Save the Goddess System

Chapter 286 Excessive Tasks!

Jiangnan Wang family's arrogance, 22 years old, stepping into the martial arts genius in the late martial arts, can re-return to Wang Sunjia family, with a good future, Wangcheng, is like a bug, is pinched by Li Feng died?

Key Li Feng pinching the way Wang Cheng is too thoughtful!

It is far away from more than a dozen meters, a cyan dragon claw flew out from him, grabbed Wang Cheng ... This kind of scene can also be seen in the movie!

Everyone feels that it is an eye, this is an illusion, and the blood fog is definitely not Wangcheng!

Most of the people present are not a military strong, and many people have never seen the battle between the military strong before this, and this idea is also reasonable.

Only Wang Sun Zhong, Xiao Zhen, Qin Kai, Jiang Yunzhu, these martial arts strong, Wang City is indeed dead, death!

"This is not true, this is definitely not true, my family is a proud of the sky. It is destined to stand in the world of the world, he will not fail, it will never fail!"

Lu Qilan was also muttered in the first day. He said that her speed is getting more and more urgent, and the sound is getting bigger and bigger, just like self-hypnosis.

Wang Bo South, Wang Xiu, Wang Xiao and others look like a shock, and the face is re-exposed.

Yes, this is the king city, their Wang's Tianjiao, destined to do a big man, how can it be so easy to die?

"Is it still unrealistic fantasy ..."

Li Feng laughed and took the voice of the cloud.

After the cyan dragonfls disappeared, the beach blood dropped on the ground!


The guests can't help but take a cold, then ...


Many guests have a small abdomen vomiting!

Hey, this is also too cruelty, how handsome man is, it is actually packed by Li Feng, a blood meat ...

Lu Qilan is stupid, Wang Bo South, Wang Xiu and others are also stupid!

Dead, Wang Cheng is really dead!

a bolt from the blue! Five thunders! Wang Jia people are all uncommon!


I don't know how long it took, Lu Qianlan hacked to the front of the flesh and cried.

"City ..."

Wang Bo Nan sent a huge call, then the eyelids were filled.

"Laozi, the old man, don't scare us!"

Wang Xiu, etc.

For a time, the Wang family has become ants on the hot pot!

"Look at the eyes."

In the distance, Xiao Zhen spit out a turbidity. Li Feng, which is proud, and it is very exclaimed. "You Wang Sun's family has a unolieving!"

Even in the top of the Chinese people in China, there are not many people who step into the supernight. Li Feng's martial arts talent can take the first five or even the top three in the four young generations!

As long as Li Feng passes the trial, you can return to the Wang Sunjiacuz, Wang Sunjia's young generation, there is a great genius, which makes Xiao Zhen very envious.

On the one side, Wang Sun Zhong also thought of this, couldn't let the essence: "Well, the 3-year-old extraordinary early days, this is very good!"

"Cough, Wang Sun brother, Ling Ya also reached the age of wedding holiday, you see her with Li Feng you can try to get along?" Xiao Zhen said with his old face, and he said.

Since Li Feng is not a Xiao family, then he wants to turn Li Feng into half a Xiao family!

"This is ..." Wang Sunzhong also means.

For example, the three south of Jiangnan Wang Cheng, there are many marriages between the four people, Xiao Lingya, this girl is really good. If she makes her marry Li Feng, it is a good choice.

Just this matter is not what he can do, must report to the master, and Xiaoyu this child also likes Ocean ...

"Second uncle, what do you say ~"

On the side, Xiao Lingya is dark red, unlimited, but there is no objection, the eyebrows and even some expectations.

Seeing, Wang Sunyu is sinking in his heart, has hated Li Feng!

Xiao Zhen haha ​​smiled: "It's good, I don't say it, the young people are handed over to you. I have handled it." I don't have the elder. "

"It's like it, now I am free to fall in love, and there is a marriage."

Xiao Lingya smiled, looked at Li Feng in the distance, and there was a inexplicable look in both eyes.

For the long match, Wang Sunyu is also handsome, and his posture is very touched.

Yes, many women also like to have a boy with a hip.

"You can try to meet him ..."

Xiao Lingya is dark.

Looking at Lu Qian, Li Feng, Li Feng, who only felt that the anger that accumulated in the chest for more than a few years.

However, now he faces a very serious problem, the mission requires him to abolish the Tantian of Wangcheng, but actually directly kneading Wang Cheng directly, will the system fail to fail?

"If you fail, you will fail, kill me like a slaughter, if I don't knead him, I am sorry for this man!"

Li Feng shook his head and worried about the mind.

"Hey, congratulate the host, exceeding the task, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 4000 experience value, 80000 system points reward."

At this time, Zhiling's sister suddenly sounded.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... Excessive completion task, what is the situation, I have never met it!

"The mission requires the host to abolish Wangcheng Dantian, but the host is more than the system requirements, directly put Wang Cheng into a bleeding, so the host exceeds the task, and the reward is doubled."

"Lying? Is there such a way?"

Li Peak is strange.

He did a good job in Ding Ding, the preparation of 1 cm, and the result system actually determined that he exceeded the task?

System this urine ... really cool!

Host: Li Feng

Level: S-level

Experience value: 920020000

System Points: 318900

Conquer point: 64

Skills: "Real Energy", "Fairy Steps", "Scorpio Thirty-six", "Rage", "Exploration Hand" ...

Waiting for the task: Eight-party wind and rain for me, destroy trial

"Call, there will be more than 10,000 experiences can rise to the S level, and the distance is more than Xiao Ling."

Li Feng sighed, withdrawing out the system.

Just then, Lu Qilan suddenly stood up, and if it was crazy to rush to Li Feng: "Li Feng, you still live in the city!"

"No sorrow, don't go!"

Wang Xiu quickly stopped, but Lu Qilan had already been huddled in the pain of being killed. She now only one thought is that Li Feng is revenge for his son!


In the moment in front of Li Feng in front of Li Feng, Li Feng raised his hand and took a slap and took Lu Qilan directly in the ground.

Suddenly, there was a bloody handprint on Lu Qilan's face, and the exquisite faces were red and swollen!

Many people have suddenly exposed the color of the unbearable.

Li Feng killed the son of Lu Qilan, now beat Lu Qianshi, this ... Is this a bit too much?

At this moment, Qin Kai came forward: "Li Feng, stop!"

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