Save the Goddess System

Chapter 537 Residents

No ... I have always arrived, I'm exclusive, and the face is more fast than the book. Xiao Lingfei ... cry?

Li Feng is now a face!

"Hey, hey ..."

Xiao Ling is crying is a pear flower, I see it.

The man has a common problem, that is, it is not to cry, especially if you see you can't cry.

After the beginning of the beginning, Li Feng is a bit unknown, Xiao Ling is crying, is he comfortable?

At the same time, Xiao Lingzhen looked at Li Feng at a glance through his finger, see Li Feng's top, Xiao Ling, couldn't help but got it: "Hey, want to play with this lady? You are too tender!"

Some people eat soft, hard, some people don't eat soft, since I can't play hard with Li Feng, then she will play soft, no matter what, she must ... also ...

"It seems that in addition to let Li Feng admit mistakes, I have no ability to do other people ..."

Xiao Ling is suddenly a little depressed.

However, Xiao Lingzhen didn't know that from the beginning of Li Feng, Xiao Lifei used her to read the heart, her thoughts were all in Li Feng!

Li Feng laughed in his heart, but it was helpless on his mouth: "Okay, you don't cry, I am wrong, I shouldn't save you, I should see you when you look at your injury and die, this is always ? "

Xiao Ling's crying voice really becomes smaller: "You ... you finally realize the mistake?"

Li Feng sighed: "Well, I realized the mistake, no matter what to say, I am a man. From the traditional concept, men are always more cheap than women."

Xiao Ling is secretly, but said on his mouth: "Hey, what is the use, there is no need to happen, and the time can't be reversed, I ... I have been innocent by you ..."

Speaking here, Xiao Lingqi also has the meaning of crying.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, I can't hate Xiao Ling.

Rely, is it a face? Xiaoye gave your steps, you still can't let the young master don't put it, how do you let Xiaoye suicide?

"Hey, I thought I apologize to this lady? Dream! This lady wants you ... let you ..."

Xiao Ling, I want to say a few words in my heart, but I have been can't come. On the contrary, before Li Feng, the handsome figure keeps in her mind.

"This is dead, what is this, is this, I like Li Feng in this latent? How can this possible!"

For a time, Xiao Ling is a little deer, and the firing of Li Feng in her mind will not go.

Opposite, Li Feng's face suddenly gotten, I went, the charm of Xiaoye can't resist it, even Xiao Lingqi has a good sense of Xiao La, or it is still a story with her!

"Well, since you hate me so, then I will commit suicide!"

Speaking of this, Li Feng wants to raise his hand to take his own Tianling cover.

He is gambling, gambling Xiaoming will not drink him in time!

As long as Xiao Ling is stopped, he can take the opportunity to further!

Of course, even if he gambled, he didn't matter. Anyway, he didn't use it in a quarter of the power. It took more pain in the top of the Tianling cover.

At the time of Li Feng, this palm is about to play on his own Tianling, Xiao Lingzhen suddenly shouted: "Don't!"


Li Feng's palm stopped 1 cm before the Tianling cover.

"Do n'thing?" Li Feng brows smiles, it looks very doubtful, and it is true that it has been happy.

After this trial, Li Feng can conclude that Xiao Lingzhen is really intentional, as long as he strives to work hard, why can't you hold a beauty?

"Oh, there is nothing." Xiao Lingzhen snorted, twisted his head, and hide his own guys.

"Hey, it is my woman, even the side face is so good." Li Feng looked at the side face of Xiao Ling, couldn't help but praise.

Xiao Ling couldn't help but clear: "I said ... your eyes are really problematic, just in the long way to connect, where is it, where is it?"

It is precisely because of this reason, Xiao Ling is more confident that Li Feng is confused, otherwise, with Li Feng's level, it should not give her evil.

"Who said it is not good, you are one of the most beautiful women ...". "

In order to show fairness, Li Feng finally added a "one", otherwise it will be known by other women. He is afraid that you have to wear the tufight board ~

"Well?" Xiao Lingqi finally opened his face, and immediately touched his face with his hand.

Under this touch, Xiao Lingzhen became the face, and then she went to the foot, but saw a pile of people next to a pile of messy clothes ...

"You put my skin mask ...?"

Xiao Ling is very ugly.

I have said before, I have seen that there are very few people who are really faceful. It is only a good one in the wind and rain, because Xiao Lingzi knows that red is the truth of the disaster.

If she is in the wind and rain building, I am afraid that it will cause the hand under the hand, and it is afraid that there is such a chaos today.

I have seen her true face again, and I have just bullied her Li Feng, which makes Xiao Lingmao's mood complicated.

"Well, I feel that your expression is a bit strange when I have been tuned, just in your face, then ... cough, you say that you are so beautiful, why still wear a human skin mask?"

Li Feng transferred the topic.

"Hey, you have to manage!" Xiao Lingzhen snorted, then picked up the clothes ready to wear, but immediately stopped and stopped to Li Feng.

"Why are you doing this." Li Feng always thinks that Xiao Ling's eyes are a bit weird, just like finding the big gray wolf of the prey ...

"Since I have no ability to kill you, then I will go back to interest."

While talking, Xiao Ling slowly walked to Li Feng.

Li Feng read the idea of ​​Xiao Ling, and the next consciousness was back.

Who knows that Xiao Ling is directly cold: "Do not retreat, don't hide, not let go of anti-resistance, of course ... You want to fight against it, do it."

The voice falls, Xiao Ling is going to Li Feng ...

On the second floor, the left left is within the third bedroom.

Since Li Feng goes out, Xu Man has been in the top eight, it is good.

As time passes, this tension is getting rich.

"No, I can't wait any longer."

Xu Man is determined to get up, get up to the door, and take a few times and open the bedroom door.



Xu Man saw the scene in the living room. When you are scared, you will be scared, quickly return the room to close the door.

After waiting for the door, she looked up his hand and scared the face!

"Li Feng, this guy, actually ... it turns out ... Flower's radish! But ... who is the woman, she is so beautiful ..."

Xu Man is dark and whispering ...

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