Save the Goddess System

Chapter 508 is not finished with you!

Meng Chao and others couldn't help but suck a breath.

I am going, Lin Yang is to have the rhythm of Li Feng's front, have it necessary?

However, they changed the style of the high-rise of Xingfeng Entertainment, and it was a little relieved.

Next, there is a good show. Who sent a summit to send it, how many conflicts between Li Feng?

look forward to!

Xu Man Xiu's smoked, even busy with Li Feng Ear said: "Xingfeng Entertainment is the industry of the wind and rain, the boss is a high-profile person, it is said to be strong, don't you do this."

As a member of the previous wind and rain building, Xu Man Zhodian Fengyou Building is strong, worried that Li Feng once again conflicts with Xiao Ling, so there is this.

Opposite, Lin Yang has a colorful color. He can't hear what Xu Man said, but he can guess what is said.

Xu Man is also an artist from Xingfeng Entertainment. It is sure to know the powerful background of Star Peak Entertainment. As long as she is sensible, it will persuade Li Fengjing.

In the distance, Yue Yuan, who has been silent, also got out, even busy, I said: "Thank you Li, I am hugging, I have a good time, I have to be alive."

Li Feng first turned to Xuman to send a comforted eye, then said to Yue Yuan: "I am your boss, you are bullied, I have to go back to the fair for this," I have to go back to it. "

"You don't have to worry, people are watching, this is Lin Yang has a mistake in the first, don't let people who come over, even if the surname Xiao's person is here, I am not afraid!"

Lin Yang: "???"

Chen Xing: "???"

Meng Chao and others: "???"

The last name is very good, it is the peak of the boss of Xingfeng Entertainment. Who is the surname of Xiao, who listen to Li Feng seems to be like a peak? I don't want it.

Xu Man did not hold his head, she had already guessed that Li Feng will say this, Li Feng is too tough, too hard, but it is precisely because of this, she likes Li Feng.

If Li Feng is the man who is retreating, she will never choose to be with him.

"Who will say, I don't know if you have to say it!"

Lin Yang quickly smiled, turned and walked to the seat, waiting for you to wait.

Chen Xinghao's white Li Feng took a look, after Li Feng slammed, and scared Huang Huang ran to Lin Yang, provoke Xuandan, Yue Yuan and others smiled.

Li Feng also too lazy to take these two clowns, all waiting for Xingfeng Entertainment to say, at this moment, he is still looking for Xu Man chat, hovering.

"Li Feng, how do you suddenly come here, don't tell me in advance, is worried that I am sorry for you, so do you engage in sudden check?"

After two people went to a corner, they sat down, Xu Man whispered.

"Our family Manman is smart." Li Feng smiled and smiled: "You are so beautiful, I can't rest assured that it is normal."

"Hey, I will know that it is this!" Xu Man pretended angry to twist, and it was a sweet in the heart.

Li Feng's woman is so much, Xu Man is inevitable will be cold, and Li Feng can come, explain himself.

"Okay, I am joking with you." Li Feng wanted to put Xuandan into his arms, but it was too much people around him, but he had to force the impulse: "I have confidence in you, I have confidence, I also have confidence, I I believe that after you have me, you will not be interested in other men. "

Xu Man has twisted his head and charming himself: "Handicide ~"

Although the two do not have intimate contact, the voice of the speech is also very low, and the appearance of each other is still unrestrained.

"Lying between the trough, there is obviously in the two people!"

"Lying in the trough, this is a big news, hurry to shoot!"

"This news is not allowed to sell hundreds of millions?"

Some people who have a heart will take out the phone, take the picture of Li Feng with Xu Man.

Xu Man has never had no smell since the road, has always been a pure jade A female party, if it is a good price to sell, it will definitely sell a good price!

Just when they just opened the phone but found that the mobile phone was crazy. After trying to restart, their mobile phone can't open it directly!

"I just bought the fruit X!"

"Nima, my fruit XMAX!"

In the distance, Li Feng is secretly laughing: "I want to make money with my grandfather?"

At present, he is still not advocated with Xu Man. He naturally won't make these people to take him with Xu Man's interactive, as for them to talk outside ...

Oh, the mouth said that there is no, who will believe?

On the other hand, Lin Yang saw the relatives between Xuman and Li Feng, but the fire bears burned!

"It's no wonder that Xu Man went to Tang Tang Entertainment. She was originally raised by Li Feng! This kind of woman, I used her as a pure goddess!"

"Well, Li Feng, you are doing the first day today, Laozi is going to do fifteen, what are you playing, I have to play back!"

Lin Yang took a double punch, his eyes and scarlets were dark.

The Tianfu is a big camp in the wind and rain. After 10 minutes, a group of people came to the film.

The leader is a middle-aged man who looks forty years old. He combed his back, wearing a black hat, holding a cigar, a plaid scarf, white shirt, gray vest, gray hair on the neck. Coat, black leather shoes wiper bright, very powerful.

If it comes to "the wave rushing flow, Wanmaojiang water will never end", it is very similar to the Wen Qiang "of another parallel Earth.


Seeing this middle-aged man's moment, Lin Yang stood up and surprised.

At the same time, the surprise is still confused: "The high boss is clearly said to send someone, how come it is personally?"

"Oh, I'm young, this shows that the boss value you!" Chen Xing said excited.

The peak nodded, and then said: "Which is the boss of Shengtang Entertainment, please come out."

Li Feng is like not heard, and continues to sit on a side and say whispers.

The peak brow is slightly wrinkled, and the heart is not happy.

On the status in the entertainment circle, he is only high than Li Feng, so he told Lin Yang in the phone, he will send someone, not personally come over.

After hanging up the phone, the peak thoughtfully thought that Li Feng was still the boss of Osweil, and he had a high personality, he must pay attention to it, this changed the idea.

I have never thought that he has bowed as so much, Li Feng sees it, it is true!

"Boss, he is Li Feng!" Lin Yang took a peak and angry, and even quickly came over and said that Li Feng said.

The peak has long noticed the man who said whispers. When he is a sword eyebrow, you will be able to bullivate our Xingfeng Entertainment? Don't give me a reasonable explanation today, my peak is not finished! " "

Li Feng turned his head, and the eyes of both glasses of electricity.

The eyes of the two meet in the air, there is an invisible spark shot!

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