Save the Goddess System

Chapter 504, a big brand

Out of the private room, Li Feng asked: "Su Wei, can you blame me?"

"What? What?" Su Wei was angry.

"Destroy your feelings between your classmates." Li Feng said like a laughter.

"You are known as you know?" Su Wei didn't have a good breath. He looked at him: "It is in the first, how can I blame you?"

"I have to thank you, let me know their true face."

"The old wife is old and wife, saying, thank you." Li Feng shook his head: "Really, they are really not worth making, now I am still a good thing to break."

Su Wei nodded, did not speak, the expression was a little sad.

Seeing, Li Feng sighed, holding her little hand: "Now it is not as before, the previous classmate feelings are really good, even if they have not seen it, they are close, and they have difficult to support."

"Now ... people become impetuous, especially in the society, in the society, some people only have money, interests, everyone is looking for money."

"I occasionally held a classmate party, mixed a good table, a table of mixed tables, not in the climb, it is in the relationship, it is difficult to have a pure classmate."

Su Yi agreed to nod, then smiled: "You are still two years older than me, how do you feel that life is much more than I?"

Li Feng took her hand and scraped her Qiong, laughed: "Although you are young, you can experience more things, people are warm and warm ... I have experienced it."

Su Yi is a bit silent, then a soft and comfortable: "Both have passed, you have me now, there is Wei, there is a sister, there are we accompany, will not let you cold again."

Li Feng's heart is warm, and put her into his arms.

After a long time, Li Feng smiled: "Today, a Lantern Festival, let's call the ice, go to the Lantern Festival."


One week, Tianfu City, Tianfu Film and Television City.

Li Feng stopped Ferrari F12, wearing an early ready-made work permit, sunglasses, walked into a piece.

Here is a large production fantasy movie, and the produce is a grand Tang Entertainment. The female master is Many.

Li Feng acquired the original intention of Tang Eskill, but not only for help Murong Snow, he really wants to break out a big career in the entertainment industry.

It is his ultimate goal to make money.

Before he entered the Practice, Sheng Tang Entertainment acquired the number of popular network novels in Huaxia's largest online novel platform, adapted it into a movie, TV series.

However, the front of the box office is not satisfactory, which also leads to the sharp decline in the prosperity of the prosperous entertainment, and Xu Man is now filmed by the funds.

After Li Feng entered the Lord, decided to take this movie, but you can't use the principal, but the female main replacement into the Many, some supporting angles replace the three four-line actors of Shengtang Entertainment.

Sheng Tang Entertainment has invested hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions of years old, and Li Feng will append 100 million.

Although the possibility of loss is relatively large, Li Feng is not afraid of loss, his purpose is to test the water movie market, plus the three four-line actors under the fire of Fire Sheng Tang Entertainment.

After all, the entire Tang Estate can be called a first-line star, and only Xuoman has Murong Xue. The rest of the three or four-line actors, the singer, how to fully discover the value of these artists is that Li Feng is now focusing on the problem.

Xu Man served as the movie of the heroine, a network novel called "squares", telling a white teenager, from the earth crossing the foreign world, slowly growing from ordinary people The story of the world controls.

Li Feng has seen this novel, the battle scene is wonderful, and there is a good friendship, love story is a good writing, the plot is wonderful, and people can't help into the novel.

However, this novel is a male novel, which is a big male novel. It is also the most drama of the male protagonist, so the acting of the male master is very important.

Li Feng came to the film today, one is to think about Mandan, the second is to investigate the acting of the male master.

The male owner of this drama will be fixed before, and the red fresh fresh meat is willing to send a Weibo to the top traffic.

At this moment, there is a pair of opponents in Ju Man and the male LING.

Wearing a white robes, Linyang, dressed in the costume, holding a three-foot Qingfengjian, the sword eyebin, face handsome.

Opposite, wearing a white mopping dress, Muoman, same hand holding a long sword, fairy, like a fairy above nine days.

"Sister, I am sorry, I can't go back with you unless you kill me, take my body back!"

Lin Yang hand holding a sword, straight looks like Xu Man's eyes, the expression is somewhat ...

"Teacher, don't be obsessed with it, you are not the opponent of Master!"

Xu Man's expression is more abundant, two points are difficult to correct, and there are three points to be born.

Seeing Xu Man's performance, Li Feng can be said to be a second, and the emotions have been moved, and there is a kind of impulse to make Xuoman hug into his arms.

"Sister ..." Lin Yang step forward and wanted to take the man.

"Teacher ..." Xuoman is dark, the same steps in front.

I have to hold hands, and the director suddenly shouted: "Hey! Ok, this shot is very good! Mr. Zheng, Xu teacher, you have two rest, avatars, on!"

Lin Yang face is first stagnant, and the expression is a little hard to look.

But he didn't say anything, turned to go to the side of his special seat next to him.

Xu Man took off a second, and smiled and walked to the seat. She sat down on the side, and her broker Li Wei was busy to hand in Mandan's insulation cup.

"Thank you." Xuoman said thankfully, opened the insulation cup and drinking water throat.

Li Wei is a broker who reunited after Xu Man entered the prosperous entertainment, work conscientious, and treat people's work is also very polite, very much Mumman like.

After the two people lay down, Xu Man and Lin Yang took the previous plot to continue to shoot, just after holding hands, ask.

After seeing two avatars asked together, Lin Yang's face was more difficult to look, just at this time, a young female staff walked to Lin Yang next to a cup of coffee.

"Mr. Lin, the coffee you want." The staff said in front of Linyang, and the small voice said.

Lin Yang didn't take a look, took a coffee with a coffee, and opened the cover.



Lin Yang took the coffee went out and then slammed the coffee cup to the staff!


The coffee cup smashed out of the female staff, and sprinkled the female staff!

Female staff is directly!

But this is still not finished, Lin Yang stood up, and the poor furiously pointed at the nose of the female staff, broke the mouth: "Hey, how is you not silly X, take a cup of so hot coffee to give me a drink, you Do you want to kill me? I cnmlgbd! "

With the roar of Lin Yang, the scene is in the quiet!

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