Save the Goddess System

Chapter 538 Enables pure newcomers

The system elves have a quick speed, almost in the instant of Li Feng dialect, and it will scree a required item.

"The primary biochemical machine compressed pill: this item is the future world, according to the future world science and technology."

"Note 1: The biochemical robot deformation after the primary biochemical machine compressed pill is released, and the IQ, language, facial expression of the 8-year-old child is very stiff."

"Note 2: Cannot be modified by the background program to be contracted into compressed pills when not in use."

"Note 3: The price is 10,000 system points."

"Intermediate biochemical machine compression pill: This item is the future world, according to future world science and technology."

"Note 1: The intermediate biochemical machine compressed pill is released, the biochemical robot deformation, has a 15-year-old teenager, language, facial expression, and limb movement slightly."

"Note 2: Can be contracted into compressed pills when the body, face, sound can be contained in the background program.

"Note 3: The price is 50000 system points."

"High-level biochemical machine compressed pill: This item is the future world, according to future world science and technology."

"Note 1: The biochemical robot deformed after the high-end biochemical machine compressed pill has a 23-year-old adult's IQ, language, facial expression, and limb movements and common people."

"Note 2: You can use the background program to modify the body, face, sound, and can shrink into compressed pills when not in use."

"Note 3: The price is 100,000 system points."

After reading these three items, Li Feng has a bold plan.

Although the mask is good, he will be divided by him, and it is impossible to appear with Beethoven, and the identity of Beethoven lost the opportunity to maximize its value.

If there is a biochemical machine compressed pill, this problem can be solved!

"Li, when do you see when we determine the male protagonist? Do not open a shot, venue fee, labor fees, props fees, and a variety of miscellaneous fees are a big summit."

Seeing Li Feng not talking, Meng Chao and a bit of a woman.

What is the most important thing to make a movie? Not a script, actor, nor the director later, but ... money!

If you have money, you can please go to a good director, an actor, and you can get a good script. If you have money, please ask to the top post-production.

Some people will say that small cost movie counterattacks are also, yes, can be learned from probability, and small cost movies will be much lower than large production movies.

This is like a person who has not read a book can also become a rich man, but most of the rich people are still in higher education.

So don't listen to what academic qualifications are not important. If you have no academic qualifications, you may not connect to the opportunity to show your ability.

"Where the square" is a large production movie, with a total investment of two billions, whether it is normal shooting, the money consumed every day is an astronomical figure for ordinary people.

"It can be fixed now." Li Feng quits the system and he said in the grip.

I heard this, Meng Chao and others have come to the spirit: "It seems that Li has also found a suitable candidate?"

"Which one is the king?"

"The king's superstars are not young, not suitable for the male owners who play" squares "? I think Li always wants to find a small fresh meat."

"I am afraid that the acting of fresh fresh meat is not too close. This is a big male standing."

For a time, the crew worker, you guess it.

Li Feng raised his hand and interrupted the guess of everyone. This said: "Both, this time I want to enable a pure new person."

"Pure new people ?!" Meng Chao and others have a color!


"Don't make it, Li, Li!"

"Don't do it, Li, this is too risky!"

"This movie investment is too big, and the words that are pure new people are too easy to lose money!"

Don't say Hollywood, Bollywood, order Huaxia, large movie, TV series, there are few pure new people, there are two.

First, pure new people's acting is an unknown, it is easy to express, that is, it is a feeling of playing.

Secondly, pure newcomers do not have a fan base, unlike a famous movie star to attract a large number of fans to the cinema to join.

Therefore, the big production movie is a big taboo. Few investors are willing to take such risks. Of course, that is to take a new person, the film is an exception.

In the face of the persuasion of Meng Chao and others, Li Feng shook his head: "You don't worry first, wait for you to know who I want to enable, you will definitely think so."

Meng Chao and others are first stunned, then I asked Qi Qi: "Who is it?"

Li Feng mysterious smile: "Secret."

Meng Chao and others: "..."

Not ... we are all the artist staff, use to keep confidential with us, can he still appear on the film after the movie starts?

However, Li Feng is an investor. He is not willing to say in advance, Meng Chao is not likely to open his mouth, can only compromise the bottom.

After sending away Meng Chao, Li Feng spent 100,000 system points to buy a high-end biochemical machine compressed pill, after taking out from the system backpack, a metal sphere of a table tennis appeared in Li Feng's palm.

When Li Feng is surprised, it is surprised: "So small things can be deformed into a biochemical robot of an adult? My God, is it so amazing?"

"But this technology is nothing more than the system developer's time and space shuttle ..."

According to the introduction, Li Feng can guess that system developers have mastered the ability of time and space, otherwise he travels to the future world?

After a feeling, Li Feng started this high-end biochemical machine compressed pill according to the instructions.

"Drip" "" " " "Kuchen Book" ......

As in the form of transforming, this high-end biochemical machine compressed pill is deformed from a sphere into a year with Li Feng in a short three seconds.

Li Feng reached out and founded that the skin of this robot, the flesh and blood was not different from the real people.

At this moment, the face of this biochemical robot is still very strange, Li Feng enters the background process, starting to pinch face, shaping, very fast, biochemical robots become Beethoven's appearance.

In the next time, Li Feng connects the biochemical robot to the Internet, let it learn from self-study, after an hour, the biochemical robot has mastered most of the world that needs to be used in this world.

"From today, you are Beethoven, you can go to the Internet to find all the information about Beethoven."

Li Feng ordered it to Beethoven.

"Yes, master." Beethoven is worthy of the high-end biochemical robot with the 23-year-old adult IQ, the tone is natural, the expression is also in place, in addition to knowing the truth, there is no one will go to him.

"Everything is ready, the next public announcement ..."

Thus thinking, Li Feng launched the Weibo account of Beethoven.

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