Save the Goddess System

Chapter 512 changed to a woman?

Tianfu, southern suburbs, a single-family villa.

In the living room, Xiao Lingpi legs in a relaxed home service are sitting on a luxurious sofa.

At this moment, Xiao Lingqi did not bring a human skin mask, showing the original beauty, and the lazy expression has added a few charm.

Although home clothes are relaxed, it is also difficult to hide her good figure.

If there is a man here, it will be fascinated by her, and the world will sink.

After listening to Li Feng, Xiao Ling stood up from the sofa: "Who is you calling? Who is me? Who is you? Which you are you!"

I almost smiled at the side of the apple.

No ... How did the lady have a hangar with Li Feng, and I am happy. This is!

"Okay, don't explain, today's hatred me remember!"

Xiao Ling is re-sitting on the sofa, and he said.

In the film, Li Feng's mouth is smoked, the forehead emerged: "I said Xiao Da, you said that you are not explained? Is you told me first, I just called you once, you will remember Live me, what truth! "

"Hey, what is the truth? What do you say!" Xiao Ling said, the sofa, and the anger said: "What is the truth from Lin Yang's video to Weibo, Iron my heart should be pair with me is it?"

Li Feng first was a silence, then smiled: "You have seen it? I certainly don't work with you, I am revenge for your female compatriots."

"Lin Yang tramples in the dignity of Miss Yue Yuan, do you not be angry with women?"

Xiao Ling is hysterested and caught in silence.

After half, Xiao Ling smiled and said: "No matter what, Lin Yang is my person, even if he wants to punish him, it should be a letter!"

"But he is bullied is my people, I have a right to have a right." Li Feng said unsuccessful.

Xiao Ling is a bit silent, then sprinkle with a smile: "Your mouth is still so powerful, line, even if you are reasonable, anyway, I am going to blocked it, so that I will save me a trouble."

Li Feng smiled: "So you should thank me ..."

Xiao Ling's eyebrows, it is necessary to worry, Li Feng is a turn: "Of course, I have to thank you, if you give face, Lin Yang will not apologize so easily."

This sentence is like a pot of warm water, and the anger of Xiao Ling just raised: "You still have a little conscience, in this case, then you will come to eat this at noon today."

Li Feng: "???"

No ... What does Xiao Lingha mean, deliberately seduce?

Not right, Xiao Ling is always wearing a human skin in front of the young master. She should know that this pair can't hit the young master.

"Why, you don't want?" Xiao Lingyu is inverted, not Yue.

"Willing, why don't you want, but I am in the Tianfu, it is hard to do anything in the sky?" Li Feng asked.

"I really let you be right, this lady is in Tianfu." Xiao Ling smiled and said: "At 12 o'clock noon, the first floor of Vientiane City, we don't see it."

When she finished, she hangs up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone came from the phone, Li Feng couldn't help but shake his head.

Li Feng did not notice that when he was talking to Xiao Ling, the peak eyes flashed in the peak!

"Boss, Li Feng put the video to Weibo, now the world knows that I am spontaneous coffee, my image is full!"

At this time, Lin Yang woke up from the shock and cried in the peak.


The peak is on the Linyang face, roaring: "What is it called, is you, I don't know how to converge, blame?! Chen Xing, bring this shameful thing back to the company, suspend his work!"

Lin Yang faces when the color is full!

Pause everything? Isn't that blocked him!

The most important thing in the star artist is the exposure, once there is no exposure, the star of the fire is also cool!

Just because I splashled a small person, a cup of coffee was killed? The popularity of him is hard to accumulate is to be completely cool?

How could this be!

At this moment, Lin Yang's heart is very regret!

Meng Chao and others instantly change his face, suspend all work in Lin Yang, then this movie still doesn't shoot?

Perhaps it seems to see the concerns of Meng Chao and others. Li Feng directly stands out: "Since the highest will suspend Lin Yang every work, then this play will be suspended first, wait for the new male and then restart."

"As for the specific default responsibility, the two companies are slowly discussing, how is the high intention?"

The peak eyebrows are picking, silent nod.

Meng Chao and others Zhang Zhang Zhangzhao and the color of speechless.

In the case of a half-shot, investing 200 million films said that the male is changed to the man, and it will not do this. Can Li Feng is so powerful, can only say that Li Feng has money.

Li Feng is too lazy to say more, go to Xu Man, whispered a few words, and pulled Xu Man left the film.

Host: Li Feng

Level: S +

Experience: 4050050000

System Points: 4590000

Conquer point: 399

Skills: "Real Energy", "Fairy Steps", "Scorpio Thirty-six", "Rage", "Exploration Hand" ...

Waiting to completed the task: Eight-party wind and rain for me

"There is another 9500 experience value can rise to SS-, it is really looking forward to it."

Li Feng looked at the personal property, he was secretly whispering.

The extraordinary, it is to be sanctified, and the horror of the sacred strongman has long been taught. For example, Jiang Yunzhu, Jiang Haoyu, is a strong in the Sheng Sheng.

For example, the Shadow Power Bridge is the Justion, when Li Feng was smashed by the SS-level bridge, if it was not a purple dragon, he was afraid that he was already mourning the sea.

If he breaks through the SS-level, how can he be placed by the bridge? So it is the most important thing, especially if you have to eat with Xiao Ling, I don't know what to make Xiao Ling.

"If you see Xiao Ling, the system will release an experience value of 1000, it will take Xiao Ling, and then ... Hey."

Li Feng fantasy took the scene after Xiao Ling, can't help but laughed.

On the side, Xu Man can't help Li Feng at a glance: "What are you laughing, I laugh, my chicken skin is up."

She feels that Li Feng must think about something bad!

"Cough, there is nothing." Li Feng stopped, and took a gift box from his arms and smiled: "I have prepared a gift for you before, I feel very suitable for you."

"What?" Xu Man curiously took a gift box and asked.

"Oh ... get on the bus and open it."

The voice is falling, Li Feng is pulling Xu Man to go to BMW X6, get on the bus.

After sitting on the co-driver, Xu Man opened the gift box and found a picture inside ...

"Human skin mask?" Xuoman displays the color.

Li Feng smiled: "Well, there is it, let's go out, you don't have to wear ink, the mask is so troublesome."

Xu Man also thought of this, in the heart of the heart, wearing a human skin mask with the help of Li Feng.

This piercier mask is Li Feng spends 100 system malls. The quality is purchased. The quality is very good. It will not be uncomfortable.

However, Xu Man didn't care, as long as Li Feng is with Li Feng with free comfort.

After half an hour, the two came to the first floor of Vientiane City in the city center, and I saw Xiao Ling, who was equipped with a human skin.

"I rub? Your spending radish is a woman with a woman ?!"

After Li Feng followed Mandan, Xiao Lingzhen was exclaimed directly!

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