Save the Goddess System

Chapter 282 Arrivals Wangjia

When Jiang Yun bamboo resumed calm, she re-folded the dragon to the dragon.

"If Li Feng doesn't do this, I will be at least in the disorder of the exhaustion."

"Now I have to save, but I have a bad breakthrough to the mastery, so I can't blame Li Feng to see my body, but also thank him."

After thinking this, Jiang Yunzhu became calm.

"It is necessary to say that you are ..."

Jiang Yun bamboo is dark, wearing a clothes to walk out of the bedroom, and then Li Feng is already falling on the sofa.

Staring at Li Feng's handsome side, thinking about him in his mind, helping himself a scene, Jiang Yunzhu lost a little.

"Thank you, Li Feng ..."

Jiang Yunzhu said in a whisper, then took out the lifetime clothing in the bathroom and went back to the bedroom.

Jiang Yunzhu didn't know that after she walked into the bedroom, Li Feng, "Sleep", opened his eyes.

"Jiang Yunzhu is still a little conscience, I don't want to save her."

Li Feng always pays attention to the movement in the bedroom. When he heard Jiang Yunzhu, he immediately lie down and slept.

He thought that Jiang Yunzhu was looking for him, and he didn't think that Jiang Yunzhu said to him, which made him have been suspended in the empty heart.

"But the words come back, Jiang Yunzhu's body is really very hot!"

Li Feng's cerebellar has emerged from Jiang Yunzhu, and the sputum of the sputum is shameful, and the heart is stirring ...

Early the next morning, Jiang Yun bamboo heard the footsteps of the living room, he went out of bed and drums the courage to walk out of the bedroom.

Li Feng, who just received a cup, sat back to the sofa, looked back, just saw the black dress, the black stockings of Jiang Yunzheng, standing at the door.

When the four eyes were relatively, the atmosphere suddenly had some embarrassment ...

"Early." Jiang Yun bamboo was playing and greeted.

"Well, early." Li Feng smiled nod, then moved away.

He is afraid that he will look at Jiang Yunzhu's whitening body in his mind.

Now, in the morning, it is the easiest to support the tent. In case it is really in front of Jiang Yun bamboo, it will be big ...

Li Feng didn't know that Jiang Yunzhu is more nervous than him.

Although Li Feng's eyes were very clear, Jiang Yunzhu always felt that he did not wear clothes in front of him, and the little deer hit it ...

"Last night ... thank you."

Jiang Yun bamboo deeply sucking, went to Li Peak to say.

"You are welcome, raise your hand." Li Feng did not carefully waved, then asked: "Now, how do you feel, don't leave a sequelae?"

Jiang Yun bamboo shakes his head: "No, I lost myself to the help of Mr. Li, I only turned into the danger, but also because the disaster broke through the early stage of the master."

"Oh, yes?" Li Feng said on the light, even the voice, and finally asked: "Yes, how can you suddenly walk into the magic?"

This is where Li Feng can't understand, take a shower, but the result is to go into the magic, Jiang Yunzhu should I have a self-entertainment hobby when I take a shower?

Jiang Yun bamboo will guess the idea of ​​Li Feng's brain, her eyebrows are slightly ward: "At that time, I was guiding the real impact bottleneck. Suddenly I felt that there was an external force affected me, and then I went into the magic."

I remembered the scene of walking into the magic last night, Jiang Yunzhu is still a balance.

External power? "

Li Fengbei picks up, a bold idea appears in his mind.

As long as he lives with a woman, there will be various accidents. For example, Su Wei violently passed the ankle, Wei Yingqing also spurt the ankle, Liu Shihan suddenly came to a big aunt, plus this time Jiang Yun bamboo suddenly walked into the magic.

If it is still a coincidence, it is difficult to explain it so many times.

Will it be the system from in the system, give him a chance to win the goddess?

"Yes, just like a cold, suddenly rush into your body ... maybe it is an illusion."

Jiang Yun bamboo shook his head and obviously wanted to happen to happen.

Hearing here, Li Feng has a more firm guess before.

The bathroom is sealed, and the wind can't be blown in. Where is the cold? It is definitely that the system is undoubtedly!

"Don't let Jiang Yun bamboo know, otherwise the name of Xiaoye is to be destroyed once!"

Li Feng secretly reminds himself.

The next time, the two were simply washed, and after using breakfast in the hotel, they drove to the king.

Along the way, Li Feng met many foreign licenses, Rolls-Royce Pharaphics, Bentley Continental, Maybach, a variety of limited emotions ...

I don't know, I thought that Jiangnan should have a luxury car show!

After half an hour, Ferrari F12 came to the gate of Wang Jia.

At this moment, the front of the front of Wang Jiamen, the lanter dragon, the two-faced mid-age men are standing at the door to welcome guests.

"The left side is the second uncle of Wangcheng, and is currently a big manager in Jianghara."

"The right of the right is the three uncle Wang Xiu, the president of the Wang Group."

In the car, Jiang Yunzhu took Li Feng to introduce the identity of the two.

"I don't have to introduce, I know these two people."

Li Feng is eye-catching, and his thoughts fid out ten years ago.

At that time, Wang Chuan was out. He and Mom Li Yuan came to Wangjiakou, which was stopped by Wang Xian and Wang Xiu.

They are in front of a guest, saying that Li Yuan is a fox, unscrupulous, and Li Feng is a species.

Recalling that the same day, Li Feng will be angry!

"Walk, let's go."

Li Feng recovered his thoughts and got off the bus with Jiang Yunzhu and walked to the Wangjiamen.

"III, do you see that people are Li Feng?"

Wang Xian, who is welcome to meet the guest, found Li Feng from the distance, when the eyes were slight, and asked.

Wang Xiu glanced at the eyes, and the face suddenly became dignified: "It should be him, he really dares?"

Yesterday, after Wang Xiao came back, he told the conflict between him and Li Feng, and the duel between Li Feng and Wangcheng was also known by Wang Jiazhong.

Therefore, Wang Xian brothers have long been preparing to face Li Feng.

"Hey, this is a shame!" Wang Xian hated.

Soon, Li Feng and Jiang Yun bamboo came to the door, and he didn't see Wang Xian, and he was going to step into the door.

"Hey, who are you, can you have a post?"

Wang Xian slap in front of Li Peak and asked.

"Please don't have, the king post is a few, Wang Xian's old dog, you want?"

Li Feng was cold and looked at Wang Xian and said.

At this time, the guests after Li Peak are all shocked on the spot!

"Who is this person, dare to go to Wangjiamen, don't be happy?"

"I don't know, the eye is very, which big family should be?"

"Who is he is, today is the big day of the Wang family, Wang Sunjia will send someone, this person dares to be a trouble, die!"

For a time, Wang Jiamen is shocked!

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