Save the Goddess System

Chapter 297 Lion Size

Li Feng is really very push!

No ... Can Xiaoye can't help Su? Is there a hair relationship with you? Soviet, her father said this is almost the same!

Su Wei was so angry with Su'an!

She wants to marry who is her own business, don't say that you are the second uncle, even if her parents have no right to interfere with her marriage freedom!

"Second uncle, you ..."

Su Wei is going to be stunned, but he is blocked by Li Feng.

Just then, Zhiling's sister, suddenly sounded: "Hey, host, you have new tasks, do you look immediately."

Li Fengbei picks up, guess this mission may be related to Su'an et al., When you know: "View!"

"Task: Save the goddess Su Wei (4)"

"Mission Objective: Help Sui to solve the relative crisis, in the case of not hurting Su Yu self-esteem, the task is completed, if the task fails, then the host 5000 system score is punished."

"Task Reward: 300 Experience Value, 1000 System Integral."

"Sure enough ..." Li Feng's eyes flash, withdraws from the system and then rushing Su'an Zhixuan: "It turned out to be Su Second, long-lasting."


Su'an is a bit.

Not ... The first time I didn't want to shake hands, what is the meaning of his punch, the martial arts film is more?

After a short thing, Su'an put out the elders' shelves, and also rushed to Li Feng arch.

"The niece, I am you."

"I am Su Yu Xiaohu ..."

Then, others have also begun to introduce them to Li Feng.

When they were introduced by them, Li Feng asked: "Su Jun, I just said that I wanted to apply for departmental managers, I don't know what requirements for Supreme Subsan?"

"You look at the salary, but you can't be less than this." Su An Zhi did a cough, and then extended a finger.

Li Fengbei picks up, the face is weird: "Million Year salary?"

Su Anzhi listened to this digital directly fried: "Millions? Nobody, you are humiliating me! I am talking about 10 million!"

Li Feng: "..."

Not ... He thought that he said that it was more than a million consecutive salary. As a result, Su An Zhi opened a million-year-old.

Su'an knows what people know that the annual salary is? According to a list of 16 years, thousands of annual salary can be placed in the top ten of the Huaxia listed company CEO!

Of course, for these CEOs, salary only accounts for a small part of their total income, and the shares are red.

Now I have just changed in the past three years, and this list is changed, and it is impossible for explosive growth.

So Su Anzhi thinks his ability to compile with the CEO of the listed company?

"Li Feng, you don't ..." Su Wei quickly cried, she didn't expect the second uncle to open to this extent!

What if Li Feng thinks that she is her branch? The impression of her in Li Feng will definitely be a thousand feet!

"Su Wei, you don't worry." Li Feng once again interrupted Su Wei again, watching Su'an said: "I don't know what I have elderly, can you have other companies?"

"This ..." Su An Zhi's old face is red, and he is said: "If the degree does not mention, management experience ... I have been handed over the foreman, should this be managed?"

After graduation in junior high school, he did not go to school. He followed the adults in the town and went out to work.

But later the real estate market is not booming, coupled with the renovation industry is too competitive, he has the plan to change.

Just, he heard that Su Wei was on the president of Osville. He discussed Liu Hongmei once, decided to find a lot of money.

Coincidentally, Su Anqi also came to find him, and the two shots were all, and they came to the big warehouse.


Li Feng smiled and nodded.

Seeing, Su An Zhi's heart is great, I feel that this is stable!

Liu Hongmei is also like a eyebrow, but she will have some regrets, just after the old Su Sung has not changed, Li Feng has no face, and the old Su is not less?

Think about it, Li Peak is dry, a bottle of lotion, more than two billions, 10 million to Li Feng, is just a nine bull.

"No, I have to make the old Sao with Li Feng ask a salary salary!" Liu Hongmei secretly played a small abacus.

"Sonance, I still have me, I want to give you a secretary, the annual salary is just like my father."

Sophie stood up and said, when she said, she secretly threw the eyebrows.

How tired of working, is still a large wife, she doesn't mind the wall of the temple ...

"So say it."

Li Feng smiled nodded, and then looked at others: "What are your requirements, let's talk together.

"I want to be a finance manager." Liu Hongmei raised his hand: "There is no relationship with an annual salary, no less than 8 million."

In Liu Hongmei, the finance manager is a fat, the company pays a lot of money every day, she is slightly taking a little to my own card, should it be discovered?

Even if I was discovered by Li Feng, I can blame her for this? Anti-him!

"Hey ..." Li Feng said a flash, which is to control the financial power of the company. This woman is a bit greedy.

"Xiao Li, I used to have a long period of work, and the management experience. You see how I as the company's vice president. The annual salary is very good, and it will be on the start."

Li Wentao squatted his hand, and his old face was excited.

"Oh, it is a lot of start." The smile on Li Feng is more embarrassing.

"Sister, my first college graduated, there is no work experience, give me a department manager to dry, I am not greedy, the annual salary is the same as my second."

The surface of Li Ming is in the heart.

He is the third-run university, and the salary that graduates with him is not bad to 6000.

Can he? As soon as the department manager, the annual salary is 10 million, it is necessary to say that his classmates can't envy?

"Hey, the school flower will know, will definitely take the initiative to stamp the stickers, when it is ... Hey!"

Li Ming has begun to fantasize the school that he has been secretly falling in the body is ignorant.

"Cough, say it."

Li Feng nodded and looked at Su Anqi: "What do you think?"

"I ..." Su Anqi has been considering what conditions, hesitating, he is finally biting his teeth: "Forget, they all work, I am at home."

Li Feng suddenly glad, then happy.

It's not easy, I finally came out of a conscience.

"But the niece, I don't want to go to work, this salary has to take it, it is also a thousand years of salary, it is best to send in advance, I want to buy a villa for a long time."

Su An Qi said.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... don't come to work, but you have to give you a salary, can you be more shameless than this?

This is a group of people. If you see it in the relatives of Su Yu, Li Feng really wants a punch!

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