Save the Goddess System

Chapter 510 I am looking down on you.

The atmosphere is nervous to nearly solidified, and all people do not dare to leave, waiting for the two big people to share out.

The peak has been recruited, how is Li Feng to pick up, is it to continue hard or choose to make a step?

Under the nervousness of everyone, Li Feng smiled coldly: "I am the most unfarest thing is that others' threats! And your threat is not a threat to me."

Meng Chao and others first stunned, then suddenly realized.

Li Feng is a super rich, and Sheng Tang Entertainment is a small part of his asset composition, and Osville is the main asset of Li Feng.

Even if Sheng Tang entertainment is blocked, it is closed, and it is only caused "a little bit" loss to Li Feng, which is completely within the acceptable range of Li Feng.

If Li Feng knows that Meng Chao is the idea, it will be ignorant, rely on, a little loss of the yarn? Do tens of billions are a little loss? The money of the emotions is that the big wind is blowing. If the loss is, it is not distressed.

The peak eyebrow is picking, cold channel: "You look down on me?"

Li Feng is heading: "Yes, I will look down on you."

Everyone: "..."

No one dares to look at the peak in the entertainment industry, dare to look down on his peak, Li Feng is the first!

The two are the rhythm of do not die!

Lin Yang first, then couldn't help but happily.

If Li Feng is just a risk of company bankruptcy, then Li Feng has provoked the disaster of killing, but the peak is not blinking!

The peak pupil is shrunk, then smiled: "Do you know, the arrogant people are generally not good, here I advise you, after the next night, I will hit the ghost."


Meng Chao and others also took a breath!

What does the peak do this mean, threaten Li Feng's personal safety? The cattle is forced, it is worthy of the entertainment circle, domineering side leakage!

"Oh?" Li Feng said a cold, taste: "Thank you for reminding, but my person grasped the body is still strong. If those ghosts are not afraid of the god, I will come to me, I promise to let them have Come back! "

"Well?" The peak is sinking, and the anger will still suppress the outbreak.

He has been keeping silent behind him, and he is going to fight Li Feng, and he is exhausted by his own boss.

Seeing the shape, the peak does not stop, Li Feng is too arrogant, don't give Li Feng point color, where is his face?

See the boss, these younger brother know what to do, the moment they first divide some people to surround the Li Feng group, block others' sight.

The remaining people then rushed into the envelop.


Yue Yuan suddenly shocked, and now I have to rush to save Li Feng, but I will pull it by Xu Man.

Meng Chao and others also changed the same face, but there was no one in Yue Yuan's Lishifeng.

Even Li Feng dares to fight this, if they say something consequence? Still don't give yourself a good trouble!

"Muandan, you ... you quickly report the police, Li will be killed by them."

Yue Yuan said with a cry.

It is caused by her, and if Li Feng has a three long two short, she will blame her life.

"You are relieved, Li Feng is not average person."

Xu Man said deeply.

Yue Yuan suddenly disappointed, listening to Meman, Li always seems to be played?

On the occasion of her, the voice of "" came from the surrounding circle. When she turned her, she saw that several people flew out from the surrounding circle.

"" "" "" ......

These people fell to the ground and sent a sound.

I haven't waited for the audience to exclaiming, and it is a series of sultry. Those who took Li Feng one of the younger brother who took one, revealing Li Feng, who is proud!

Yue Yuan: "???"

Meng Chao and others: "???"

Lin Yang, Chen Xing: "???"

No ... The peak has brought nearly 20 people to this, but in 30 seconds, Li Feng flew all the twenty hands. Some of this skillful is too much!

At this moment, Lin Yang did not taste, you said that Li Pekuo is very handsome, and it is also super money. He thought this is all the advantages of Li Feng? As a result, Li Feng is still playing!

Li Feng is so ready! Also let other men live? !

Even the face of the peak is revealed: "Are you also a martial arts?"

There are several people in these men, which is a martial arts, which is the B-class power, can take them in a broken sack, and it is not average the average person.

"Scared?" Li Feng hooked a scratching smile: "apologize, pay, I can see you in the face of Xiao Xia, otherwise ... death!"

When I heard "apologize, I lost my gift", the peak face revealed anger, but when he heard the three words of "Miss Xiao", his face was suddenly disappeared, and it was a horrible to keep up. Miss our house? "

In addition to the Manchester, others are a face.

Miss, what Miss? Is the peak of a big family agent?

Just like Xu Man, Lin Yang only knows that Xingfeng Entertainment is the industry of the wind and rain, but I don't know who is the landlord of the wind and rain, so he also heard a face.

Li Feng hit a haha, this said: "He is aware, the relationship between us is still very unaware."

The peak face is changed, and finally, I said: "I don't believe it."

The landlord is hidden, even if there are several people in the wind and rain, how can Li Feng, how can Li Feng may know the landlord?

"Do not believe? Yes, I will call her now, let her say to you!"

Li Feng smiled and took out the phone to dialed Xiao Ling's phone.

"Hey, which is."

The phone came from Xiao Ling, a lazy voice.

Li Feng's mouth is smoked, the forehead has three black lines: "I said ... I can change my name, don't use only?"

"Oh, that changed the head or strip?" Xiao Ling asked.

Li Feng: "..."

He is as understood, Xiao Ling, this chick is sincere and bad.

Waiting for the young master, waiting for the young master to take you, see how you make up you!

"This is, I have a point in conflict with your hand under the peak of your hand ..."

When Li Feng, Li Feng will tell the matter over again.

After listening to Li Feng's story, Xiao Lingqi resumed the majesty of the landlord: "This waste, even if you can't press it, I want him to use ?!"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... You said that the peak will say peaks, put the little master is a few meanings, and the emotions are so easy to suppress your heart?

"You give the phone to the peak."

After a long time, Xiao Ling said deeply.

Li Feng "Well", handed over the peak.

The peak took the mobile phone, respectfully said: "Miss, I am a peak ... Yes, this is what I think about not week, please punish it ... well, I will let Lin Yang apologize to Mr. Li!"

Hearing here, Lin Yang's face suddenly became a pig liver color!

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