Save the Goddess System

Chapter 506 is too quiet?

Others are also awkward, what is Xu Man mean, with Lin Yang's rhythm?

Zhu Man Tube didn't care about it first, her sentence "don't want to manage" has a deep meaning!

"Xu Manjie, are you definitely a joke with me?"

Linyang face is a bit ugly.

Xu Man is also an artist of Xingfeng Entertainment, although it has never been cooperated with each other, two people are indeed believing to the same brother.

In the face of so many people, Xu Man did not give him a face, which made Lin Yang more unbelievable ... angry!

"Do I need to joke with you? I can't help him."

Xu Man two hands, it is like laughing.

She very much wants to be the identity of Li Feng, but before Li Feng did not show the identity, she still tightly changed.

"Xu Manjie, you haven't long been so long after you leave Xingfeng Entertainment, so you don't care about our pastoral, really let me be very sad."

"But I can also understand you, you have opened the way by the company, and these people are definitely complaining, but ..."

"Xu Manjie, please believe me, I have always been your little blur, forever!"

Lin Yang pressed into the heart and squeezed a smile that thought of thinking.

Why did he suddenly have a sudden blow, just because he didn't take Jaman's hand!

When he is still the orphan of the orphanage, he likes Xu Man, fantasy, a boyfriend who can become Mman in a day.

After that, he was adopted by the wind and rain building, went to H. a practice student, returned to Huaxia after the HK, became the artist of Xingfeng Entertainment.

Just in Lin Yang, I finally had a chance to get in contact with Xu Man, Xu Man suddenly been out of Xingfeng Entertainment, almost faded out of the entertainment.

At that time, Lin Yang privately sent people to find Monman's drop, but they did not look forward.

Until the time ago, Xu Man suddenly announced the joining of Tang Eskille, and became the woman No.1 "squares", which made Lin Yang thought that his fate with Xu Man was finally arrived, let him bloom!

Who knows, Xuoman will take the distance from him when he is with him, and even when you are a play! But everything with physical contact must be used!

Lin Yang has always endured until today he finally can't help it, but he dare not sprink on the fire.

On the status of the entertainment circle and popular, Xu Man is only high, and he still wants to have a further development with Mandan, how can you send a fire?

But he was uncomfortable in his chest, could only put the fire in the female staff. To blame, it is not good to blame the female staff.

If you finish the fire, even if he returned to the hotel, find a sister to remove the remaining fire, and then wait for the staff to talk about the good words, invite it, he will come back to the show.

But I have never thought halfway to kill the time!

Let Lin Yanghuo big thing is that the other party is a small assistant of the Sheng Tang Entertainment, Xu Man as a sister of Sheng Tang Entertainment, but said that the other party is not the other party, this is a clear pull!

However, if you come back, Lin Yang will not punch your face, before you get Madan, he must be willing to bear it!

After you get her ... Hey, he wants to pay back the grievances today!

Xu Man's mouth, I really want to go back to a sentence, "But I don't want to have you like you," but she didn't say it.

At this moment, the stage belongs to Li Feng, and the people are still handed over to Li Feng.

Sure enough, Li Feng immediately smiled and said: "If I am Mumman, I will definitely be ashamed of the bliss of you."


Everyone can't help but take a breath!

Lying in the trough, so too face, Lin Yang can't bear it!

Lin Yang really anger: "You are just a small assistant, what qualifications say this? Hurry to let my broker, or let your boss speculate on your squid!"

Li Fengbei picks: "Do you know our boss?"

"Hey, I know him, he will definitely recognize me, with my face, let him expel a small assistant is not easy to add a good time?" Lin Yang said proudly.

Satarded the staff, including the workmann, Director Meng Chao nodded.

Lin Yang's business value is extremely high, and any boss with commercial minds knows how to choose.

Xu Man's face is the color, not ... Lin Yang is too much to take care of him, she dares to be sure, even if it is really a staff member of Sheng Tang entertainment, Li Feng is impossible for Lin Yang. Commercial interests to expel the employees under the hand.

Li Feng can be a very protective person!

Li Feng is directly laughed: "I said ... You are too narcissistic? In my eyes, you are not even fart!"

Lin Yang is first glimpse, then a lot of anger: "Hey, you dare to look down on me, I don't believe me, let you regret it in this world in minutes?"

"To be honest ... I really don't believe it." Li Feng hooked a smile of taunting, then the cold voice: "It's you, if you don't want to apologize to this lady, I can make you in the entertainment. The circle can't be blended. "

Li Feng's words make people collective!

Lying in the trough, this brother is too mad. Is he really a small assistant?

Yue Yuan is grateful. She is just a general staff, even if they are bullied by the star big name, they can only swallow tears, never thought that someone will go to her.

Xu Mann took a nodded, and he gave a speech. This is what she like!

Lin Yang is not an idiot, but also feeling wrong, when he is a facelessness: "Who are you?"

"Just now, I still say that I think, now I ask me, don't you feel contradiction before and after?" Li Feng said.

"When did I say it ..." Lin Yang suddenly closed his mouth, and said, "You ... are you Li Feng ?!"


Meng Chao and others will take a breath!

Jin Tang Entertainment's new boss Li Feng? That is super rich, Lin Yang is popular, and it is just a drama in front of Li Feng.

However, they don't understand, how can Li Feng help a small staff member, this is not scientific!

"It seems that you are still not stupid." Li Feng took down the sunglasses and exposed the handsome face under the sunglasses.

Including Lin Yang, the scene is still in the first time, I can't believe that he is the legendary Osweilian boss for a while.

Just when the whole game is quiet, Xu Man quickly walked to Li Peak, and smiled softly: "Li Feng, why don't you tell me in advance?"

In this case, I finally sat firmly of Li Feng's identity. When I went to Meng Chao and others, I walked to Li Peak. I said: "Oh, Li, you, you are super thin, welcome."

"Li, I am your fan, your company's Tong Yan is really amazing!"

"Li Zhong ..."

Looking at these staff members who wish to please Li Feng, Lin Yang's face is like a few pounds of hot, it is ugly!

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