Save the Goddess System

Chapter 283 Wang Cheng, come out to die!

Wang Xian angered the crown!

He is a provincial government, dare not saying that power is also a fear of people in Jiangyuan Province.

This young man actually dares to face his old dog, must be Li Feng undoubtedly!

After determining the identity of the other party, Wang Xian is going to break.

"Two brother, gave it to me." Wang Xiu pulled him, then asked: "Are you Li Feng?"

"Li Feng?"

When a member of the guests heard this name, it is a glimpse, then it is facing the color.

They are all friends and family in Wang Bo, naturally know that Li Yuan mother and Wang family's grievances, recently the reputation of Osweil, and the name of Li Feng did not know anything.

Since then, they guess that one day Li Feng will return to the king!

Now it seems that they guess it, Li Feng is not only coming, but also prepares a lot!

Just Li Feng can be resistant to the king? His compared with the Wang family, just like ant and elephants, hard anti-king is tantamount to the ovary stone, it is worthless!

"Yes, I am Li Feng, can I go in now?"

Li Feng said that there is no expression.

"Is it true?"

When a member of the guests, I will first face each other, then someone jumped out to reprimand Li Feng: "Li Feng, here is Jiangnan, you don't be too mad!"

"Hey, we are all coming to the Wangjia Wait, you come here, it is with us, what do you clearly do?"

"You have left this, you will leave this, so you don't come to Taiwan!"

Li Fengbei picks up, look back, cold and sweeping the people: " !"

He has long, it is expected that these guests will help Wang Xian brothers, after all, they are all king family friends, and in their hearts, the strength of his surface is to be said to be the land.

But it doesn't matter, soon he will let these guests know how stupid it just now!

This uses the real gas, just like a flat, it is shocking, and the ear is awkward.

Everyone was shocked by Li Feng's momentum, and they did not dare to send a word.

At the same time, a red flag L5 hanging on the Beijing license is slowly rushed from the distance.

There is a saying that people who bought the Rolls-Replace do not necessarily buy the red flag L5, because buying red flag L5 requires an identification.

People who do not have a certain social status, there is no money to buy the red flag L5!

At this moment, the Red Flag L5 sat in three men and a woman, driving a twenty young man, he is wearing a black suit, face is handsome, and the body is long.

The co-pilot is sitting on a beautiful woman, she looks at the 234th year old, Dan Feng Eye, Liu Yeji, Cherry Pouting, Face Egg Beautiful.

If Li Feng is here, it will find that the woman's face is similar to Xiao Ling.

The woman's body is also hot, the white chiffon dress is under the long skirt, the chest is high, the will will will will let the waist, the skirt is a pair of high-end long legs.

Two middle-aged men sitting in the back row position, they look at the age of 40, and they are whispering.

At this time, Li Feng's screams passed into the red flag L5 sound insulation.

"Hey?" Sitting on the middle-aged man on the right side of the back, the brow, the brow, then said: "Xiaoyu, open the window."

"Yes, three uncles." Wang Sunyu, who drives, immediately opens a window.

Wang Jiamen, Li Feng facing a guest, the cold voice said: "Before 24 years ago, Wang Jia used a despicable means to take my mother from Jiangnan, let her smash in the flower city in the case of pregnancy."

"10 years ago, Wang Chuan died, I will hang with my mother, or the orphans are humiliated by the Wang family in the face of a guest."

"Three years ago, Osweil bankrupt, Su Jiannan, in the merits of the bridal lake, arrange the killer to drive my mother."

"One piece of these things, just like a sharp edge, keep inserting my heart, let me grieve, resentful!"

"I talked for more than ten years, I have been painted for more than ten years, I almost become a madman for this!"

"Now, I don't have to end it. Today, I have to put the Wang Jia's twice as much as the humiliation of our mother and the child."

"Wang Cheng, Lu Qilan, come out to death !!!"

These words, Li Feng also used the true gas, the sound of four wild, and the number is out!

A guest of Wang Jiamen heard that the people in the Red Flag L5 heard that the guests who have already entered the Wang family heard it!

Wang Jiazhong Hall is also heard with Wang Bo South, who is talking about it!

"This is a son!"

Wang Bo Nan's face is blue, and the hands are rigid!

"Ah! This hybrid! I want to kill him, kill him! Ah!"

In a bedroom in the backyard, Lu Qilan is picking the clothes we want to wear today. After listening to Li Feng, he suddenly threw the clothes all in the ground, jumped to step on it.

"Hey, this is stupid, actually come true?"

Wang Xiaozheng and Lu Chao, Cheng Feilong, such as a lunch, and then broke up, then got up and rushed to the door.

The backyard, one bedroom, Wang Cheng is preparing for the trial before the trial.

After listening to Li Feng, Wangcheng stood up and got up and his face: "I don't know how to live!" I will kill you now! "

The voice falls, Wang Cheng rushed out of the bedroom, and took a rolling murder to the gate.

I am sitting in the red flag L5, the king, the king, the king, the hippiece: "Is it a wild?"

"Three uncle, do you know Li Feng?" Wang Sun Yu, who drives, is a little curious.

"This is the long ..." Wang Sun Zhong, "" smile, telling Li Feng's life.

After listening to his story, there is a short silence in the compartment.

After halfway, Xiao Lingya, who was sitting in the red flag L5, said: "I thought it was a boring journey, I didn't expect to meet such interesting things ..."

"Interesting?" Wang Sunyu smiled, proud: "But there are people who have never seen the world."

"Yuer, people must have proud bones, but they can't have arrogance, you are."

Wang Sunzhong traded.

"Yes, Yuer is wrong!"

Wang Sunyu said wrong, but not very much.

As a genius of Wang Sun, the top ancient Wu Shi Wang, Wang Sunyu, said that Wang Cheng is wrong with Li Feng?

Compared with him, Wang Cheng and Li Feng are township, not worth mentioning!

See Wang Sunyu to eat, Xiao Lingya immediately smiled.

Her laugh is like a hundred flowers, so that the fun in the car is shot.

"Ling Ya, pay attention to the instrument."

At this time, the middle-aged man sitting on the left side of the row reminded.

Xiao Lingya spitted his tongue, and the face was a way: "Know, Second Uncle."

This middle-aged man is Xiao Zhen of the top ancient Wu Shi's Xiaojia!

Wang Sun Zhong smiled and shook his head, then said: "Yuer, hurry, don't miss the play."

"Yes, Three Uncle." Wang Sunyu lightly throttle, Hongqi L5 accelerates to the Wangjia gate.

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