Save the Goddess System

Chapter 501 is not installed, showup

Song Yang's behavior completely unexpectedly, Zhang Zhitao is expected. When they will be a big mouth, and the shock of a face is shocked.

They thought that they said that they had already faced Li Feng, and they didn't think that Song Yang's behavior was more face.

Pull out the diamond ring, when Li Feng is married, the big writer is busy!

It is worth graduating for three and a half years of effort!

Li Fengbei picks up, a group of anger from the heart!

He is thinking about today is the days of Su Wei and university classmates. It is appropriate to low. I have never thought that his low-profile is in exchange for these people's despise or even ignore!

If it is not a reason to save, he has already bombed Song Yang into a slag, and he will not let go of Jay Yiqi, Liu Zhengrong, he will not let go!

Killing is definitely can't kill them, but you must punish them!

Su Yi is a glimpse, then pretty face is covered with cold cream!

Don't say that Li Feng is Osweil's boss, even if Li Feng is really only an ordinary office worker, her feelings with Li Feng are not these people can interfere.

These people have a classmate, girlfriends, forcibly interfere with her feelings with Li Feng, it is really evil!

Although these descriptions are slow, it is actually just something happening.

Did Li Feng, Su Wei, Ja Yiqi scratch two hands and stunned in the eyes, and the pink small star star said: "Wow, it is really romantic ~! Zheng Rong, how do you marry me in the future? Good look ~ "

"Don't open the marriage proposal method, really let me be envious ~!" Liu Hui also revealed the goddess, and said.

"Su Wei, Song Yang is infatuated with you, you will promise him!" Feng Guang hooted.

Zhang Zhitao also smiled; "Yes, Su Wei, you can't be with Song Yang in the university, now you have your own career, no worries, can you always be together?"

"If you get married, I must pack a big red envelope." Liu Zhengrong said.

In the society, the most important thing is the relationship network. His girlfriend is a good girlfriend with Su Wei, then he has a bridge with Su Wei.

Song Yang itself is also an enterprise boss. It is also a good relationship with them. It will benefit his future development, so Liu Zhengrong will help Song Yang.

"You ..." Su Yu is going to break out.

Li Feng pulled her and smiled: "Give it to me."

After talking, he pulled Su Wei to the body, and came to Song Yang to stand forehead, and asked heroi: "You said that Su Wei left me, married to you?"

Song Yang stood up and did not retreat: "Yes, yes, I just said this. Maybe you think that I have some hurt you self-esteem, but please ask yourself, do you think you have to match Sui? "

It's now that he has been completely torn between Li Feng, and since it is so, it will clarify the words.

Li Feng smiled: "What do you mean saying that I can't help? Frank, I personally think that there is no man in the world to match Sui, including I."

"It can be the same, this world is not a few people than my excellent man, at least I am better than you, you must excel."

While talking, Li Feng's finger from Song Yang, Zhang Zhitao, Liu Zhengrong, and Feng Guang four.

In the room, it was a quiet, Song Yang and others, and then they broke out a laughter.

"What, you said that there are few men in the world better than you? I didn't listen to it!" Ja Yaqi first jumped out to refute: "Other men don't say, let me say that my boyfriend Liu Zhengrong, 31 years old Due to the seat of the Mao Mao Financial Fund, the annual salary was 3 million. "

"And you, you are just a master of the president of the 100,000 yuan, is not comparability with our family!"

"Yeah, Li Feng, don't say Liu Yi, saying that I have entered the organ unit, I have the iron rice bowl, and I have to say some of your president assistant?" Feng Guang did not say anything.

Zhang Zhitao then smiled and said: "If you don't have to say Song Yang, he is gently is the company's boss, thousands of people, compared to your president, I don't know how many times!"

Song Yang has a colorful color, modesty: "Live Zhitao, the truth is in front of you, as long as you understand people, you don't have to say more."

Listening to them here, Li Feng can't help but laugh: "I want to get along with you with ordinary people, but it is your despise, since I am not installed, I am Austrian Sweili's boss, I show up. "

Song Yang et al .: "???"

No ... I just said that I am Wei Yingqing's assistant. Now I am a boss of Osweil, and the foreword does not take back words!

Obviously, they don't believe in Li Feng at all.

"You don't believe it?" Li Feng hooked a scratch and scratch, pointed at Song Yang: "What is your apparel company, right?"

Song Yang looked at the sorrow: "Su Wei, this is you telling him?"

Su Yi squatted to twist, the expression is very disgust, but there is still a bit of disgusting.

She just told Li Feng Song Yang's name yesterday, and did not say Song Yang's specific career. How did Li Feng know Song Yang open a clothing company?

"Don't look at Su Wei, I have been investigated last night." Li Feng mock smiled and said: "Your clothing company is beautiful, the main sales channel is Jingbao, accounting for 90% sales, the remaining 10% is Line store. "

"Because your beautiful walk is the high-end route, the online door store is opened in major commercial super, 67% of the store is the store in the future mall, I said right?"

Song Yang's face suddenly showed the color of ghosts!

When Li Feng said, it is right, it is too correct! Good beauty is not the listed company, and Li Feng said that only the company's high-rise can be mastered!

Can Li Feng only used these situations to investigate these situations, how did he do it?

Just as Song Yang shocked, Li Feng said: "Now I will call the boss of the Beijing E-commerce department."

At this time, there are some people present, and Song Yang has an unique premonition.

If you say it, Li Feng took the phone and dialed a call and pressed the handless button.

I didn't wait for Li Feng to talk, I came to listen to a surprise voice in the phone: "Hey, I am Chen Dong, are you Osweil's Li Feng Li?"

"Yes, I am Li Feng, this is the case, I want you to make someone." Li Feng looked at the Song Yang, and smiled and smiled.

"Hey ..." The other party did not expect Li Sumin to say this, it was a bit forced, he reacted after half of it: "Li, who do you want to do?"

Li Feng hooked a little scout: "Good beautiful clothing company, he opened a flagship store in your Beijing Baobao, I hope that you will give this store."

"Of course, you can not close, but then our Osweil can find other e-commerce platforms, such as ... settled."

Everyone: "???"

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