Save the Goddess System

Cruise 507 entertainment circle food chain

It is also not to blame Meng Chao and others to compete for Pakistan Li Feng. The produce of "squares" is a prosperous entertainment, Li Feng is a boss of Sheng Tang Entertainment. If you don't want Li Feng, it is a problem!

Yue Yuan, who was humiliated by Lin Yang, Yue Yuan, made his mouth, and facing the color.

God ... people who are unfortunate for her are actually their own boss, she is not dreaming?

Including Xu Man, Yue Yuan, most of the workmanship is the employees of Sheng Tang Entertainment, and there is a considerable part of the actors in the scene.

Li Feng's popularity can I know!

"I am also very happy to see everyone, but I still have something to finish, let's talk again, ok?"

Li Feng said.

Meng Chao and others have the truth, when you have an end, you will have a little bit of a bit of a poor color in the eyes of Lin Yang.

Lin Yang faces a number of times, and finally bite the teeth: "Li, you really want a small staff?"

Li Feng's identity is indeed unexpected Lin Yang, but he will not apologize because of Li Feng's identity. After all, his back is the starry entertainment!

Chen Xing also took the opportunity to recover his hand, and the face is ugly: "Li, our family Lin Yang is not the artist of Sheng Tang Entertainment, you are not qualified to say three four four in our family Lin Yang."

Lin Yang brows micro-wrinkle: "Chen Xing, this is what I follow Li, you don't talk."

If possible, he doesn't want to tear the face with Li Feng.

"Yes, I shut up." Chen Xing quickly retired.

Li Feng shook his head and smiled: "In your eyes, this lady is just a small staff, but she is as with you, and there is an individual who has an independent personality. No one is eligible to insult her."

Everyone is not nodded.

In fact, some people also don't recognize Li Feng's statement, such as Director Meng Chao.

The food chain of the entertainment circle, the upper layer of the food chain is the dignity of the next person, like Lin Yang is more mild, more humble, more bad things, more than.

Can Li Feng's identity is here, even if Li Feng put a fart, they all have to say a "true fragrance", let alone just one sentence?

Of course, there is also a real agreement with Li Feng, such as the ordinary staff of the film, the dance dragon set, they are the same as Yue Yuan, all in the bottom of the entertainment circle, naturally there is a feeling of hungee.

Lin Yang is first glimpse, then laughter: "I am a red star, how can I be like an ordinary staff, you must be a joke, right Lee?"

"Yeah, Li, Li, is a joke with us, Li Zheng's good humor, hahaha." Chen Xing attached and laughed, but also turned to find a helper.

Meng Chao and others smiled and laughed.

Ordinary staff, the dragon cases are facial and angry, when the red star is, three eyes are still four legs? Do you want to be so high?

However, they know that they are meritorious, even if they are dissatisfied with Lin Yang, they don't dare to have any representation.

Li Feng has a moment of ignorance, then I will laugh out: "What happened to the red star? When the red star is also a person!"

"Don't think that you are when the red star is, and red star is also the people who hold it. If the people don't like you, you count a fart!"

"it is good!"

I don't know who is shouting, and then it is called a sound, and I will make a piece.

Most of them are ordinary staff with dragon cases, they have already been enough to be high in Lin Yang's toe, but only for their own rice bowl, dare to anger.

Now there is Li Feng derived, how can they not express support?

Yue Yuan is even more tears, Li Feng said her voice!

Their rhetoric angered Lin Yang, Chen Xing, the two turned his head and smashed these people, and the sound called a good voice disappeared.

Lin Yang was satisfied with his head and smiled: "Li, please respect, I am not the employee of Sheng Tang Entertainment, but the artist of Xingfeng Entertainment."

Xingfeng Entertainment, China's largest entertainment company, there have been a lot of big production movies, and there are many first lines, second-line artists.

More importantly, Xingfeng Entertainment is open in the wind and rain, the peak of the starry entertainment is a member of the wind and rain building, and is also a good brother.

People of the entertainment circle know that Xingfeng Entertainment is very caring for artists, but all artists who are self-cleaning are not subject to hidden rules.

This shows that Xingfeng Entertainment has the degree of protection of its own artists!

"Oh, then." Li Peakdi picks up, smiles and smiles: "Do you think I will be afraid of Xingfeng Entertainment? I will say the last time, apologize, otherwise I will let you lose!"

The mud man has three points of fire, let alone is temper and irritating Linyang?

Li Feng's step by step, let Lin Yang are in full swing, and then can't suppress the outbreak: "Li Feng, I will give you a face, I will call you, don't give you face, you are not!"

"Today, I will put the words here, unless you kill me, otherwise I will never apologize! Chen Xing, let's go, I have to see who I dare to leave me!"

He is not afraid that Li Feng will agree with him, and he has a contract with a contract, and Li Feng wants to solve him in order to tell him with him, it is necessary to pay him 100 million Huaxia coins!

Is the Li Shan pay for a small staff payment of 100 million breach of contract? Lin Yang believes that it will definitely, otherwise Li Feng is brain damage.

As for Li Feng to let him take a fame ... Oh, there is a starry entertainment to support the waist, Li Feng can do him with Li Feng!

"Very good." Li Feng laughed, and then took out the phone and said: "You said, if I put this video, what effect will you cause?"

During the speech, Li Feng took a video.

"Hey, are you still a silly X, take a cup of so hot coffee to give me a drink, do you think about it? I cnmlgbd!"

Soon, Lin Yang's surprise voice came out.

Lin Yang face!

Chen Xing's consciousness is to grab the mobile phone before, but he is easily escaped by Li Feng.

In the film, Meng Chao and others are also bigger, and Li Feng actually took Lin Yang to take the Yue Yuan's passed?

I am going, the video passed out, Lin Yang has always shaped the sunny man's image can be destroyed once!

"Li Feng, you are iron my heart, is it an enemy? Ok, you don't care, I am not afrained, I will call our boss now, see who is ascended!"

The voice is falling, and Lin Yang took the mobile phone to all-on-a-call: "Hey, boss, I was bullied by the boss of Sheng Tang Entertainment, please do the boss for me ... Well, I played in Tianfu Movie City ... you want Send a person? Ok, thank you boss! "

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang pointed to Li Feng: "Hey, my boss will send someone to come, there is a kind of you are waiting!"

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