Save the Goddess System

Chapter 513, New World

Xiao Ling's exclamation caused attention to the attention of the passers-by, and suddenly there were many desirable eyes to see Li Feng.

"It is very handsome, but it is a big radish."

"See it, the man who is handsome is reliable, and I don't think I am not handsome, at least I have to live."

"Can you really want to do it? Envy and hate!"

"My sister, I really want to go to the H country, put myself into small meat, then change my girlfriend every day!"

The neighboring melon is pointing at Li Feng, or is embarrassed or envious.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, I can't wait to walk in the past to explode Xiao Ling.

Don't say that Xiaoye didn't change his partner, even if you change his partner, you have a yarn relationship with you. Do you think so?

Xu Yan sighed, she had a kind of hunch, and Li Feng and Xiao Lingzi were likely to fight.

"I said ... Can you not be so shocked!"

Li Feng pulled Xu Mang to Xiao Ling, and said dissatisfaction.

"I have to say anything wrong?" Xiao Lingyu is white and Li Feng, saying with very despised tone: "The first time you meet your partner is Xu Man, the second time you meet your partner, it will become a mixed-blood beauty, The third meeting has changed again. "

"I said Li Feng, you are too worrying? And your eyes are getting more and more uncomfortable."

Due to Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling, got up and down, Xu Man for a while, but the more you got, the more you don't think it is.

This strange woman gives her a very familiar feeling ...

"Mixed-blooded beauty ..." Xuoman's weird looks to Li Feng, asked: "Is Xue Qing you said?"

After Li Feng returned from HL, he did not only helped his women into A + level, but also told him about Xue Qing, so Xu Man also knew Xue Qing's existence.

Li Feng nodded, it is necessary to admit it, who knows Xiao Ling, said, "You ... are you Xu ...?"

Li Feng's face is slightly changed, and it will cover Xiao Ling's mouth in front of steps, but she is easily escaped.

Although I didn't cover the mouth of Xiao Ling, but I also stopped her from saying "Man".

On the one side, Gao Jie also looked at Xu Man, and the pair of expressions were surprised.

They are too familiar with this voice, that is, Xu Man also wear a human skin mask?

"Now you should know what you say something wrong?" Li Feng said.

Xiao Ling is a few times, and finally the laugh: "I think you want to experience your freshness, so I deliberately let her wear a poppetnel?"

Li Feng: "???"

What is the new feeling? Xiaoye is the kind of silver! What kind of thought feelings do this woman say this? !

But then said it back ... He seems to have opened a new world in Xiao Ling!

Imagine, in the future, if he wants to experience fresh feelings, let Xuoman wear a variety of human skin masks ...

Human, finished, I have to die, I can't contain it at the beginning of this thought!

Xu Man is also coming over, understanding, and suddenly make a big red face.

Even Gao Jie's face is very speechless, lady, Miss, you still have no Huanghua big marriage, you can talk to it!

"Okay, look at you didn't change your partner, I will take you once." Xiao Ling said waved, touched his stomach: "Hungry, first go to eat, take you after the one interesting place."

The voice is falling, Xiao Lingha has a long leg to the elevator.

Li Feng, Xu Man is looking at the eyes from the eyes of the opponent.

Miss Xiao Da has been more than 30 years old this year. How is it like a little girl?

Thinking of this, the two will look to Gao Jie, who knows that Gao Jie acts two hands, make a unpaid expression.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Okay, it seems that you also have this feel."


One hour later, Li Feng went out from a restaurant.

"You said that we want to take us to a fun place, where?"

When Li Feng asked this question, he had a tight, and he didn't say it.

Now I have finished eating, Xiao Ling is always auspicious?

"What is the urgency, don't you know?"

Xiao Ling has turned over white, twisting waist to go far away.

Looking at Xiao Ling, the enchanting back, Li Feng is hate tooth itching, this woman's mouth is too tight, and it is not open.

In this case, then he will see that there is a fun place in Xiao Lingku!

After ten minutes, Li Feng went to a shopping mall in a walk - Tianfu Shopping Mall.

This mall is a rich man built in Tianfu City. Many luxury brands are gathered in the mall, like LV, Gucci, Versace, Armani, Bulgari ... and more.

"What is the fun place to say?"

After entering the mall, Li Feng is in a face.

"I haven't arrived yet."

Xiao Lingyu smiled and led Li Feng three before it came to a cosmetic counter.

There are several long dragons in front of this counter, and the curved curvature looks very spectacular.

"Wow, many people are waiting in line here." Xu Man did not exclaimed.

Li Fengbei picks up, and it was scared by the crowd of the queue before the counter. After he saw the name of the counters, it was more in the whole person!

"This ... Is this Osweil's counter?" Xu Man pointed to the logo before the counter, facing the overcast.

I saw that the logo before the counter wrote four big words "Osweil".

"How is it, is it very fun."

Xiao Ling asked Xiao Ling.

Li Feng's face suddenly was gloomy: "It is really 'fun'."

Osweil is currently only two sales channels, one is, the second is the counter in the future mall.

Even if only two sales channels, moistening water, the red water is still in a state of supply.

In other words, Osville has never worked with this Tianfu shopping mall. The counter in front of this door is ... fake!

"I came here for half a month, I came here, I found this counter, there were a lot of people who lined up that day, I was too lazy to queue, I didn't have to ask."

"Do you want to ask now?"

Xiao Ling took the arm with the elbow and touched the shoulders of Li Feng, and smiled and smiled.

Li Fengbei picks up and smiled: "Nature is to ask."

Some people dare to hold Osweil's names and flickers outside. His authentic boss certainly want to ask.

At the moment, Li Feng squeezed the population to the counter.

Haven't waited for him to open, the shopping guide said: "What qualities you do, don't know the queue?"

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... Is it so big for counterfeiting?

"That is, I want to buy moisturizing water to go back!"

"How is your person built, what qualities!"

"Hurry and go back, don't cut you!"

Rear, the crowd of people who queued accused Li Feng.

Li Feng looked back at these people, then turned to ask: "Is your moistening water, is the red water?"

The shopping guide first, then mocked: "Of course, our boss is always a good buddy!"

Li Feng: "???"

Xu Man: "???"

Xiao Lingha: "???"

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