Save the Goddess System

Chapter 543 push into the fire pit

No ... Murong Snow this chick is deliberately arrogant?

Qin family is also a good Sun family, it is really a lot of strong strong people, even if you are a double-fashionable, you can't break all over?

Besides, there is also someone behind the young master. If you can't ask the leader to help, anyway, he helped the faucet once!

"Lee, you ... don't you have me?"

See Li Feng's discoloration, Murong Snow asked cautiously.

"Frankly ... it is a little bit, but it is just that little."

Li Feng will stand together with the forefinger with the forefinger and say.


Murong Snow was teased by Li Feng and smiled and smiled. This laughed after Xiaotian. One time, the six palace powder was not color ...

"It is a singer."

Li Feng has a little bit of a moment, but soon he went to God, and he said: "In short ... What you said is not a problem in my opinion, you are what I have to leave, you Busy ... I help! "

Murong Snow, a shock, and the heart is moving.

In her opinion, she is not big to Li Feng, although she is one of the two major platforms of Shengtang Entertainment, the ability of Meroman's sucking gold is above her.

What's more, Li Feng's most important thing to make money is still Tong Yan, a bottle of childhood water, a year of work income ...

And help her still a very dangerous thing!

Even so, Li Feng still has no hesitation to help her. Is Li Feng really like Mr. Beethoven? Is it her true life?

"Thank you ... Lee, since then, I ... I must ..."

Murong Snow I would like to say that she will make contributions to Sheng Tang Entertainment, and even the meat is a lot of people, death is the GUI of the Tang Dynasty.

It's just that I can't say it, she never said that others have never taken someone. This kind of meat is really hard to say.

Seeing, Li Feng couldn't help but, hope: "You don't have to say, I know. And I will help you just to protect the short, you are my person, I don't help you?"

Murong Xue is a red face, and the mouth is closed.

The next time, the two discussed the "combat plan", and then he had a grand task and ready to find a place to eat.

One of the big boss and the platform, naturally caused the attention of internal employees. At the moment, there are people who have gathered together in the group.

"Before listening to people, Li Tong acquired Tang Tang Entertainment is for Murong Snow, now it seems that it seems non-emperor."

"Lian Murong Snow This kind of big star is listening to Li, and there is enough money to do it."

"Isn't acid? Li Tong's young gold, tall and handsome, with Murong Xue is a pair of natural land."

"Don't say it, I originally Murong Xue is a Tazhu. Now I have climbed Li, this high branch, let's double your care for her."

Li Feng did not hear the whisper of these people. Of course, even if he heard it, he did not think about it.

What is the real power? What is the need to say anything, really want him to take a palm?

After lunch, Li Feng allowed the driver to send him to the airport with Murong Snow. After walking the VIP channel, he went straight to the sky.

Tianhai City, located in the south of Huaxia, superior geographical location, developed economic level, is a more promising city in the second-line city of Huaxia, and the Murong family takes root in Tianhai City.

In order not to cause trouble, Murong Xue put his own parcel, wearing a top duck in his head, wearing sunglasses, masks, and wrapped a beige coat outside.

Unless there is a perspective eye like Li Feng, don't someone will recognize her.

After more than two hours of sailing, the aircraft stable in Tianhai International Airport, and the plane took the VIP channel, and Li Feng hit a taxi with Murong Snow to the city.

According to the "combat plan" agreed by the two, Li Feng wants to pretend to be a boyfriend of the snow, first with her home to see the parents, grandparents, then go to Murong Old House, Grandpa with Murong Snow.

Then there will be that the soldiers will be shocked by the water, and Li Feng will see you.

All the way galloped, the taxi came to the front of the townhouse.

Although the price of the sea is not going to Beijing, the pearl is so exaggerated, but it also has a flat 40,000. It can buy a townhouse in the bustling area of ​​the city. It can be seen that Murong Snow Home has money.

"My family lives on the 6th villa."

During the speech, Murongxue has to take Li Feng to the 6th villa.

At this time, I walked out of a fashionable woman from the 5th villa. The woman swept away Li Feng. After Murong Snow, he would continue to go forward, suddenly she stopped, turning his head staring at Murong Snow.

Murong Snow has not seen each other, reaching out, Li Feng, will go quickly.

Although the two is about to pretend to be a couple, but the first time I hold hands, I suddenly, Li Feng has a bit of a bit.

"Hey ... Are you a small snow? I said how it is so eye!"

Just when Murong Snow came to the door of a villa 6, the fashion woman suddenly opened.

Murong Xue sighed, stopped his body and turned to laugh: "Liu Ye sister is good, Liu Ye is beautiful, Xiao Xue actually didn't recognize it."

The fashion woman's Liu Ye is smile, then went to Murong Snow, say: "Xiaoxue this head mouth is sweet, how do you suddenly go home, and bring a man to go home, let his sister guess ... he is Sun Where is the home? "

I heard this words, Murong snow face color.

"Don't be right, I listen to your brother, and Sun's family is 35 this year. This looks twenty out ..."

Liu Ye has a self-speech for a while, and then the noodle drama is changed: "Small snow, can you not find a boyfriend outside?"

Murong Snow's face is more difficult to look.

Li Fengbei picks up, small asks: "Snow, who is she?"

See Mu Yuexue, keeping silence, Liu Ye is exciting: "Small snow, should I really guess? My God, Xiaoxue, how can you do this?"

"Liu Ye, this is my private affairs, I have nothing to do with you." Murong Xue finally opened: "I have to take Li Feng to see my grandfather, just don't talk."

After that, she will pull Li Feng home.

"Murong Xue, do you know what consequences you have? You are pushing Murongjia to the fire pit!"

"Small snow, listen to me, you quickly took this man, then married Sun's family, otherwise, we must die!"

Liu Ye went to pull Murong Xue and his heart.

"Sorry, I don't want to marry a stranger, I don't want to give up my beloved career."

After that, Murong Xue was gently pushed away from Liu Ye and then pulled Li Feng into the No. 6 villa.

Looking at Murong Snow's back, Liu Ye is changing several times, and finally biting his teeth said: "No, I can't let this dead girl destroy the Mu Yushan!"

After the language, Liu Ye took the phone and dialed a call.

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