Save the Goddess System

Chapter 509 reversing black and white

"I bully your star Feng Entertainment people? Oh, you are afraid to be deceived by people, obviously your star Feng entertainment, people are big stars, do not take me people to see me! "

Li Feng is sitting in the chair and does not move like a loose, and the tone said.

In this way, everyone feels that the surrounding temperatures have fallen a few degrees, and they are all in the cold, and they don't dare to make a little movement.

Li Feng and the peak are all in the circle, the war between them, others are still less blended, and they are relieved and pool.

"Is it?" The peak eyebrows were picking up, turning to Lin Yang: "You told me that Li Boss said is true."

Lin Yang faces a slight change, and then the one-year-old story is over again.

Lin Yang knew that Li Feng had a complete video, he couldn't lying, but he deliberately stressed that the coffee was very hot, hot, his scorpion was very painful.

"Boss, I am dinner with my thoughts. If the scorpion is hot, I will give me individuals, how much the loss caused by the company? So I didn't accept temper for a while ... Hey!"

Lin Yang sighed, some depressed, and some regrets mean inside.

Meng Chao and others couldn't help but rose the thumbs up towel Lin Yang. The explanation given by Lin Yang was very persuasive. Lin Yang is not only an actor, or a singer, his single can be hetel abroad.

As for how it horses the list, I will not discuss it first ...

In short, Lin Yang worried that his scorpion was very hot, which is equivalent to breaking his fingertips. If you are lucky enough to kill your parents, this is not a lot of hatred, what happened?

Yue Yuan did not stop the chest!

Is that the coffee is not hot? She didn't feel hot in her body!

Lin Yang is uncomfortable, so I will find an excuse to get angry! It's too bad!

"Hey ..." The peak nodded, looked at Li Feng: "Have you heard?"

"I heard it, what's it?" Li Feng smiled and pointed to Lin Yang: "I ask you, are you a three-year-old child?"

"What?" Lin Yang frowned.

Li Feng went to laugh: "Look at you, you should also be adult. Before drinking water, try hot, shouldn't you be a common sense? What's more ..."

"The coffee cup is paper, the heat insulation is very poor, you should take out that it is hot in a moment!"

"Don't I say, the tactile nerves in your hand have been abolished, can't touch cold?"

Meng Chao and others are first glimpse, then they are all revealed!

Yes, that coffee cup is really a paper cup. If the coffee is very hot, I will notice it in a moment!

Rely, what did they just didn't think of it! Neglinal is negligent, how to explain this.

The peak eyebrows are picking up, and the turning is not pleasing to Lin Yang.

This idiots have left such a big flaw, waste!

"This ..." Lin Yang is hysterested, then forcibly explained: "I have always thought about what to play, I want to invest too much, I didn't find coffee cup too hot for a while."

"Yes, when people go, it is really easy to ignore many things, this can be understood." The peak is attached.

The two said that there must be a sense, but it can't be noticed alone. What extent?

Lin Yang is obviously in the crap!

"Well, even if you are really got, then your mouth is burned and can only blame you for your own, what is the relationship with Yueyuan?"

"Yue Yuan Xin worked hard from the old far away to buy Starbucks coffee, you not only don't thank her, but also to her, splashing her coffee, are you a beast?"

Li Feng's tone is getting colder and cold, and finally is almost roaring, and the eardrum is shocked.

Lin Yang is more reprimanded, and the anger is attacking!

He is a first-line star, with a small meat with top traffic, after his name, don't say that it is reprimled, he even looked at it.

But today he is reprimanded, and is also a beast? Is can't bear it!

"Boss, you have heard it, Li Feng lifted himself into the investors of Sheng Tang Entertainment," Fang Xiangshi "investors, and destroyed me, I can't stand it, the boss, you must do it for me! "

Lin Yang was angry and rushed, and his snoring also took a few more wrote.

The peak has always taken away the scorpion, and there is a storm in the wind and rain, and the public will not bow down to Li Feng.

He poured the oil on the fire, and the peak will definitely anger the raging bears, and maybe it's a meal of Li Feng on the spot. Don't he come back?

So don't look at Lin Yang's surface is both anger and grievance, and the wishful abacus is playing in the heart.

However, although the peak is five and three thick, there is also a seven-poo exquisite heart. It is only one of the plans to wear Lin Yang.

However, Lin Yang's purpose is unhealthy with his thoughts, he also said that the boat is swaying: "Reassure, since the truth is in our side, I naturally will not let you be wronged."

Li Feng: "???"

Xu Man: "???"

other people:"???"

What is the truth? Which of you is very important to see the truth in your side! This is a shameless reversal black and white!

Lin Yang suddenly gave birth to a big joy: "Thank you for your help, since now, I will do more efforts to make more efforts to the development of Xingfeng Entertainment!"

Can he not happy? As long as the peak is willing to shoot, Li Feng is not countless! He has to see how Li Feng will have ugly!

The peak nodded, turned to Li Feng, said: "Li Feng, I asked you to immediately apologize to Lin Yang, Chen Xing, and guarantee that they will not find them in the future, otherwise ..."

"Xingfeng Entertainment will fully cease to cooperate with Shengtang Entertainment, and in the future, there is a project with Sheng Tang Entertainment, I will never participate."


The field sounds a burst!

The peak has made Li Feng to apologize to Lin Yang, Chen Xing? I don't apologize to all cooperation with Shengtang Entertainment, and there is no star peak entertainment in the places where Sheng Tang Entertainment is?

This is blocked! Not blocked an artist, but blocked an entertainment company!

If you change your individual, everyone will definitely regard him as a silly X, but this person is a peak, this sentence is going to be good!

As the largest entertainment company in China, the performance of the performance of the starry entertainment is that ordinary people can't imagine. Once it is determined to block another recreation, the entertainment company will suffer!

"You threaten me?" Li Fengbei picks up, and there is murderous gathering.

Obviously, Lin Yang is doing a wrong thing. The peak is not only to blame Lin Yang, but also let him apologize to Lin Yang, do not apologize, it is necessary to block the prosperous entertainment, it is too deceived!

"If you think it is a threat, then it is." The peak shrugged, it didn't matter.

There are not many people who take the wind and rain, the peak needs to be taboo, at least Li Feng is unqualified, let him be taboo!

On the side of, Lin Yang, Chen Xingxi is unscrupulous, they seem to see Li Feng's low-end scene!

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