Save the Goddess System

Chapter 511 does not implement it is dead!

After the peak is hanging up, there is a short silence between the scenes.

Previously, Meng Chao and others were guessing. The peak is a spokesperson of a big family. After seeing the peak, after the lady is so respectful, it is almost sitting in the guess.

Even the ease of entertainment is just a spokesperson, what is the strength to have? Cognition Li Feng, Miss this big family, and what extent?

For a time, Meng Chao and others have regretted that he did not help Li Feng to speak.

It's just that they regret it late. Now the situation is completely controlled by Li Feng. They say what it is just a browning, which is too much than the effect of charging charcoal in the snow.

"Have you heard it?"

The peak turned to Lin Yang, spit out of a turbidity and said, and a little ugly.

"I heard the boss, just ..." Lin Yang wants to ask who Xia Ji is who is, but it will swallow in the mouth.

In fact, he has already had a probably guess. Miss Xiao Shi should be the high level of the wind and rain, otherwise the peak is impossible to respect her.

It's just that he is not willing, it is a member of the wind and rain, and Miss Xiao should talk for him. How can it be biased to an outsider, is this not an elbow?

The peak sighed and walked to Lin Yang. He said: "I know that you have grievances, I have, but Miss's order is unrestrained, you quickly apologize to Miss Yue Yuan, Miss Yue Yuan."


Lin Yang also wants to distinguish a few words, but he is directly interrupted by peak: "No, Miss's order must be executed, do not execute it is dead, do you want to die ?!"

Miss's temper is very well understood, Miss Let Lin Yang apologize, not afraid of Li Feng, but is dissatisfied with Lin Yang.

As a woman, Miss is the most annoying thing is that the man who does not respect the woman, Lin Yang's behavior has touched the bottom line of Miss, then, Miss will definitely punish Linyang in the company, it is possible to be blocked.

In other words, Lin Yang's entertainment circle is estimated to end this, and it is ridiculous that Lin Yang still wants to fight!

The peak itself is a super-level force, and it is high. This blink, the power is coming, and Lin Yang has hit it, this is not willing to say: "Ok, I apologize."

The voice is falling, Lin Yang is not willing to go to Yue Yuan. "Miss Yue Yuan, I am sorry, just I am too impulsive, please forgive me."

Yue Yuan suddenly said that he said: "No ... It doesn't matter."

She is just an ordinary staff. At the scene, she has been exhausted by the cold words of the star big wrist. I have been habits. Suddenly there is a first-line star to apologize to myself, she really is really fearless.

Lin Yang scorn the heart, but the surface but Yu Yu is squeezing out a grateful smile.

Then, he walked to Li Peak, he lowered: "Li, I am sorry, I am not good, I will seriously reflect on my own behavior, I will never commit it, please forgive."

Li Feng stared at Lin Yang to see the meeting, and finally laughed: "This is a good thing?" I can't see it. "

Lin Yang faces micro-changes: "Li, I have apologized to Miss Yue Yuan in accordance with your requirements."

"But I think your sincerity is not enough." Li Feng shook his head and said slowly: "You also need to make a deep review to the public on Weibo."

Lin Yang first stunned, then said the face is ugly: "Li, you, this is to force me on the road!"

What is the most important thing in the red star? Public image!

If he makes a deep review of today's things, his public image is to be destroyed!

"No, you are wrong, if this thing is burst of yourself and saved the opportunity, if you burst out ... You can really turn over."

Li Feng said with a mobile phone and said.

Lin Yang faces the number, and finally turned to the peak with praying.

The peak is cold, and there is no expression: "Miss said, let you listen to Li's general."

This sentence is like a stick, so that Lin Yang's face is very miserable.

At this time, Chen Xing went to Lin Yang, and the ear said: "Lin is less, we can only do it in accordance with Li Feng, but we can write a blurry, so that it is too destroyed, but also Can be speculated in the heat. "

Lin Yang's eyes are bright: "Yes, just do it!"

The voice falls, Lin Yang took the mobile phone and edited a message to release it.

After finishing these, Lin Yang said: "Li, I have made a review on Weibo, you can go to my Weibo to see."

Li Pekui picks up and takes out the mobile phone.

"I have a contradiction between the film and a female staff today. Although I have apologized to her, I have already lifted, but I still have to review you here."

"As a public figure, I should learn to control my temper, I have grown up, not a child, this is mature."

At the bottom of the copy, I also attached a handsome selfie of Lin Yang.

Just released a minute, the number of pictures of this microblog exceeded one thousand, and the forwarding has passed by one hundred, and the quantity is still in the increase in speed.

There is already a fantastic message.

"Wow, it is a Lin Yang Ou Bar, dare to be dare!"

"Lin Yang is good, always like you forever ~"

"I didn't see, this is the European, which is like Lin Yang, is really too rare, I will continue to like you, I will continue to like you.!"

"Is this your review?" Li Feng faced his mobile phone, and asked Lin Yang.

Others have also seen Lin Yang's "Review", and the face is equally weird.

Not ... Is this a review? Why is it suspicion of a kind of invitation?

"Yes, it is a review." Lin Yang said nodded, then said: "I have done in accordance with Li's meaning, Li Chong should be satisfied?"

He is now very proud, not only satisfying the requirements of Li Feng, no damage to his image, it is too smart.

Li Fengbei picks up, and now you have to talk about it.

At this time, the system's prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, congratulate the host, hug in the task, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 5000 experience value, 300,000 system points reward."

"The task is turned off?" Li Feng was a bit surprised, it seems that the system is very relaxed in the "Review".

However, the system has put Lin Yang, does not mean that he is going to let Lin Yang, he must let the public recognize the true face of Lin Yang!

Thinking of this, Li Feng is no longer nonsense, directly boarding the official microblog of Osweil, and passing the video taken before.

In order to let more people see this video, Li Feng also landed in Beethoven's Weibo account and forwarded this Weibo.

At this moment, Beethoven's Weibo fans have been close to 20 million. This forward is immediately discovered by the majority of netizens.

With the increase in forwarding, more and more people saw this video, and a wave of dramatically Lin Yang was set off on the Internet.

Lin Yang, who is being secretly, soon, I saw a large group of netizens came to his Weibo to insult to him. When he figured out the reason, a happy face suddenly became black than the bottom of the pot!

After it, this image is completely destroyed!

At the same time, a mobile phone ringtone rang, Li Feng took together and found that Xiao Ling is called.

When Li Feng, Li Feng hooks, secretly said: "Xiao Lingchen called, shouldn't you ask me to ask me?"

Think so, Li Feng took the phone and smiled: "Hey, which one?"

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