Save the Goddess System

Chapter 285 Killing Wangcheng!


Wang Sun Zhong is like electricity, looks at the proud of the Wangcheng, facing the color.

Wang Boan looks back, suddenly the face of the face: "City, the city is fast!"

Wang Sunzhong is a special envoy from Wang Sun's family. This is like an ancient imperial minister, see Wang Sunzhong, seeing Wang Sun's house.

Others can not be a gift, but the Wang family must be kneel!

Wang Chengyu shook his head: "I am Wang Sun's future generation, this life only kneels with parents."

Other guests can't help but have a thumbs up to Wangcheng.

Men's Han Top, there should be only a parent of the world in a lifetime, but too many people choose to be despicable, and they can really do less.

Wang Cheng can have such a iron bone, it is worth admiring!

"Ha, I didn't listen to it?" Wang Sunyu smiled, laughing very contempt: "You are just a post into the future generation, you want to return to Wang Sunfama, you can pass me, so don't put gold on your face. Is it ok? So you can joke. "

Xiao Zhen, Xiao Lingda nodded agreed.

Wang Sunyu is the opponent of this trial of Wangcheng, only Wang Cheng will defeat him to complete the trial.

Wang Cheng did not complete the trial, he said that he was a future generation of Wang Sun, and he did a bit of the meaning of gold.

Wang Bonan and others only feel that the face is burned as a fire, Wang Sunyu, the martyrdom, is equivalent to the humiliation of the king family, which makes the king of the high tall are very unhappy.

It's just that Wang Bonan and others not only dare not show anything uncomfortable, but also smile, nodding.

Wang Cheng smiled: "You are not my opponent."

The seven words that are drifting, but fully demonstrate the confidence of Wangcheng, and ignoring Wang Sun Yu.

Wang Sunzhong is dressed in nod, this is good, there is proud bone, confident, if you try to practice, you must be Wang Sun's next unicorn!

Wang Sunyu is angered, he thought that he was proud of it, and he didn't expect Wang Cheng than him.

But this is good, put an arrogant person in trouble!

Thinking of this, Wang Sunyu smiled coldly: "Since you are so confident, let's start trying."

"It is here." Wang Cheng smiled slightly and slowly went to Wang Sunyu.

Wang Bo Nan and others look like a shock, get up to the side, watching Wang Cheng: "The city is cheering, Wang Jia's glory is in your body, you don't let us down!"

Wang Cheng is standing down: "Don't worry, this battle, I will win!"

"Well, this is the Wangjia good girl!" Wang Bo Nan is a comfort.

Wang Xiu, Lu Qilan and others tears!

The guests have also been infected by the emotions of Wang Boan and others, and they can't help but hold their double punches.

Wang Sun Zhong, Xiao Zhen, Xiao Lingya also retired to the side, doing a good time.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... what is the situation, Xiaoye is a big protagonist, do you ignore the young master?

"Li Feng ..." Jiang Yunzhu is a bit anxious. Their mission is to destroy the kingcheng to participate in the trial, and we can't let the battle in Wang Cheng and Wang Sunyu!

"Well, give it to me."

Li Feng deeply sucking, step forward: "I oppose! You can't start trying to try before I fell with Wang Cheng!"

Everyone took a breath!

Li Feng is full, I still want to engage in things at this time, I am not afraid of causing the dissatisfaction of Wang Sun.

"Li Feng, you don't have an objection!" Wang Bo Nan was furious, then turned to say: "Wang Sun Special, this person is maliciously destroying the trial of the city, please take him out this place!"

The entire Wang family has only Wang Cheng's ability to uniform Li Feng, but Wang Cheng is now attending trial, Wang Bo can only help Wang Sun Zhong.

I believe that Wang Sunzhong also does not want someone to destroy the trial, and Li Feng's malicious obstruction, will definitely cause Wang Sunzhong's dissatisfaction!

Wang Xiu, Lu Qilan and others shouted: "Please Wang Sun Special!"

The guests also have samples, and shouted toward Wang Sun Zhongzhong: "Please Wang Sun Special!"

Under the eyes of hundreds of people, Wang Sun Zhongyu smiled: "Oppose effective."

Everyone is directly forced!

Not ... Why is it against effective? Li Feng is in destroying Wang Sun's trial, saying that serious point is to challenge Wang Sun's majesty!

Wang Sunzhong is not only not angry, but also said that it is effective, is his brain into the water?

"Wang Sun Special, this ... why?" Wang Bo Nan did not reply.

Wang Jia people are dissatisfied with the color, what is Wang Sunzhong, and deliberately don't want Wangcheng trial?

If this is this, they fight with Wang Sun Zhongzhong, but also to the Wang Sun's master!

"If I haven't heard the wrong, Li Feng also flows with Wang Sun's blood, if Wang Cheng can't prove that he is more excellent than Li Feng, then he is not qualified to open trials."

"So ... Wang Cheng, you must fracture with Li Feng first, and winners can open this trial."

Wang Sun is like laughing.

A people's facial facilitates the color of the big guest, the original Wang Sun family has such a rule, no wonder him say that it is effective.

Wang Boan and others only feel that the old blood is blocked, and the lungs are fried!

"City, don't leave it later, even if you kill Li Feng, I will not blame you! Everything is heavy!"

Wang Boan deep sucking, saying.

Since the duel is unable to avoid, then he hopes that Wang Cheng kills Li Feng with a thunder, try to save physical strength!

"Have you heard it? Your grandfather agreed to kill Li Feng! Don't let him go!"

Lu Qiao is excited!

"City, kill him, give you two uncle!"

"Yes, the city brother, kill him!"

Wang Jia people are like playing a chicken blood, and the double eyes are popular, and they are looking forward to killing Li Feng.

This king is just a touch of saying: "Reassure, I kill him like a butcher!"

The tone is light, domineering side leakage!

"I thought I could play the king city, I really borus."

Wang Sunyu retired to Xiao Ling, shook his head.

"First look at the good play is also good."

Xiao Luya curiously got Li Feng, and smiled and laughed.

Seeing, Wang Sunyu couldn't help but laughed: "Ling Yajie, you don't look at it, anyway, he will turn into a body."

Although he looked down on Wangcheng on his mouth, he was a little jealous of Wangcheng, and the 22-year-old martial artist was strong, and Wang Sunjia can also be called a genius.

Of course, it is passionate about the super genius in the late stage of the Master.

"It is also said." Xiao Lingya smiled and slammed his eyes from Li Feng.

Under the eyes of everyone, Wangcheng took the back of the two hands to see Li Feng: "Well, since you want to find it, then I will fulfill you!"

The voice is falling, and a power of the master is from the king city!

This momentum appears, Wang Xiao and others have a fanatic color!

This is the pride of Wangcheng and Wang's family! This time Li Feng is dead!

The distance, Wang Sun Zhong is called the praise: "22 years old into the late post, this is good, it is not a realm of Li Feng."

Xiao Zhen was flashing, laughed: "It should be the late post, otherwise, he has not accepted the challenge of Wangcheng."

Wang Sun was nodded.

At this moment, Li Feng shook his head and laughed: "Is this level?

Everyone is somewhat speechless.

It's time, Li Feng talks so mad, is it going to make it in the end?

Wang Sunyu can't help but laugh: "It's really not a high place ..."


Suddenly, a extraordinary momentum broke out from Li Feng!

"... thick ?!" Wang Sun Yu is stunned!

Wang Sun Zhong, Xiao Zhen, Xiao Lingya is also shocked on the spot!

Wang Cheng is even frightening!

"What can you be a super power?"

Wang Chengyou screamed, then turn around and ran!

He thought that Li Feng was the most mid-term, and he will think that he kills Li Feng, such as a ditch, but Li Feng is actually a super-level power!

Super-level strong, kill him is not like a slaughter, but it is simple to knead an ant!

He is now only one thought in his mind, the farther, the better, the better!

What trials, what is the important thing to return to Wang Sun, and there is no important life!

"Want to run? Are you running!"

Li Feng smiled and reached out!


A huge dragon claws made by a cyan, such as electric shots, generally rushing to Wangcheng, and pinching Wang Cheng in the hands!

Then Li Feng jealous!


Dragon claws have violent blood fog!

Wangcheng ... Dry!

The audience is quiet!

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