Save the Goddess System

Chapter 505 is hugging

"I ... I am sorry, I am not intentional."

The female staff member has a red first, then apologizes with a crying chamber, and tears are switched in the eyelids.

Lin Yang snorted, desidied: "If you apologize, what should you do? If you don't have a good eye, don't come to work!"

The female staff finally couldn't bear this kind of shame, and the tears did not want to lose down from the eyes, but they did not dare to cry.

When Li Feng suddenly wrinkled, and there was a fire in his heart.

He often saw some star's rumors, but those news is very vague, and only the text with a few pixels, there is no image information, and it is not intuitive enough.

Today, he finally saw the live version, and he deeply understood what is called a big brand, which is simply not to see ordinary people!

What qualifications are this kind of person? !

However, when he is not his shot, he will see what extent!

Xu Man's brow wrinkled down the water cup, and the color of the face was uncomfortable, he would stop Lin Yang from happily.

Just as she is about to move, the eye angle suddenly swept away from Li Feng next to the scene, and she suddenly made a brow, gave up the top plan.

"Since Li Feng is coming, then he will not stand by side ..." Xu Man muttered.

Other staff of the film were also scared by Lin Yang's behavior, but it was only a short time, and these staff returned to calm.

As a film and television industry, this kind of thing has seen too many times, I have already seen it.

And they have long heard that Lin Yang likes to play big cards, that is, I didn't expect Lin Yang so big, start so embarrassed, and some distressed female staff.

Of course, they are just distressed, even if they comforted and even exports to rebuilt Lin Yang.

Lin Yang can be a red artist in Xingfeng Entertainment, unless I don't want to mix it in this line, or don't take Lin Yang.

"Don't take pictures, don't stay."

At this moment, Lin Yang's broker Chen Xing jumped out, and the fierce warning of the face ranked everyone.

Then, Chen Xingli lined up the arm of Lin Yang, asked a distressed: "Oh, my husband is old, you don't burn you? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"Well, the tongue is a little pain with the lips." Lin Yang stonested a face and looked very uncomfortable.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot it today, don't shoot today." Chen Xingchong directed his hand, then pulled Lin Yang to leave here.

Director Meng Chao's face is slightly bitter.

Today, Linyang's drama is more, he will go, others will not have to do it.

Although I don't want Lin Yang to leave, I can't stop him. He is not a big director. There is a big thing behind Lin Yang, or don't have a good conflict with Lin Yang.

Under the gaze of a staff, Lin Yang, Chen Xing walked out.

No one blocks!

Even the female staff who have fallen to the coffee cup by Lin Yang, there is no meaning of them from leaving!

She is just a small assistant, which does not have a fair ability!

"Does Li Feng don't want to manage?"

Seeing Li Feng did not move, Xu Man couldn't help but frown.

In her cognitive, Li Feng is a conscience, dare to talk about it, how did Li Feng not move?

Is Li Feng, is afraid to irritate Lin Yang, let the movie cannot be completed as scheduled, resulting in losses, so I don't want to shoot?

If this is this, then Li Feng is too disappointed!

Xu Man is really a misunderstanding, Li Feng, in fact, Li Feng just wants to shoot, but the system has released a new task.

"Task: Hold "

"Task Objective: Let Lin Yang apologize to Yue Yuan, and make a profound review to the public through Weibo. If the task fails, the 1 million system points are deducted to punish."

"Mission Reward: 5000 Experience Values, 300,000 System Points."

After reading the task, Li Feng can't help but smile: "You can punish evil, and earn experience value, points, this feels not too cool."

At this moment, Lin Yang, Chen Xing immediately had to leave the film, Li Feng quickly quit the system, and quickly stopped in the two people: "Shame, people want to go, don't you think your own behavior is too much?"

Lin Yang: "???"

Chen Xing: "???"

other people:"???"

No ... Who is this, talking?

When Xu Mantun, Li Feng, who is in the belly, is a beautiful face, self-complaining: "Xu Man Xu Man, how can you think of Li Feng like this, he is your lover!"

"Oh, what are you thinking, do you have that qualifications?"

Without Lin Yang, Chen Xing took the lead in ridicule.

"Who is it is not important, the important thing is that Lin Yang is really wrong."

Li Feng browned slightly, the sound is more cold.

Chen Xinghe, pointing at Li Feng's nose to open: "Hey, you are very eye ..."


Li Feng raised his hand and pinned Chen Yu's finger, then headed down!

"It hurts hurts!" Chen Xingtun cried and shouted!


Li Feng's behavior sounded a sound of tap-in-air.

Lying in the trough, this brother is too fierce, I will move it directly, the money is!

"You dare to do it? It is not a day!" Lin Yang was furious.

With his huge fans and traffic, he went to someone else to smile, and it was a goddess of everyone, which also created all the sewers of everything.

Can someone play his broker today? This person is special, don't know who he is?

"Can't be a day?" Li Feng's mouth evoked a smile: "It seems that this sentence should be used in you?"

Li Feng stopped, let Chen Xing returned to God, and immediately broke the mouth: "I am, you special ..."


Li Feng directly scored on Chen Xing face!


It is another voice that taps into the air.

,, can also say that Chen Xing is in the first, now this brother is directly smoking, this is a bit awkward!

Who is this buddy, why are you so doing? !

Lin Yang's eyelids jumped a few times, and the heart rose a little jealousy to Li Feng. When he stared at the work card before Li Peak.

"Special Assistant, Sheng Tang Entertainment?"

After seeing the work cards hanging in Li Feng's neck, Lin Yang's face is weird.

A small assistant dare to make him right, this person is crazy?

Although I can't look down on Li Feng, I can't move with Li Feng. He is a star big wrist. The other party is a small assistant, and Li Feng moved by Li Feng ... fall!

"Xu Manjie, this person is a special assistant of Shengtang Entertainment. Do you have to take charge?"

After Lin Yang took a few steps and turned his head rushed.

The scene is brushing to Xu Man, and the world knows that Xu Man is a sister of Sheng Tang Entertainment, and it is also a special relationship with the boss of the Mandang Entertainment.

Xu Man came out, the special assistant of this Tang Estate will definitely give the face.

Under the eyes of everyone, Xu Man has a deep meaning: "Sorry, I have no ability to manage, don't want to manage, you are good."

Lin Yang: "???"

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