Save the Goddess System

Chapter 514 Constant

What is the god? Why don't I know that I have a good buddy in the Tianfu!

The shopping guide is so serious, let Li Feng have to doubt whether he has neuwment!

"You can't see it, you are still very embarrassed about your buddy."

At this time, Xiao Ling is squeezing to Li Peak and laughs.

Li Feng has turned over white: "You don't know more,"

"I said that you can't get queue behind it? It will block our normal business, be careful, let the security guards you." The guide is a disgusting point.

This shopping guide looks forty years old, the length of ordinary, wearing gold wearing silver, thick makeup, is extremely bad, this is a disgusting expression, but also gives people a very unfained feeling.

"Hey, this is stylish!" Xiao Lingyu's sleeves, we must go up to clean up this shopping guide.

Li Feng pulled her and played: "Let me don't believe you, will she lie on the ground?"

"What?" "Xiao Lingyu is a chappage, very unhappy.

"Then she depends on you." Li Feng said two hands, some helplessly said.

In the past, the two gangs did not look at each other. There were processes: you. Find all moms.

right now? People have lacking the most basic trust between people, the process has become: you are awkward - - - Try try - start - one side Let's go on the ground, a big wins!

There is a saying, winning, launching a hospital, now the price of fighting is too big!

There are fewer and fewer people in front, but more and more people who are lying on the ground are more and more ...

"Oh, so, I will be afraid of her?" Xiao Ling couldn't help but laugh.

I don't want to think about what she is, the wind and rain flop, there is countless killer under the hand, if this shopping guide is really dare to launch her, then she doesn't mind letting this shopping guide.

Li Feng guess Xiao Ling's intention, when you have a lot of mouth, smile: "You don't have to be afraid of her, but the best way to deal with this person is not violence, but ... let her fear, regret!"

Xiao Ling's eyebrows pick: "Oh? It seems that you have experienced this kind of thing."

Li Feng shrugged: "If you can't talk, you know how to deal with this person."

"Oh ... Well, you will shoot first, if you can't do it, I will fight her a little bit." Xiao Ling said that he retreated.

It will definitely have trouble, but Xiao Ling is running with people, then change the person skin mask, who can find her?

Middle-aged female shopping guide: "???"

Customer queue: "???"

Xu Man with Gao Jie: "???"

No ... When people are in the face, what is the truth of the emperor? Is it true? I don't want to say it!

"I understand, you are deliberate to find ? Security, security, come out of these two troubles, fast!"

The female guide has turned to the head and screams the security guard.

Her shouted, not only security heard, nearby customers have heard, and the people before this counter will gather more, and soon it will be surrounded.

"You are really right, I am coming to find things." Li Feng did not treat the security guards, turned and turned to the queue of the group: "As we all know, Osweil's products are only two channels, Jingbao The Osweil's flagship store with the Osville counters in the future mall of major cities. "

"Tianfu Shopping Mall is not any one in these two channels, then you say that this counter is true, the moistener sold here, is it true if it is true?"

Li Feng said impassioned, emotionally infected, he thought that he would cause these queuing customers to resonate, who know ... These customers are looking at him with a kind of eye.

"Hey, do you think we don't know?"

"People shopping guide said, the boss of this counter is always the iron buddy with Osweil, this counter is to open for his iron brothers!"

"We all call Osweiler's customer service, people who say that this counter is true, what do you want to question?"

"If you don't know these situations, we will come here to buy? We are not idiot!"

The female guide is holding the back shoulders, I have to be tender: "You have heard it, want to learn people to come here? Oh, you went wrong place! If you know, you will have you want to get it!"

Li Feng listened to the eyebrows, and something was a matter of his expectations. Osville's customer service also said that this is true. What is hidden in this? Why don't he do this?

On the side, Xiao Ling has touched the shoulders of Li Feng with his elbow, and laughed: "Hey, your way seems to be used, do you want your sister to help?"

I didn't wait for Li Feng to talk, the security guard in the mall squeezed.

"It's two troubles, I will catch them, send the public security bureau!"

The female shopping guide said that the slave model is like the direct leadership of the security guard.


Security is also like facing leadership, respecting the sound, and then letting Li Feng live.

Just just a doing action, I feel that there is a flower in front of my wrist, and I will pass the whole body, and I lost the fighting power.


Queue customers can't help but take a breath.

This buddy looks very strange, I didn't expect to move the hand, and people can't look at it!

"Hey! I just said the truth, you have to let me go to the Public Security Bureau, it is a good overbearing!"

Li Feng turned his head and looked at the female shopping guide.

The female shopping guide also came out, Li Feng is deliberate, and she secretly dialed the phone.

After the mobile phone shake, the female shopping guide said: "You ... Why is you, why is you chair here?"

Before you do, Li Feng used the female guide to use the heart: "I have no other words with you, give me a call, I will talk directly to your boss."

The voice falls, Li Feng directly took the mobile phone in the hands of the female shopping guide, said: "I am the market inspector of Osweil, I will now doubt that your counter sells fakes, please come and help investigate."

After that Li Feng does not wait for the other party, I will hang up the phone directly.

Opposite, female guidelines use a kind of eye to see Li Feng, saying: "Do you know who our boss is?"

Li Fengbei picks: "Who?"

"The boss of the Tianfu Mall! Even if the Market inspector of Osweil, it is not qualified to let our boss to assist in the investigation!" Female shopping guide.

This time, I even changed my face. The boss of the Tianfu Mall can be a million people, such a rich counter will sell fakes?

Li Feng's face has also gains, and things seem to be more and more interesting ...

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