Save the Goddess System

Chapter 516 was shocked at the time!

A silence between the scenes!

After half, the audience sounded a laugh!

"Haha, I also said that he is Osweil's market inspector. Now he is Osweil's boss Li Feng, you are too random?"

"This change is too fast, let us have a little can't prevent it!"

"I said, you will not say that he is the Jade Emperor, if you come to Buddha?"

Obviously, the customer is not believed in Xiao Ling at all.

Feng Kun did not believe, Zi Na did not believe, if he is Osweil's boss Li Feng, they are the world's richest!

"Is it very laugh?" Li Feng swept coldly from the surrounding customer's face, and the cold voice said.

Li Feng's words are like the cold wind blowing out in Jiutou, so that everyone can't help but hit a chill, laughing instantly!

At this time, Li Feng continued: "You all pay attention to the official Weibo of Osweil?"

"What do you mean?" Feng Kun suddenly had a bad premonition, and the face suddenly changed.

"Nothing, I will release a message with Osweil's official Weibo." Li Feng smiled and took out the mobile phone to log in to Osweil's official Weibo.

After speeding up a few words, Li Feng said: "Okay, everyone can go to Osweil's official Weibo to see."

Feng Kun first took out the phone and got into the official Weibo of Osweil.

Qina is the second, and other customers have taken out their mobile phones.

In curious, Xiao Lingzhen also took out the mobile phone to enter the official Weibo of Osville and saw the microblog released by Li Feng.

"Today, our boss is shopping outside, discovering a large shopping city new Oswe-selling store, moistening water, red water, there is no limit! At that time, our boss was shocked!"

"After more thanks, our boss found that the boss of this store declared to the iron bodies of our boss! But our boss stood in front of this boss, but the boss did not recognize our boss! At the time we The boss doubizes whether he is illegal! "

"At this time, Xiaobian should remind you that Osweil is only two sales channels, one is the official flagship store of Osweili,, the second is the Osville counters in the future mall, the rest of any sales The channel has not been allowed by Osweil, so you must not be deceived! "

After reading this microblog, Xiao Lingqi couldn't help but suck it.

I am going, this is also too much, this boss, our boss, I will be worse, I'm going to go in. Can you understand this Weibo is really not easy!

Soon, there was a burst of surplus in the parcels.

"God, he ... he is really Osweil's boss?"

"People are unspeakable, people are not easy!"

"It's over, we misunderstood people, this is big!"

Li Feng can be a Weibo in the face of everyone, others don't know which shopping mall in this Weibo, but they know.

Moreover, Li Feng's identity can also be confirmed that people are Osweil's boss, or he can casually landing in Osweil's official Weibo?

After shocked, everyone pointed the spear to Qina.

"Qina, this liar, dare to sell fake, you still have money!"

"I used to help my friends in the past few days, I bought two bottles of red water, 40,000 yuan, I bought two bottles of fakes ?!"

"Return money! Return money! Return money!"

There are no shortage of visitors in these queues, so after discovering that this counter is fake, it immediately became exciting.

However, they only dare to Zi Na, but they did not dare to fight Feng Kun. After all, the money did not have a small, and the life did not have a big thing. He did not have to provoke Feng Kun.

In the face of the siege of everyone, Qina is not changed: "Who is liar, who is liar, the old lady is all true goods! Who is not convinced, picking up with the old lady one, anti-you, ! "

Zun Nan is the city, and the meritorious work, she has a feeling of a team of congress, and directly giving these requests for refunds.

Opposite, Feng Kun has a uktie to put down his mobile phone, watching Li Feng said: "Are you really Li Feng?"

"If the fake package is changed." Li Feng shrugged and played: "It's you, don't you say that you are a good buddy? Why don't you know me?"

"I ..." Feng Kun opened his mouth, and finally, he was helping: "Well, you caught the current calculation of me unlucky, I have been planted, you said, how do you want to solve it."

Just now, I still say that I sell Zi Na, I'm like a three pounds of heat, and I directly squatted on the spot!

Not ... Table brother, you are hit my face, have you considered my feelings!

Customers who were shocked by Zi Na also stunned!

In the trough, the legend of the Zhongwei Zhen Tianfu actually talk so much, did they not listen?

Even Li Feng has a moment of ignorance, he thought that Feng Kun had to continue to rely, and he did not think so happy.

Then, Li Feng said: "Immediately turn off this store, then compensate all customers who have purchased Osville products in accordance with fake one."

"Finally, let's calculate how much losses you have caused to the Osweil brand."

Li Feng said that there is a quiet place, then it is a happiness.

"Good! This is good!"

"Fake one lost three, support Lee!"

"Li Zheng Zhen is our Fuxing, we are here, thank you!"

I accused Li Feng is a liar, and the attitude directly 180 ° big turns, and Li Feng is a song!

This is the case, who is beneficial to himself, who is biased with him, before Li Feng is a person who blocks them to sweep the goods, naturally wants Li Feng, now Li Feng is helping them to discuss fair, recover the loss, and how?

Anyway, no matter what they say, there will be no meat on the body ...

Li Feng already expected these people to transform the position. When the surface smiles MMP, in fact, these people say nothing is not important. It is important that Feng Kun promised.

Of course, since he puts the words, Feng Kun is promised to agree, it will not promise, no choice!

Feng Kun's color change number, finally biting his teeth said: "Well, I promise, this, Qina, you first count the number of fake lost three, and then give it to the company's finance, let us unify it."

"But I have a request, that is, everyone should not expose here. In case it is exposed, the thing that is compensated can be said ..."

For Feng Kun's requirements, the customer is naturally a chest and promises, who will not go with money?

Then Feng Kun said: "Li, the monks, the loss of the monks gives the loss of Osville need detailed calculations, let's go slowly in my office, how?"

Li Feng's eyes flash, nodded: "Okay."

Feng Kun flashed a cold light, turned and turned to go to the elevator.

Li Feng rushed three women made a look and quickly followed the past.

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