Save the Goddess System

Chapter 542 doesn't be optimistic?

The reason why Murong Snow appeared at an attitude, and she was in the end of the song or because of the song of "Meet", she too much to put it into her album.

Maybe ordinary people are difficult to understand this idea, isn't it a song? Don't sing again, is it so excited?

But Murong Snow is a person who will sing as a dream. When you encounter a good song, if you don't complete it, you will be unwilling!

See Murong Snow promised, Li Feng suddenly tone, he did not help Murong snow solved trouble, but Murong Snow did not let him help, he can only open it?

"Your dream ... Hey, what is trouble."

Li Feng is in mind, one is to feel like this, two is to adjust the atmosphere, let Murong Snow relax.

You must know that from coming in, Murong Snow face has not exposed a smile.


Murong Xue really was smiled and smiled. She also went to smile and said that her face was looked: "You guess is right, I was saved by my family to a stranger, according to the male family Require, I have to quit the entertainment circle, from this husband, no longer throwing the appearance. "

Li Feng secretly said "Sure enough", then the brow wrinkled: "The male family is very powerful, you can't resist?"

Murong Snow face nodded: "Yes, and our family has encountered a big trouble, you must get the help of the men to spend this difficult relationship, so ... I can only accept the arrangement of the home."

Li Feng sinks for a long time, and then said: "That is to say ... as long as I help you solve the current troubles, and shock the men's home, your trouble is also solved, right?"

Murong is nodded, then smiled: "This is like this, but you ..."

It is very complicated to see the mouth of Murong Snow, look at Li Feng.

Li Fengbei picks up, it is like laughing: "But I have no ability to help you solve the trouble, and I have no ability to shock the men's home, right?"

Murong Snow Map number number, finally nodded, as fine mosquitoes: "Yes."

Because she thinks, she is afraid to hurt Li Feng's self-esteem, so I didn't say it, I have never thought that Li Feng actually guess ... He is smart!

Where did Murong Snow know that Li Feng has a reading, and has been fully informed of her ideas.

"Take me with me the situation of your home and the situation of men."

Li Feng knocked on the table and said slowly.

"This ..." Murong Xue hesitated, and finally sighed: "Okay, have you heard of ancient Wu Shi?"

Li Fengbei picks: "I have heard that, why, do you have a legendary ancient Wu Shi?"

At the same time, Li Feng's brain sea flashed a few people's name, Murong's three brothers didn't follow Murong Snow? That is big!

"Yes, nor." Murong snow faces and smiles, slowly said: "Murong family is a medium-sized ancient Wu Shi, but our family is just a branch of the Murong family."

"Because my grandfather, my parents didn't have a martial arts talent, so we were very low in the entire Murong family."

Speaking of this, the bitterness of Murong Snow face is more rich.

Li Feng has a little bit of understanding: "In addition to your support, Murong family has a rinsear, a side?"

"Yes, my grandfather is a long, and it is also the highest in the realm of Murongjia's martial arts. Nowadays, it is already superior."

"My second grandfather is slightly poor. Nowadays, it is superior to a strong, as for my few uncle, the brother, the martial arts talent is not weak, but only our one ... Hey!"

Speaking of this, Murong Snow has been sighing, and if they have a madway genius, she will not be used as a bargaining code for the interests ...

Li Feng's eyes flash, Shen Sheng: "Because you have no military talent, Murong family has encountered a big trouble, so you have to marry another big family, and exchange for trouble. ,right?"

Murong Xue bites: "Yes, a brother has conflicted with people outside. As a result, the man is a major ancient ancient Wu family Qin family, and Qin family released the words to destroy our Murong."

"The child of another large ancient Wu Shijia Sun family has always pursued me, the grandfather will make me with Sun Zhihang in order to fight the Qin family."

"Li, our Murong Home, Sun Family Qin family is also a beast of people, you are not their opponents."

These things are pressed in Murong Xuexin for a long time. After these words, Murong Xue felt a lot, and she also hoped that Li Feng can be difficult and retreat, so excused by her, fell into the abyss.

"Are you not optimistic about me?" Li Feng smiled.

He looked at the wind and dared to kill, let alone Qin Jia, Sun Jia? As for the Murong family, it is even more unrestrained by Li Feng.

"It's not not optimistic, just this kind of thing is not money to solve."

Murong Snow thought that Li Feng's self-confidence came from his homes, this is only here.

"I haven't planned money to solve it. Maybe you don't know, I don't have money, I don't know how to make a speech, I am still a martial art, but also to the sacred strong."

Li Fengxun has blinked and confident.

Murong Snow: "???"

Not ... Li Feng is a holy strongman? Twenty-year-old entrance

Although Murong Snow itself is not a martial arts, she is born in a large ancient Wu Shi, which has a clear understanding of the realm of the military, and also knows the country of martial arts corresponding to each age.

Don't say that they have no 20-year-old power, even if the large ancient Wu Shi is even in the ancient Wu Shi, there is no!

"Li, you should not help me, so I deliberately say it."

In any case, Murong Xue is not believed. Her grandfather is 61 this year, and they have not stepped into the sacredness. How can Li Feng be so young?

"I am not so stupid." Li Feng shook his head smiled and then released its own breath.


Murongxue only felt that a smashing is suddenly coming, although this breath has been retracted by Li Feng, but it is still very cut by her.

This breath is much stronger than the breath of her grandfather!

"My God ... You really enter the Shengda strong ?!"

Murong Snow finally believed Li Feng's statement.

"If the fake package is changed." Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "Now you should believe I have the ability to help you?"

Murong Snow first nodded, and then shook his head and said: "Still can't, Qin Jia, Sun's family is not allowed to enter the border, you are not their opponent."

Li Feng: "???"

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