Save the Goddess System

Chapter 296 Bear relatives

Jiangnan, four seasons hotels in a luxurious suit, white bed, spring color ...

With Li Feng's low, spring has gradually despised, and the body is slowly separated.

Song Yujun was sweeping, soaring the pink cheongsam on his body, gently gasped, and his face was satisfied.

Yes, in order to be more sentiment, Li Fenglian's cheongsam is not off ...

", what is your realm?"

Li Feng walks up with the smooth skin of Song Yujun, and asked softly.

When I was fighting, he found that Song Yujun's endurance has increased much, this only has this question.

Song Yujun looked up and looked at Li Feng at a glance: "In the early days of the Master of the Wudao, what happened?"

"The master of Master?" Li Feng face surprised: "It seems that you are very talent at the flying road."

The "Zhenwu" of the system can make ordinary talents become masters in the masters within a year, and Song Yujun will enter the master of the masters in more than two months, enough to explain her talent.

"Okay, far more than you."

Song Yujun really doesn't feel that there are many excellent fuss, especially compared to Li Feng.

Li Feng couldn't help but, raised his hand and played Song Yujun ass.


A crisp, a tremble.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

Song Yujun is immersed, and the spring of the emergence has just retired and has a rebellion.

"Is there still been playing?"

Li Feng smiled, then said: "There will be more and more in the future, you must pick up people from the hands under the hand as soon as possible, let them practice" Dragon Elephant King Kong · Simplified Edition "."

"I have recently considering this problem." Song Yujun nodded and agreed.

In fact, she had such an idea, and her hand is only 13 too much protection. If they are swallowing the site, only the thirteen too must definitely be insufficient, and the talent must be discovered.

Just "Dragon Elephant King Kong · Simplified Edition" is Li Fengzhi, there is no allowance of Li Feng, she may not dare to teach him to others.

The two have been discussing the future development plan, and then Li Feng turned over the horse and started a new round of evil ...

Three days later, Li Feng opened F12 to the gate of Osweil.

At the door of the security guard, it is a strange license, immediately inquiry.

Li Feng lowered the window, picking up the sunglasses: "I am Li Feng."

Young security guards suddenly show: "Li Feng? Heavy name with our boss?"

Original Osweil's security work is responsible by Li Gang with Hong Le Tao. Later, Osweil stepped into the right track, Li Feng gave them back to Song Yujun.

The security work is handed over to the professional security company, so this security guard is the first time I saw Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled: "Not a heavy name, I am the boss of Osweil."

"How do you prove that you are our boss?" This young security is a vigilant, and Li Feng is watching Li Feng, which is obviously the authenticity of Li Feng said.

Li Feng is not only not angry, but also is still a little happy.

The main job of security guards is to prevent leisure and other people from entering the factory. If he is a sentence, let the security guard release, can only explain the security of the security.

"I call Liang Renzhong directly."

Li Feng shook his head smile and dialed Liang Renzhong's mobile phone.

Soon, security guard received the notice of Liang Renzhong, and the face was scared!

He actually stopped the boss outside the door, he also questioned the boss? Wipe, work is not guaranteed!

Li Feng saw his concerns, when he took his shoulders: "You do it very well, this month's prize is doubled."

Young security guards first, then ecstasy: "Thank you boss!"

Li Feng nodded, just drive in to find Su Wei, suddenly he stopped and asked: "Right, recently there is no strange person to come to the company this time?"

Although he uses the Thunder's means to warn those companies that have ideas for Tong Yan, but do not rule out the people who are not dead.

"No ..." The security guard just wanted to shook his head, suddenly thought about what it was, and he stopped: "That ... boss, Su total a few relatives come to the company for a few days."

Li Feng said, this matter did not tell him, but said it back ... Su Wei's relatives are not a strange person?

He knows that this is not so simple to sound, when you are cold: "If you want to say, don't swallow."

"Yes, boss!" The security face is: "I listen to people say that they are coming to find a job, Su has always disagreed, then they have been reluctant ..."

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks up, it is no wonder that Liang Renzhong is swallowing in the phone, it seems that Su Wei's relatives are not good!

At this moment, the president's office, Su Wei took the temple, and his face was grotes to look at the six men and women sitting on the sofa.

If the six people are unattended, they are all in the whole place, just like it is a family.

If you do anything else, Su Shi has made the security guards up, but these six people are her relatives, she can't pull this face!

"Su Wei, I am a uncle, let you give a manager position too much?"

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a gray polo shirt said that he is Su'an, a uncle of Su Wei.

"Just, you are the president of Osville, the boss is a man, a manager position in the district, isn't a matter of your words?"

Su'an's wife Liu Hongmei said.

"Dad, Mom, Su Wei sister is now a woman who is rich, can't find these poor relatives."

The daughter of the two, Sophie is half a half.

"Two brother, I am still Su Yun, I want to make me unasshed in this mixed manager. How do you let me say?"

Su Yu's little agriculture is angry.

"An Qi, is my husband, I am useless. I can't let you live a good day, but I have to come to see the cold face of the late generation, I am useless, hehe!"

Su Anqi's husband Li Wentao has a face guilt and shook his head sighed.

"Dad, Mom, you don't have a sad, wait for the son to have an interest, also open a big company, let you do the deputy general manager, no longer be cold!"

Li Mingzhi is tight, and it is also a resentment.

Su Yi only feels that there is a flame in the heart in burning!

At this moment, the office door suddenly pushed away from the outside, and a rose appeared in everyone's sight.

Tight ...

Surprise ~ "

As this shouted, a handsome face was exposed from this rose.

It is Li Feng!

"Li Feng!"

Su Yi looked at the little mouth, and the anger in the heart was extremely fast, and it was full of surprises!


Li Fenggang has to go through the flowers to Su Wei, which is pretending to find that there are other people in the house, and suddenly expose the color of surprises.

Su'an et al, the mouth of the mouth, a face!

This man is Osweil's behind-the-scenes boss Li Feng? Sure enough, it is a table talent!

"Su Wei, these are ...?"

Li Feng walked over and handed the rose to Su Wei, this is a faint.

In fact, he has already stood a small meeting outside. If Su Anzhi, he has heard him in the ear.

"they are……"

Su Wei bites red lips, I don't know how to answer.

"The niece, I am a uncle, Su Wei, you call me two uncle, I am here, I want to apply for the department manager. Can you marry our family Su Wei, you can see you next The performance. "

Su Anzhi keeps the posture of the Erlang Legong, and it is very embarrassed.

Li Feng: "???"

Su Wei: "???"

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