Save the Goddess System

Chapter 287 causal circulation, the retribution is unhappy!

"Do you stop me?"

Li Feng turned his head to Qin Kai and smiled.

According to Jiang Yun bamboo, Qin Kai is a master of a master, so he is very curious, Qin Kai is coming out to stop him from killing.

"It's not blocked, it is advised."

"You and Wang Cheng are normal, you killed Wang Cheng in the duel, no one will say anything."

"Contul Qianshi is different. She is Wangcheng's mother, is innocent, you can't kill her, if you kill her, it is an enemy with the entire dragon soul."

There is no fear on Qin Kai, and the speech logic is also very clear.

He and Wangcheng belong to Black Dragon, he must stop Li Feng from killing Lu Qianshi, or he can't explain to Black Dragon!

"Qin Ban is correct, Lu Qialan is a member of the dragon soul, killing Lu Qiulan is equal to the enemy of the whole dragon."

At this time, Jiang Yunzhu also stood out.

The members of the dragon soul cannot be humiliated, and the members of the dragon soul are also insulted.

The members of the dragon soul were in the outside, and they were concerned about their families. In order to relieve their worries, the faucet sets such a rule.

However, there is a case in the case, you can't grasp Li Feng ...

Li Feng pupil, silence.

Wang Xiu and others were really afraid that Li Feng killed Lu Qilan in an angry. At this time, I can't help but pick it up.

At this time, Lu Qilan laughed and laughed: "Haha, come, come kill me, I will let you kill, I am afraid you don't dare!"

Li Feng turned his head to Lu Qilan, mocked: "Hey, his son died, you laughed, you are really no conscience."

"Ah!" One heard the four words "son died", Lu Qianshi is still falling in an epicenter: "You kill thousand knives, I want to kill you!"

In the mad, Lu Qilan will start to find Li Feng.

Qin Kai's eyes have hugged her, and she said: "The nephew, people can't rest, please ask you!"

"You let me go, I want to kill him!" Lu Qilan struggled, but she was a weak woman, where can I break away from a master of a master?

"Oh." Li Feng shook his head smile and continued to moke: "Lost your son is very painful, I really want to kill me for your son?"

Qin Kai's brow wrinkle: "Li Feng, you said less."

"You this dog hybrid, I really regret that Su Jiannan didn't let you kill you!"

"All blame Wang Bo South this old people who are not dead and your blood, I hate!"

"Wang Bo South, you are not dead, Li Feng killed the city, have you regret it? Hahahaha!"

The women in Lu Qilan are all temperament, and they will live away.

Wang Bo South, who was just rescued, has not been a few breaths, and he was succeeded again in Lu Qilan.

The king family is speechless, and even a bit of recognition of Lu Qilan's point of view.

If it is not Wang Boan's heart, Li Feng is dead ten years ago, how can happen today?

Li Feng's eyes were cold: "Recognizing that you refer to Su Jian South sent my mother?"

Qin Kah is slightly changed, and there is a mouth of Lu Qilan.

Who knows that Li Feng has prepared it, raising his hand and pinned Qin Kai's wrist!

"Yes, I let Su Jiannan hit Li Yuan, and she didn't want her face, seduce Wang Chuan, and also gave birth to you. She is not happy."

"I have seen the photos of Li Yuan's death, the head is broken, the brain will flow a place, I have to be happy after seeing this photo, haha, hahaha!"

Lu Qilan is already in the moment, she just wants to use the vicious language to let Li Feng suffer!

The face is changing again!

Lu Qianli really made people killed Li Yuan? She is murdered, it is too vicious!

Don't say that Li Feng just took Lu Qilan and slap, even if she killed her!

Qin Kai is the same as the face!

The dead, Lu Qiao, is the body, is it water? How do she dare to admit it!

"Qin Banner makes it, have you heard?"

Li Fengshuo opened Qin Kai and asked coldly.

Qin Ka bit his teeth: "She is crazy, and if I say, I can't believe it."

"Good one is crazy." Li Feng's eyes were slightly smashed, and there was murderous shot in his eyes: "But I think she is not mad, Lu Qilan, do you say that you are crazy?"

"I am! That is, I let Su Jiannan killed Li Yuan. Come, there is a kind of kill me to revenge Li Yuan's !"

"People who don't dare to let the mother of the mother, what is the meaning of living, I have suicide you! Haha, hahaha!"

Lu Qilan, I hope that Li Feng killed her, then became the Dragon Soul of the Eppetus, was born by the dragon soul, so she can revenge for the city!

"She didn't be crazy." Jiang Yun bamboo shook his head, said: "This situation like Lu Qilan, according to the rules of the dragon soul, you can kill her."

Qin Kai sighed and launched Lu Qilan.

If a member of A member of the pro-bone, the B member has the right to kill the murderer, this is the exception!

At this time, Qin Kai has never stopped Li Feng from killing Lu Qilan's reasons, and then stopped, he was afraid that Li Feng was also killed in an angry!

"What ?!" Lu Qiulan's laughter came to an abrupt!

Wang Xiu and others are also changing!

"Very good!" Li Feng's mouth hooked a cold and cool smile: "Lu Qilai, my mother is free to love, but it is you, always secretly love Wang Chuan, after the Wang family uses despicable means to force my mother, you can't wait Marry Wang Chuan. "

"You are unknowingly shameful goods, today, I will kill you to pay homage to my mother's spirit!"

The voice falls, Li Feng raises his hand to the Lu Qiaolan.


A cyan gas shot from Li Feng's finger, took out the blood fog from Lu Qilan's forehead!

Lu Qiaola has expanded, and he did not dare to pay attention to Li Feng.

Why did the Dragon Soul have these rules, why gave her hope to let her despair, the thief old days, you will be unfair! ! !

Lu Qiao Shi is inverted, and it is dead!

"sister in law!"

Wang Xian didn't know when to wake up, rush to Lu Qiaolan, double knees!

"!" " !" "Chow"! "

Wang Jia people are sad, Cheng Ya Shu is more eye-catching!

The guest could not help but.

Today is the big days of Wang Jia, the result is Li Feng, killing two people, happy events, white-haired people send black-haired people, Wangjia ... too bad!

Wang Bo Nan woke up, after seeing Lu Qilan fell to the ground, the double eyes were red, the face was sad, pointed to Li Feng shouted: "Li Feng, you ... how are you so vicious?"

"Vicious?" Li Fengbei picks up, clearing: "When did you drive my mother out of Jiangnan? Ten years ago, I came with my mom to hang Wang Chuan, you walked our orphans. Mother, isn't it a poison? "

"In the past, the cause of the next year will set out today's fruit, causing the cycle report is unhappy, we must blame, you will blame you to be too spicy!"

Wang Bo Nan's body, the face is rising sharply, then open his mouth and spurt a blood, his head is coming again!

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