.


Jiang Yunzhu quickly called Li Feng, the silver teeth bite: "Forget it, the time is not early, then live!"

Li Fengbei picks up, and smiled after Jiang Yunzhu. "Okay."

After a few minutes, the two came to the Deluxe Suite.

"Do you want to take a shower?"

Jiang Yunzhu put his luggage and asked.

"Well, you want, don't you wash it?"

Li Feng asked.

"Well ..." Jiang Yun bamboo was pretty red, and he left: "Then you will wash, I ... I have a rest in the bedroom."

After that, Jiang Yunzhu walked into the bedroom.

When Li Feng took a shower, Jiang Yunzhu went out of the bedroom.

Li Feng, who is sitting on the sofa, looking at TV, but seeing Jiang Yun bamboo dressed sleeping skirt.

The sleeping skirt is very thin, it should be silk material, a bit flavoring, and Li Feng can see two small bumps without perspective.

Lying in the trough, Jiang Yun bamboo did not wear underwear!

The skirt is very short, which is covered with the buttocks. The skirt is boiled, and the beautiful legs of the jade are exposed to the air, and the seductive glory is emitted under the light of the light.

"No, this chick should I deliberately seduce young?"

Li Feng ceume micro-heat, dark self-belly.

Jiang Yunzhu was observed to Li Feng's gaze. When he was pretty, he walked into the bathroom.

At the moment of the door, Jiang Yun bamboo is long and spit out.

She also knows that this sleeping skirt is tempting, she only took this sleepled dress.

"I hope he will not misunderstand ..."

Jiang Yun bamboo shook his head, put the dressing clothing, slowly taking off the nightdress.

Suddenly, there is a good body in the bathroom's mirror ...

In the bedroom, Li Feng looked at the TV, but it was full of water in the bathroom.

Just then, a petitude came from the bathroom, followed by the sound of the heavy object.

Li Feng is shocked, it is going to view the situation, suddenly Zhiling sister, the charming voice sounded: "Hey, host, you have a new task, do you have a right time?"


"Task: Save the goddess Jiang Yunzhu (2)"

"Task Objective: The goddess Jiang Yun bamboo will take the fire into the devil. Please use the nine turn to help the goddess Jiang Yun bamboo to combine the intracereal disorder. If the task fails, the host Ding Ding will shorten 1 cm."

"Task Reward: 1000 Experience Values, 20000 System Integral."

Li Feng: "???"

No ... I took a shower, how can I get a fire into the magic? !

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