Save the Goddess System

Chapter 502 begins?

Liu Zhengrong and others were shocked by Li Feng!

I don't turn off Song Yang's good beautiful in Jingbao's flagship store, I will work with Jingbao to work together with the platoon?

This is a threat, the threat of red fruit! Threatened or the Huaxia E-commerce platform in NO.1!

They still heard that there were merchants dared to threaten Jingbao, Li Feng is too mad!

If Chen Dong accepts Li Feng's threat, Song Yang's good beauty is cut off 90% of sales channels, and beautiful and beautiful will be devastating!

Not only, Liu Zhengrong and others were shocked, Chen Dong was also shocked.

Before this, it is the Beijing Bao release to the merchant, or choose Jingbao, or choose other e-commerce platforms, and threatened by the merchant, two choices are still a head!

If you change to other merchants, Chen Dong definitely didn't say two words, first put the other party in the Beijing-Bao store, but the other party is Osweil's boss, he has to consider the severity of this.

Osweil's products are the most popular commodities on Jingbao, no one, search quantity, browsing, and transaction rates are the first.

After these years, Jingbao has already encountered a bottleneck. It is difficult to go forward, but the newly registered users in Jingbao can have a surge in the recent prosperity!

Jingbao's tops know that this is the impact of Osweil!

Once Osweiler leaves, take this part of the user to other e-commerce platforms!

There are a number of e-commerce platforms, producing children with a skin age of 20 years old but only one home, this is to use the toe to judge!

Especially when Jingbao has a growing fierce port, the Oswe Lili has settled in the heart of Jingbao, it is absolutely not allowed!

It is beautiful ... I am going, Chen Dong is trying to know how to have such a business in Jingbao!

This can only show that the beautiful body is not big, it will not go before, because the previous 100 business Chen Dong remembers!

Under the two phases, Chen Dong chose is not a problem: "Please feel relieved, I will give a beautiful flagship store now!"

Wen said, Song Yang's face was pale!

"Okay, I am looking forward to Chen's good news."

After that, Li Feng hangs up the phone.

Silent in the package is quiet.

Opposite, Liu Zhengrong and others are very dignified. Song Yang is even more face, and the forehead is covered with fine sweat.

After half of the half, Song Yang smiled strongly: "Li Feng, where did you find an actor, a performance?"

He still doesn't believe that Li Feng is Osweil's boss. This Jingbao's Chen Dong is not true, but the actor of Li Feng asked!

Liu Zhengrong and others, the nodes of consciousness, the subconscious, they did not want Li Feng to be the boss of Osville, otherwise they have said the biggest jokes in the world!

"Do you think I am playing with you?" Li Feng hooked a smile, ridicule: "Just think about it."

The voice is falling, Li Feng all dials a call, just like just now, this time he also opened: "Hey, Ice, I want to ask you."

The face of Song Yang et al. And others have changed.

I am going, Ice Qing? Waings, president of the future group? Li Feng called Wei Yingqing Ice Qing?

What is the relationship between him with Wei Yingqing? Still ... this is also an actor who Li Feng?

"You said." Wei Yingqing said softly, like a gentle little daughter-in-law.

"Today, I will accompany Susong to participate in her classmates, and I encountered a unknual guy. He opened a beautiful apparel company. This company has a store in the future mall."

"So I want you to terminate the lease relationship with the beautiful company immediately, can you do it?"

For Wei Shuangqing, Li Feng can't be aggressive.

"Hey ... There is difficult, but you must do it."

Wei Bingqing said.

"Well, I am waiting for your good news." After that, Li Feng wants to hang up the phone.

Who knows Wei Bingqing again: "When will you come back, I miss you."

Song Yang: "???"

Liu Zhengrong: "???"

other people:"???"

Not ... What is this special situation, Li Feng is not a boyfriend of Su Wei, Wei Bingqing wants Li Feng?

Li Feng's mouth, slightly smoked: "Hey ... Waiting for me to accompany Su Wei to participate in classics gatherings, then go back, um ... I have a piece of Su Wei, you haven't seen it for a long time."

On the one side, Su Wei's pretty face was red and twisted Li Feng's arm.

This guy, and there are so many girlfriends, but also let her classmates know, this is shy and dead!

Wei Bingqing smiled and smiled: "Okay, then I am waiting for you, wood ~"

Song Yang et al, the face is more exciting!

I am going, Li Feng is absolutely honest between Wei Shuangqing, and looks at Su Wei, she knows?

Heaven, earth, what happened to this world!

When Li Feng ended with Wei Yishi's call, the room was restored to the quiet quiet.

After half, Song Yangqiang smiled: "Have to admit that you really scare me, but you can only scare me, you ..."

I didn't wait for him to finish, the ringtone on his body sounded.

Song Yang faces, picking up the mobile phone, seeing his secretary, when the brow is a loose, connect the phone, learn Li Feng to press , put it out of the boss's posture: "Hey, I am Song Yang "

"Boss, big things are not good, we were closed in Jingbao's flagship store!" In the phone, a woman came in a woman.

Song Yang is shaking, and the face is very miserable!

Liu Zhengrong and others changed the same face!

Li Fenggang didn't have a few minutes, and the beautiful flagship store in Jingbao is given? I am going, the person is really Jingbao's Chen Dong? !


Just when everyone was shocked, Song Yang suddenly kneeling Li Feng twin knee: "Li, I am wrong, my dog's eyes look low, I have an eye, I don't know Taishan, I am really wrong, I beg you to let me let me "

Now, the situation is obvious. Li Feng is really a boss of Osweil, and the people of nearly 100 billion. Li Feng wants to kill him, the boss of this family is the same!

I knew that Su Wei's boyfriend was this kind of singer, he dared to give birth to Su Yi Song's thin, even if he took the hoe, it couldn't soar!

Now he is not unclear with the soil of Su Yi, but also advances the beautiful company in the abyss.

Song Yang regroubles!

Liu Zhengrong et al. The face is like a fever, rising into pig liver!

Hey, what did they just say? Li Feng is not right with Su Shi Gate, can't help? Also said that they are better than Li Feng?

Lying in the trough, excellent dog egg, compared with Li Feng, they are like the in the toilet, they can't compare it!

Hold his face, this time is swollen by Li Feng!

"Will you? You think more." Li Feng hooked a scratch and smiled: "When you do your mind, you are destined to have a miserable place."

"And you, people all say that they don't persuade, you will not be able to leave me when you don't make a clear situation, you will not be able to leave me at all, you will not be able to accept your friends!"

The voice falls, Li Feng takes back to the red water from everyone, put it in the backpack.

Everyone: "???"

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