Save the Goddess System

Chapter 515 Liar?

In addition to the crowd, Xu Man's face is proudly asked: "The high sister, the boss of the Tianfu Mall is very powerful?"

"OK, it is a Tianfu local one." Gao Jie shrugged and tone.

If other people here, they will be surprised to high-profile tone. The boss of the Tianfu Mall is called Feng Kun, and it is a hundred billion. It is a Tianfu underground world, and the hand is nearly a thousand, controlling the nearly half-entertainment place in Tianfu City.

For ordinary people, Feng Kun is a big person, once enacped to Feng Kun, which is likely to cause the disaster of killing.

"Ah, is it not very good?" Xuoman faces have some dignified.

"That is to see who is provoked him." Gao Jie's tone is still contemptuous.

Don't say that compared with the wind and rain buildings, I said that Hao Kun is a kind of ants that can be squeezed.

Tianfu City is the big camp of the wind and rain, Xiao Ling, in order not to attract the attention of the dragon soul, only the development of Feng Kun in Tianfu City.

In other words, Feng Kun is Xiao Ling, who is in the outside, attracting attention, if Feng Kun is unhappy, and the wind and rain can let the Tianfu get a day!

Xu Man got some nodded, and a heart also put back into the belly.

"No wonder you are also a high-top posture in front of security guards. The owner of this counter is the boss of Tianfu Mall ..."

Li Feng's eyes flashed, and then smiled and smiled: "Listen to your tone, you are not generally with your boss?"

"That is of course." The female guide is proud and smiled, but the nostril is facing the sky, but he didn't say that he was a relationship with the boss.

What is the meaning of this kind of thing? It is still that someone else is more than she is more than FEEL!

A security guard is very eye-catching, when you shouted: "She is the cousin of our boss!"

In an instant, female shopping guide only feels full of cool!

Customers around you watching all achieve great achievements.

Li Feng's eyes flash again: "It turns out ..."

Think about it, this counter is fake, selling moistening water, red water is also fake, shopping guide is really looking for people to do.

Otherwise I will recruit one from the society, and I will expose this. How do you make money?

So this female shopping guide is so arrogant ...

"Hey, now you know? When these customers are facing me, apologize, restore this counters' reputation, I can leave you, otherwise ... Hey!"

Women's guide Qina is now very proud.

In her opinion, since Li Feng already knows who the boss of this counter, you should know what to do, otherwise it will cause a disaster of killing!

"I managed to have a cousin." Li Feng turned a white eye and smiled: "You can use Osweil's signboard selling fakes, violating consumers' rights, and ruining the reputation of Osville, I have to want you Come on a painful price! "

Li Feng's hardships were unexpected, so that she had a moment of hardship, and she was going to break.

Just then, anger came from the outside: "Hey, who eats the bear heart leopard, dare to make a lot of things in Laozi, is there ?!"


The crowd scattered two sides, and made a road that accommodated three people. Then, a middle-aged man combed with a dark wind, and walked over in the crowd of the younger brother.

It is the Tianfu underground world big - Feng Kun!

Xiao Ling can't help but laugh, say Li Feng lost? This Feng Kun really doesn't know how to live ...

Don't look at Xiao Lingzi's surface, Li Feng, in fact, her is very jealous of Li Feng.

The first time I met Li Feng, Li Feng was still an early stage, and then after eating a meal, Li Feng became extraordinary.

In the second time, Li Feng became extraordinary, and the realm of using the secret technology is directly to the late late, even if it has a certain threat to her.

The ghost knows that there is no improvement in the realm of Li Feng in this time.

Li Feng's martial arts talent is the most enchanting in the people you have seen by Xiao Ling!

Plus Li Feng is also a member of the dragon soul, and it is a descendant of Wang Sun. These identity is a very strong deterrent. Even if Xiao Ling, it is necessary to treat it.

Feng Kun is just a big man in the sky, seeing people who don't have light, want to talk to Li Fengzhen? too young too simple!

"Table brother is him, he said that our counters are fake, but also to hit me, you will do it for me!"

When I said, Qi Na tears, it is simply a sorrowful and tears!

Feng Kun stared at Li Feng's up and down, frown: "You said that you are the market inspectors of Osweil, can have evidence?"

"There is a document, but I have a hurry, I didn't bring it." Li Feng shrugged, tone is very casual.

Everyone: "???"

No ... Your free tone is a few meanings, very suspicion of lying!

"Haha, didn't bring? I see you just not!" Feng Kun quickly laughed, angry: "I just gave Li Tong, he told me that Osweil did not have a market inspector!"

"Say, why do you want to pretend to be a market inspector of Osville, what is your favor?"

Feng Kun itself is also a martial arts, and it is a master of martial arts. This sound he uses the true gas, it is really a sound roof, oscillating, and a lively customer is shocked.

But immediately they were infected by Feng Kun's words, and they accused Li Feng: "Said that Feng He is always the iron buddy, you will not believe it, now?"

"I think you are going to blame Feng Feng!"

"You are still very embarrassed to say that Feng always liar, I see you is a liar!"

"Liar, don't affect us to buy things, hurry!"

Listening to these accuses, Li Feng's face is gradually gaining.

It is clear that he is safeguarding the rights of these people, but he is blamed by these people, it is really hot!

Li Feng didn't know that these customers who queued were really want to buy a bottle of moistening or red water.

Once the two products were found, they have been in a state of not seeking, until half a month ago, this counter starts, and two products are almost unlimited, and they are the original price!

At first, some people doubt the authenticity of this counter, but the Tianfu Shopping Mall is a big shopping mall. The reputation is guaranteed, and some people hit the customer service of Osvilly, got a sure response, doubtful!

For the dream, I want to buy a bottle of moistening water, the ordinary people of the red water, how can this be unable to let them be crazy!

Now Li Feng stops them not to buy, how can I not let them fire?

"a bunch of idiots."

At this moment, Xiao Ling couldn't help but laugh.

Although her voice is light, it is fried in the ear of everyone, lets the people who accuse Li Feng have closed their mouths.

Then, everyone will turn the muzzle to Xiao Ling. "Who do you say?"

"Rely, you are a guy with him, and it is definitely a liar!"

"Brothers and sisters, let's don't look for it, and drive them out!"

"Yes, drive them out!"

In the crowd, these customers must drive Li Feng and Xiao Ling.

At this moment, Xiao Lingzhen made a clear laugh: "You are clear, he is the Osweil's boss Li Feng, Feng Kunkou said that he is with Li Feng, but does not know Li Feng. Is this not a big joke? ? "

"And you would rather believe a liar, don't believe in Osweil's boss, not idiot ?!"

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